After Action Report: Theta Thekare
[hide]Primary Objective
Evacuation of Federation Embassy Diplomatic Personnel
Goals and Objectives
1. Evacuate Embassy Personnel
2. Destroy Sensitive Data
Phases of Operation
I. Initial Orders
II. Beam Down
III. Contact with Embassy Staff
IV. Evacuation Operations
V. Embassy Breach
VI. Hostile Fire
VII. Rescue Efforts
VIII. Exfiltration
IX. Intervention
I. Initial Orders
USS Niven ordered to the Thekare system to effect the evacuation of Federation Embassy Personnel. Niven made all haste to system to perform this operation. Crew alerted to the sensitive nature of this operation.
II. Beam Down
The initial away team selected;
1. Captain Koyanagi, Captain USS Niven
2. Lt Commander Link, Chief Security Officer
3. Lt Silon, Chief Science Officer
4. Captain Frazier, CO Marines 1st Company
5. Prime Team Alpha, 1st Company, 66th Div, Triangle Task Force
All personnel beamed down wore dress uniforms and carried type I phasers. The intent was to minimize the militaristic appearance of marine troops given the sensitive nature of the ongoing political situation at Theta Thekare.
III. Contact with Embassy Staff
Cpt Koyanagi, Lt Cmdr Link, Lt Silon met with Embassy Chief Liaison and Embassy Chief of Security and the primary goals and means to achieve them were discussed.
Throughout this initial meeting a crowd of protesters demonstrated outside the embassy grounds. The marines were dispersed along the front of the building to provide security should the protest turn violent. Lt Silon worked with the embassy technical staff to identify computers that needed to be destroyed in order to maintain Federation data security. Lt Silon and two marines began working on this task.
IV. Evacuation Operations
A site in the courtyard of the embassy was chosen as the exfiltration site. This spot allowed for maximum number of embassy personnel in a close area to be beamed with expedited speed to the Niven. The first group was assembled and beamed aboard the Niven without incident.
V. Embassy Breach
After the first group of embassy personnel the protest outside the embassy gates became hostile. An explosive device was used to breach the embassy walls. A group of between 9 to 12 rioters then entered the embassy compound. Most of these rioters were armed with improvised incendiary devices (Molotov cocktails), three others were armed with disruptors which appeared to be of Romulan origin.
The Prime team engaged the invading rioters with non-lethal force. During the initial breach the marine’s type I phasers were set to stun. Most of the invading rioters were stunned at, or near, the breach during the initial invasion of the embassy grounds.
VI. Hostile Fire
Rioters outside the embassy began throwing incendiary devices over the compound walls.
At this time Lance Corporal Hansen understood the immediate danger these devices posed both to the civilian embassy staff and the crew of the Niven. He set his phaser to a lethal setting and began firing at incoming incendiary devices. The other marines followed suit and used lethal settings to destroy incendiaries as they were airborne. During this defensive procedure, one of the incendiaries burst into flames engulfing several of the rioters who had breached the embassy compound as well.
Several of the incendiary devices erupted causing serious wounds to the marines, embassy personnel (killing one), and incapacitating Cpt. Koyanagi.
During this period Lt. Silon and the two marines continued their task inside the embassy, setting explosive charges in order to naturalize potential data security risks.
VII. Rescue Efforts
After the second group of embassy personnel were beamed aboard the Niven, and in the face of mounting casualties (including Cpt. Koyanagi) a second team of marines was beamed down to aid in the evacuation efforts. These marines were in full battle dress with type II phasers, medical gear, and fire extinguishers.
Lt. Cmdr Link and two of the fresh marines rushed into the flames at the breach in order to rescue the rioters that had been set alight by their own devices.
All Federation personnel rallied under a balcony providing limited cover for the thrown incendiary devices. Evacuation efforts continued with priority given to the wounded (including rioters on the compound) then embassy personnel.
Finished setting explosive ordinance Lt Silon lead the marines with him to the second floor balcony to provide covering fore for the evacuating federation personnel.
VIII. Exfiltration
Once all wounded and embassy personnel were removed from immediate danger to the Niven, security and marine forces were beamed away.
The final compliment remaining on the station;
1. Lt Commander Link
2. Lt Silon
3. Captain Frazier
4. Embassy Chief of Security
5. Two additional marines.
These personnel waited to ensure the explosive devices discharged properly to ensure that federation data security was maintained.
The final team was then beamed aboard the Niven.
Niven medical staff stabilized the three rescued rioters. One individual was in possession of a Disruptor believed to be of Romulan manufacture. It was secured in the armory as evidence. The rioters, after being stabilized, were beamed to the medical facilities of the space station. The Niven then began departure of the system commanded by Commander Rodriguez, as Cpt. Koyanagi was incapacitated.
IX. Intervention
While departing the Thekare system, three small vessels, presumably piloted by loyalists to the coup, began performing erratic maneuvers around the Niven. As these maneuvers posed a threat to the Niven, Cmdr. Rodriguez granted authorization for a warning shot. Lt Cmdr Link fired the warning shot, which due to the erratic behavior of the target vessels, instead struck and disabled one of their engines.
The remaining vessels fired on the Niven, which then returned fire. During the engagement the Niven came upon another larger vessel also being attacked by a flight of three smaller vessels. Due to the trinary solar system, these ships were not detected earlier. It was discovered that the starship being attacked was transporting the royal family to a neighboring system. The ships engaging the Niven were of the same type and class as those assaulting the royal family’s vessel.
The Niven engaged all of the smaller ships, allowing them to escape when damaged. Once the smaller ships had been chased off a Romulan cruiser decloaked and challenged the Niven’s presence. Cmdr Rodriguez parleyed with the Romulan Captain and a confrontation was avoided. This resulted in the successful escape of the royal family to their neighboring system.