Deadlands GM Page

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Here I am going to post my ideas for the Deadlands game that is currently running on Sundays. I am going to try and use as much published information as possible, but I may mix and match so that the pieces fit better in the world I am trying to create. If you read this, think about what you would do if you were a player, and let me know, so I can think of those situations and prepare for them. This page is off-limits for regular players.

Idea #1

I read the Dime Novel #3 and its a bit hokey. A dude wants to sabotage other railroads, so he uses some knowledge he has gained about where they are some vampires buried in a cave to find and unleash them on his rivals. He uses a railway car to send them along their railroads and cause havoc, purportedly so the people will associate visits from trains along these tracks to evil or something. The idea of a train car full of vampires driving along and attacking people is pretty silly in my book. But the actual micro-bits, ie the maps and descriptions of attack scenes, are actually pretty well done. I would like to use those.

Here is my alternate plan: Roving the countryside are a band of Vampire banditos. I am going to try and convert disciplines and things from VtM as faithfully as possible. The reason for this is none of these players (except Matt#2) are familiar with VtM, or really much about WoD, and in the future we may play those games, and this could be a good primer. Also, it would allow me to use their characters as resource. I guess they could have a cart and be carrying a few coffins around, but this is borderline hokey as well.

Now comes the hard part. How are they shielding themselves from the sun? The easy, possibly copout, route is Protean 3, meld with the earth. The problem with that is it leaves no clues the players can interpret. Another possibility is they have multiple hideouts in caves or what have you. This could be ok, but it leaves them with little room to roam and doesnt address why this problem isnt epidemic.

Another issue, which helps make WoD playable, but disparate from literature, is that kindred dont often kill their prey, for obvious reasons. I need an explanation for this as well. No ideas are surfacing as yet.