Chang's Gambit
[hide]Captain's Log, Stardate 40337.8
Last time on Star Trek: The Triangle Missions…
The Niven answered a distress call from an Orion freighter who was allegedly carrying medical supplies to Psellus 3. Given that the Federation was now involved in its transport and because of suspicious activity during the voyage, I was involved in a heated argument with the captain of the ship when the captain's yacht was presumably stolen and a Klingon vessel was decloaking nearby.
And now, the conclusion.
When I arrived on the bridge, the Klingon captain was already on screen. There was an exchange of tense banter guised as pleasantries between us, and he introduced himself as K'vort Chang. He said that we had carried a guest of theirs who was to rendezvous with them and was currently unable to get to their ship due to our shields. He invited us to discuss matters on his ship in 30 minutes.
A report from Lieutenant Maniersi stated that a tractor beam was successful in pulling the captain's yacht back to the ship and the thief was detained in transporter room 2. Lieutenant Commander Akoval and Sergeant Major Pierson was overseeing the situation.
I made my way to the transporter room and saw that Chief Lysander was injured. He was on a knee and was certainly shot with a phaser on stun, but assured me that he was okay. Within a containment field was a Romulan woman named Rovek. She claimed that she was sent to oversee the transport and administration of the vaccine on Psellus 3. She also claimed that the Orion traders had no knowledge of her hiding within the cargo. Given that Smüg was seen with a hypospray near the container without authorization, I doubted her claim. I called Dr. O'Grady in to analyze if she had been inoculated for the radiation sickness from the plasma burst in order to catch her in a lie. Unfortunately, the doctor could not give a definite answer.
Though Rovek protested saying that she had to accompany the medical supplies to the Psellian government to insure prompt delivery, I ordered her to be locked in the brig for lying about Orion knowledge of her or stowing away on mercantile cargo, theft of a Federation ship, and attacking my crew. She disarmed her phaser at the request of Pierson and went quietly.
We decided that we would visually inspect the cargo and because opening the containers would begin the degradation process of the medicine, immediately send them down to the surface via shuttlecraft. I asked Commander West to set up a shuttle and that if everything checks out, to send out the Orions crew so that we would have one less variable aboard the Niven.
Aboard the Drovna
When it was time for the meeting with Chang, I took Pierson, Akoval, and given his recent successes at being my personal informant, I asked Maniersi to accompany us as well. Captain Chang said that the medicine we were carrying was not only effective against the Psellian Pox, but also a disease called Orion Blood Fever; a childhood disease to Orions, but lethal to Klingons. Rovek was to deliver some of the shipment to the Klingons. The situation became quite convoluted with Romulan involvement and possible corroboration with a Klingon force, unfriendly with the Federation. It has also gotten harder and harder to tell what was the truth given the stories from different parties not matching up at all.
Psellus 3
The medical supplies were delivered down to the surface and Rovek insisted that she be allowed to speak to the consul of Psellus to begin her work of administering the medicine. With Pierson keeping a close eye on Rovek, we beamed down onto the planet. The consul, Taroo, greeted us and Rovek stated that their negotiations were to be in private. While we were waiting, a couple boisterous Ferengi came by, offering us coupons to their new spa facilities. When some time had passed, West communicated to us saying that the Klingon ship had cloaked again. No sign of Rovek so when I went to the consul's office, I was told that she had departed 20 minutes ago.
That's No Moon...
Right at this time, Commander West communicated in saying that sensor sweeps picked up a space station orbiting the central star of the Psellus system. We beamed back aboard the Niven and launched a shuttle to the supposed space station to investigate.