BOOM-One shots
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As we all know I have become a complete flake lately. I just dont have campaign gaming in me for some reason. I do, however, have a great interest in trying new things. I have all of these new systems (because I have been buying like there is no tomorrow-because there isnt), some newer than others, but mainly I would like to see how they work.
At Ben's mega shindig I spoke to Dieter about doing some board gaming maybe once a month. While I think this is a great idea, I may also want to sprinkle in a one-shot now and again.
A big portion of this is I am WAY soured on Hero. I have been such a huge proponent of them for so long that it was difficult for me to accept. In the past when I was buying all of these systems it was as much for novelty and megalomania than anything else. Now, I want to find a new game system that grabs my psyche. I also want to try some setting based ideas.
When I originally envisioned them it was as campaigns, now, I am thinking of doing them as one-shots, or possible series of related episodes.
More News
My Saturday game just got permanently canceled, so this leaves time for a bi-weekly or monthly one-shot on Saturdays. Now that I have this giant box of new RPGs, I want to start trying some stuff until an idea grabs me. Some of you jokers should participate, even if its only once in a while. We can have alternating GMs or whatever. Its time to try new things. Instead of jumping right in to a campaign everyone may or may not like, experiment!
Deadlands I really want to try this. I would not make the world as wacky as the standard setting, but I think its an interesting system idea more than anything.
Aberrant [1] Simple is my new mantra, and WW has that in spades. This particular version of supers seems simple, streamlined and SUPER. Ok, someone shoot me. In any case, it looks like it could be good.
HP Lovecraft's American War of Independence[[2]] This is more likely to be a series of episodes.
7th Sea [3] Everybody loves pirates.
Dune [4]
Other CoC
I am about 3 weeks from being done with my super busy time. When thats over, maybe my stress level will be low enough that I can be a real human again. I know I still dont want to run something weekly, or even every other week, but intermixing some one-shots with board gaming once a month I can probably handle.
The Past
Here are the possible one shot ideas we can have ready at a moments notice.
Space Opera Against the Kyr flavor
Cyberpunk-Hero I have an idea for a cyberpunk game using the hero system. The characters are pregen, but a little customization would be fine.
MoC System Tests We could try the system out, though it hasnt really been updated since we played before.
Exemplars We could try out some supers ideas, these may or may not end up in the world continuum.
The Jin Dynasty Prleude to Ed's concept game - single mission based
To vote for an idea, create the page or modify here.
-- 15:17, 1 December 2006 (MST)Ben votes for either MoC test (it was a fun system, but I do think playtesting it some more would be good) or Exemplars because he just saw X-men: last stand again (don't say it was a bad movie, or some permutation/superlative of bad, cause I don't want to hear your filthy lies)
-- 15:21, 1 December 2006 (MST)X3 certainly was not a bad movie, I loved it. One of my top 5 supers flicks.
--Matts 17:29, 1 December 2006 (MST)X3 could have been orders of magnitude better, and for that it gets the stick again
--Jason 17:36, 1 December 2006 (MST) How? (not disagreeing, wondering)
--Dieter the Bold 19:56, 1 December 2006 (MST) I like the Soviet / V.S. idea for Exemplars. The players often work at cross-purposes in the regular campaign so often, why not make it official? Maybe get some of that anger worked out. Or I'd like to try Ben's MoC system again. I think it has promise, but need to jiggle with it some more before I'm comfortable.
--Edmiao 14:06, 3 December 2006 (MST) I'll vote for the examplars.
--BenofZongo 16:25, 3 December 2006 (MST)Since I think we can assume that Gabe and Nate don't check the wiki frequently enough to vote before we should get this decided, Matt should cast his vote and then we should settle on something: It looks to me like it'll be 2 exemplars backstory runs, so I think we should all plan on that.
--Matts 16:40, 3 December 2006 (MST)I probably won't be there, so my vote shouldn't count, but I'd vote for Exemplars backstory too.
-- 18:39, 3 December 2006 (MST) It all comes down to Justin now. Once we know if he is coming we can get characters sorted out. We also need to know if Gabe will be attending.
Exemplars Idea
I have an idea for a good Exemplars one-shot we can do that will be part of the setting. Nate would play his own character, one person would play The Ultimate Man, and two others would play Soviet heroes Molniya and Grasne Tsaevel. It would be something the news never covered, something that occurred in the 1960's but was covered up by both sides. As should be obvious, this means the PCs would be divided on two different sides, working against one another. I dont know how well this would work, but its interesting if nothing else.
If we do this it could be possible to do two of them in one session, which means we would probably also explore the origin of one other character. The best choice for this would be Dieter's character, should he choose the luckster (I dont have much of an idea for the other guy yet). Ed and Matt will have their origin stories simultaneously, and Bens will be done last. As for Gabe, well, is he even in our group anymore? hehe