When first introduced to the Elma Resistance, not much was known about the inscrutable Brock. Not even his last name. It's probably on file somewhere at Kjelstad Advanced Industries where he is currently employed, but for all we know, he may have lied to HR when he got hired.
[hide]Previous Employment
Brock served in the U.S. Army, but claims he was given a bad conduct discharge for striking an officer (which most people believe to be true; either that, or Brock is the worst liar ever). Since then, he has found employment as a construction foreman and heavy equipment operator at KAI.
Current Employment
His employer, Peter Kjelstad, also tasks Brock out occasionally to keep an eye on his naive and often erratic daughter, Marie. This suggests that either Peter Kjelstad possesses some superhuman ability to read people, or he may rank among the worst fathers ever.
Special Abilities
Brock has the notable skills of being able to fly several types of aircraft, being a bad-ass in a firefight and the ability to get shot a lot without dying. He has also pioneered the combat tactic of shooting Behemoths in the face.
At Least He's Got Chicken
In recent news, with the possibility that the combat-inclined Brock might survive for a bit, he has grown a surname (because he might actually live long enough to need one). Henceforth, the battlecry of "Let's do this! Brawwwwwwwk...JANKINNNNNNNNS!" may be the last thing aliens hear before having their giant, squishy heads stushed in.
Easter Eggs
Brock's role is listed as "Mysterious Stranger."
On page 2 of his character sheet in the motivations section, the description for how I feel about people is "Well, at least my boss likes me."
In the group's first alien encounter, Brock was hit with a full burst of 3 shots from a Behemoth's "Green Gun B." Instead of being turned into a pile of goo, all the shots miraculously grazed him, causing a grand total of 3 points of damage. This has earned Brock the prestigious "Mandfred Mederow Combat Durability" Award, with honors: Later in the same combat he was shot twice more by Grays wielding the pistol-sized ""Green Gun A" (both grazes), and was about to get blasted full auto at point blank range by a Gray armed with a Needler, but the enemy rolled a critical failure and the gun jammed.
Though actually only having a luck stat of 4, by fiat of the dice, Brock is to date probably the luckiest PC in the game (which is probably a clue that Scott has a luck score of 9+).
Brock didn't have a last name until game session #7, Shades of Gray.
Brock was the first PC to get shot. That wound was also a graze.
Brock once earned -10 IPs for "Eating the Ref's hamburger."
Due to giving the Construction Drone "Alamo" his name and the reasons for it, there is speculation Brock may be a Texan.
Combat Armor
Brock was one of the original members of Assault Team Menace, and was among the first to receive personalized Composite Body Armor. Brock has the graphic of an Elite’s helmet with a bullet hole in the eye of its faceplate. Above and below which are the words “Big Money” and “All Whammys.” On his forearms are small silhouettes crossed over with a hashmark for all the alien kills he’s scored per the after-action reports. His right shoulder has a 3 of Spades playing card. His nametape reads “Uncle Brock” and over the brow of his helmet are the words “This side toward enemy.”