Talk:Prototype "Simplified" FTL Piloting and Astrogation Rules

Revision as of 01:15, 18 November 2016 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold (talk) 00:14, 18 November 2016 (CST) I really like the new rules! The numbers, modifiers and math make much more mechanical and narrative sense, and failures have real consequences. I very much approve! Some questions after the initial reading:

Astrogation TN: When you say that the Astrogater subtracts their skill level from the initial TN, do you mean their die type, or the ranks in the skill?
Astrogation mods: Are the penalties for larger ships due to their decreased maneuverability, or are larger ships more subject to influence in tachyon hyperspace?
Emergence deviations: Is the scatter plot solely on the Z-axis to avoid scattering into the jump envelope?
Emergence Anomaly: Is there a way to reduce its size, like hiding the trail on entering hyperspace?