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There's a whisper of a rumor, among certain in-the-know bums in Seattle, that in the old Underground lives a monster - a huge, snarling, misshapen man-dog of a thing. They say that if you leave fresh food for it, you can travel through the oldest parts of the city unmolested. Some even say it comes up from the underground during the full moon, to winnow the wicked from the greater downtown area!

The Garou of Seattle have a different story. They say a pathetic, starving metis lives down there, who can barely get enough food for himself. The Bone Gnawers he associates with call him Ghandi. Everyone else just stays away. Some whisper that he resembles more of a hyena than a wolf, and that he's tainted by the Wyrm.


Age: 22 Hair: Black-and-grey-and-brown

Metis Deformity: Emaciated. Either through some spiritual curse or a malformed metabolism, Underdog can only gain the barest sustenance from his food. As a result, he looks skeletal and odd, and is prone to uncontrolled fits of shaking. He adds one to the difficulty of Intimidate tests against other Garou, and adds one to the difficulty of Stamina rolls.

Physical Description: In his native Crinos, Underdog hunches over, his long arms nearly dragging on the ground. His features are closer to hyena than wolf, with large round ears and a short snout. He is thin to the point of skeletal, and his hands and feet seem oddly out of proportion as a result. In "wolf" form, he resembles a large, starving, African Painted Dog, with a mottled, stained, and dirty coat. As a human, he's about 6'3", possibly 130 pounds, with shaggy black hair and a decidedly Irish look.

History: Abandoned in the Seattle Underground as an infant, Underdog was raised by Petey and his gang in the Murkwood Caern. During his childhood, he developed a strong bond with Pipeline, the sept's other Metis. As he grew older, his relationship with Mary Bone-Snapper, who perhaps knew more of his parents' fate than he did, devolved into outright antagonism. Just after his First Change, an overenthusiastic scolding from Mary triggered a Frenzy in Underdog, and a vicious fight ensued. Rather than face the shame of what he'd done, and to spare Petey the hassle of standing up for him, he left. He hopped on the Moonbridge, hoping for the best, expecting the worst.


An interview with Underdog:

Who were your parents?

My mother died when I was born - Petey told me that much. I think he knows more, but nobody talks about my parents. That bitch Mary seems to hold something against me, though, and I'm quick enough to get that it's probably about my parents.

I'm not angry at dad, whoever he was, for leaving me there in the dark, but one the face of it it's a pretty shitty thing to do. I just hope he doesn't come back some day to "lay claim" to me or nothin.

Who were/are your friends?

Me an' Pipeline got along pretty well, I'd say. You know, us both bein ugly an all. He didn't really like to go out into the Underground much, so sometimes I brought him back stuff like food or neat things. I could always rough him up, but shit, he is a smart one! There was this one time I busted his laptop, those things are small and easy to break, and he had to hotwire this office's security from the sewer so i could bust in and get him another one! And next thing you know, I had a laptop, I was on my way out, and I see this fat boss-dude trying to have his way with the secretary or something. Well, I wasn't gonna do him right there, cause then the secretary would get the shit for it, so I dragged him downstairs, and gave Pipeline a fat exec AND a laptop! He was like, "now what in the hell am I gonna do with some fat asshole?", and I'm like "I dunno man, you're the expert on fat assholes!" But anyways, he came up with this brilliant plan - there'd been this vamp bugging us, skulkin around and shit, not one of the ugly ones, I kinda like them, but this well-dressed Italian-looking one. He'd been hanging around doing wierd stuff, and some of the spirits around the caern were getting pissed. So Pipeline, he drags that scared-half-to-death businessman out into Under-Occidental, cause this dude always used to come out from the Fenix. And sure enough, he comes out, he sees this poor bloke, and he's like thinking it's his lucky day and shit, and moves to have a snack. Then I ripped him in half and we laughed all the way back to the caern.

Dio, too. I mean, everyone knows he's cool and quick and shit, but here's something maybe you didn't know: He taught me to drive! There I was, eight feet tall, crammed into like a '52 Power Wagon with the column shifter, trying to learn how to clutch on First Avenue Underground! And it's not like he was of drivin' age either! We had to jury-rig a brake pedal after I tried to stop too hard. still don't understand why Petey thought it was important for me to drive, but there it is.

What's your favorite hobby?

I don't have much time to just relax, but when I get the chance, a good game of cards is nice. Also, have you heard of the Internet? They got these sites on there where people just yell at each other all day, spitting insults just for the hell of it - fuck, that's fun! There's also a TV show I'm watching these days, and no, I won't tell you what it is! It's embarrassing!

Pipeline had an Xbox, and that wasn't too bad either, but I get all jittery sometimes, and next thing I know I've just shot some 14-year old snot on my Halo team and he's all saying I'm a nooblet and shit.

What's your number-one pet peeve?

Ever since I was a twisted, ugly baby, people been pickin' on me. Now that I'm big and mean, some know better than to pick on me. But it still gets my hackles up to see someone gettin' picked on, if it's a bum in the Underground, a kid on the streets, or a wolf or whatever. That bitch Mary, she was always up in my shit like she was better'n me, and I couldn't take it. I couldn't make her shut up, either - she whupped me hard a few times. Anyways, the way I see it, if someone's fucking with someone else cause the one is bigger or meaner or whatever, then I'm gonna make it my business, for however much I'm worth.

How do you fight for Gaia?

First things first: I am DAMN hungry, and that burger there looks reaaal good! It might, uh loosen my lips were you to donate to the cause...

Christ, I feel better once I've eaten!

Anyways, how do I fight? Well I try not to; I get real hungry when I fight. But if it's time to rumble, I rumble hard. Tooth and nail, start to finish. Any time I fight, I fight to win, and ain't no stinking sewer monster gonna get the best of me.

What do you think of your sept?

What about your pack?

Pack's good. The only one I know that well is Dio. Wahkan, well, we have an understanding. Frank? He's got balls of steel, as they say - hanging out with a bunch of us garou is like a prescription for a short life for one of his kind. He's a paranoid lunatic, but hell, around some werewolves, not being a paranoid lunatic means you're just a target. I can tell he doesn't like us, but that's not for me to judge. He's in the pack for a reason, you know?