Thoughts on Running/Playing in Gemini

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I'm just going to put stuff here that I think is worth considering when making a character for this game, or for making the ship/loot in the prologue.

1.) I haven't designed this game with a lot of combat based game balance. There is a huge "power" difference between a 2 and an Ace character in terms of how good they are at stuff. However, I have tried to compensate for this somewhat by allowing low level characters to have greater influence on the group as a whole and to do a lot more 'off the cuff' kind of stuff. Thus, if you want to be a more independent, classical hero type, go for a lot of points (a high card). If you want to focus yourself on team-player kind of stuff, want to roll less dice and try to get through stuff via nifty descriptions/plans, or are just looking to try playing an under-powered character, go for a low card. As a low character, you will also have tremendous influence on the group's ship and loot, which is where 90+% of the groups resources are.

2.) Don't write your background until after the prologue. You will be expected to incorporate events from the prologue into your background. Do come up with a 3-5 sentence concept, or more than one if you can't decide or if your first concept has a minimum/maximum point limit.

3.) Combat in cyberpunk is, as those of you that have played in any of my birthday one shots know, pretty deadly. Weapons in this game are better, and armor a little worse, so that is certainly true for Gemini. Also, I will be using Morale rules so that not everybody is constantly fighting to the death. Mostly what I'm saying is that even if you want to make a combat monster (which I expect some of you are), remember that one or two guys with automatic weapons can still kill you.