Captains Log:The Deposed
[hide]Captain's Log, Stardate 40233.2
Theta Thakare
The planet of Ectair became extremely volatile after our incident with the Doomsday Machine. The citizen were up in arms and the Cosmos Royale was leading the movement to impeach the president who did nothing for the people. We did not have to concern ourselves with this development for long, however.
There was a situation developing on a planet called Theta Thakare in the neutral zone near the Romulan Star Empire. The planet was long ruled by a royal family, but they had been recently deposed. A Federation consulate was present on the planet, but due to the coup d'état, they were being expelled. Since we were in need of ship repairs at a starbase, Starfleet ordered us to pick up the consulate on our way and to bring them to safety. We set a course and engaged at warp 7.
Personal Log Authorization Code: Koyanagi-9-Kilo-Mike-2
While traveling, Commander Link reported during one of our officer's meetings that Captain Tompkins has, for the second year in a row, failed her PT due to running time and being over maximum in weight. Given that she was just a single point away from passing, has a good service record, and that she is mere months away from discharge with hopes to join the diplomatic corps, we have decided to try to come up with a way around having to tarnish her record. Until things can be put into play, she has agreed to increase training and the entire Alpha Team came to train with her to cheer her on. I am so very proud of my crew.
Upon arriving at Theta Thekare, a Vulcan woman, T'Sav hailed us stating that the whole consulate was ready to go, but need help in demolishing their computers. They had transferred all information, but needed to destroy the physical machines so that sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands. I chose to go as a representative of the Federation and to have a face-to-face meeting with the consul. Link put together a team of marines and engineers to come with us to accomplish our task.
When we beamed down to planet side, it was easy to tell that there was a riot going on outside the walls of the compound. Link gave the order to set phasers on stun and we proceeded to start beaming the consulate members off. T'Sav was among the first to ensure her safety, but her security chief requested to be one of the last to make sure everyone else made it.
After the second batch of people were in place to be beamed, the riot exploded and breached the walls. Most of the rioters were armed with simple rocks, but some carried what looked like older models of Romulan disruptors, and most carried molotov cocktails as well. They had managed to fire off a few rounds at the marines stationed near the north end of the compound. A phaser blast was shot from the general direction of Corporal Hansen and given the ball of flame that engulfed the rioters, it was clear that his phaser was not set to stun. One of the consulate members suffered a heart attack due to the stress. I called for a medic, Michael Standown, and after stabilizing him, sent the entire batch of people directly to sick bay.
After they were off, I ordered second company to come and assist us. Tompkins arrived with her crew and she requested permission for use of stun grenades. It was, of course, approved, and she began hurling grenade after grenade over the walls. The rioters responded in kind by throwing molotovs over the walls back at us. I caught some of the blast from one of the molotovs, but was far enough away to remain relatively unharmed. I urged the consulate members to hurry so that we could vacate the area quickly. Things were really getting out of hand with molotovs continuing to rain down upo— TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED.