Emerald City
Emerald City is the analogue for Seattle in Terra Acerba, the setting for Darkness in the Emerald City. On the surface it looks just like Seattle and its environs, but all of the peoples names have been changed. The neighborhoods look the same, but there are more of the Tong in the International District, and that Lexus SUV in Bellevue might be full of Yakuza.
Mayor Graden T. Umstead-
Deputy Mayor Myron Evans (City Administrator)-
Deputy Mayor Kevin Ramus (Commerce Director)-
Deputy Mayor William Froured (Community Director)-
Deputy Mayor Regina Halliwell (City Attorney)-
Deputy Mayor Roberta Medrano (Operations)-
Police Commisioner Alexander Ringwald- strongly against corruption
Council Member Max Bishop (D)- black, moderate on racial relations, liked by most
Council Member Henry Chen (I)- always runs unopposed, pro-business
Council Member Tony Hyatt (R)- moderate, cares about health-care
Council Member Frank Jasinkiewicz (D)- big city politician, very slick
Council Member Katharine Lewis (D)- liberal, new, establishment doesn't take her seriously
Council Member Richard Pendergrass (D)- openly gay, moderate, not liberal enough for other Dems
Council Member Larry Pettigrew (D)- self-described champion of the middle class, but votes against middle class interests
Council Member Joseph Ruggiero ()- super-corrupt, 2x convicted of bribe taking & once for possession, head of crime family, possible Columbian/Mexican cartel links
Council Member Julia Schumann (R)- anti-pornographer campaigner, focus on the family, likes Habitat for Humanity
Council Member Daphne Wong (R)- staunchly avoids mudslinging
fmr. Councilman Manuel Costa (D)- pull w/ labor unions & blue-collar communities
Famous Villains
Leonard Karstens- soon to be famous villain
El Chupacabras Hispanic biker gang
Bratva Russian mafia
Famous Vigilantes
The Strizga
Police Departments
Detective Captain Darnell- definitely corrupt
Detective Harmon- suspected of corruption
Pier 13
Gas Works Park
The Convention Center