Talk:XCom Seattle

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--Megami 21:50, 12 May 2010 (MST) Out of the systems being considered, my big push is Deadlands. I think group chemistry and camaraderie really makes or breaks a game. I believe that nothing brings an artificial group of people together than the group being put in danger and people stepping up to save each other's lives, and the chips really simulate this well.

In terms of the problem with the arbitrary nature of character gen, perhaps the GM can create the character first and then attach an archetype that fits? I realize this takes away from the players making characters, but I will argue that the times the GM has given out a stack of characters for the players to choose from, it has gone generally well.

Another solution might be to limit the number of jokers, aces, and/or low numbers so that one person doesn't become a giant powerhouse nor a wuss.

--Gdaze 13:28, 17 May 2010 (MST) When I read the part about me wanting to explore a big empty cave complex was "That does sound like fun!" and then I read the zing. And I was like... "I don't get it, that sounds fun..."

Anyway, might this actually happen? I am fairly interested in this.

JASON: I hope it does happen. Right now I am on GMing hiatus, but I am working on this setting for what I will do when I am done hiatusing. I had a dream about it the other night. What I want to do is really make it good.

As for the empty complex thing, to each their own. Im not judging you on that, I just thought I would throw it in as a fun jab. I might get frustrated if I spent 3 hours hearing descriptions of empty complexes...unless there were clues to a puzzle or something there. In fact, if it were a crashed alien space craft, exploring that could be excellent even if there were no adversaries. There is plenty to learn.

--Gdaze 20:06, 17 May 2010 (MST) Haha, I know I know. You know, I think IRL though, if there was a downed UFO, I'd be freaked out to explore it, I mean what might be leaking from it? Now if it was the only place of refufuge from some aliens chasing me...

Its looking like a pretty good concept so far. I think it is good to list all the systems because for this kinda game you really need to nail down the feel. I've never tried Deadlands but it seems to get rave reviews.

You could also have an adventure where an alien craft explores... you. Yeah, think about it.

--Dieter the Bold 17:26, 12 May 2011 (MST) Having read Rolemaster: Black Ops, I think that would definitely work. I'd also make a push for Burning Wheel. I think the Beliefs, Instincts, Traits (BITs) rules, plus the general character creation and tactical combat. The Resources trait doesn't work so well, but I'd like to see how it goes. As far as characters go, I'm interested in playing a mad scientist. He's brilliant, but all about the vivisection. Too useful to ignore, but not trusted by anyone on his side.