Talk:Prototype "Simplified" FTL Piloting and Astrogation Rules

Revision as of 01:19, 18 November 2016 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold (talk) 00:14, 18 November 2016 (CST) I really like the new rules! The numbers, modifiers and math make much more mechanical and narrative sense, and failures have real consequences. I very much approve! Some questions after the initial reading:

Astrogation TN: When you say that the Astrogater subtracts their skill level from the initial TN, do you mean their die type, or the ranks in the skill?
Astrogation mods: Are the penalties for larger ships due to their decreased maneuverability, or are larger ships more subject to influence in tachyon hyperspace?
Emergence deviations: Is the scatter plot solely on the Z-axis to avoid scattering into the jump envelope?
Signature Masking: Are the mods solely for when entering hyperspace to avoid being tailed, or do they also apply to escaping notice upon emerging as well? If not, what would be the rules for masking the ship's emergence? Narrowing the jump window? Is that related to a ship's signature?