Full List

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kevlar gloves/boots 3/3 in Mossberg's inventory
leather armor 2/2
battery charger
steel helmet 4/4 in Mossberg's inventory
european maps
ball of string
fletcher's tools
M2HB--traded for full tank of gas @Dodbrozien from U.S. 116th Mechanized Cavalry
solar panel
kevlar helmet 3/3
30 kg gathered food
bicycle traded
M9 in Spencer's inventory
geiger counter in Mossberg's inventory
climbing gear
sheaf of paper
6 pack of beer, missing one bottle
fletcher's tools
tool box
measuring tape
PVC pipe
shotgun barrel
laser pointer
history book in Mossberg's inventory
water purification tablets
30mm autocannon rounds (1 belt) traded
24 21 MREs
30 packs of camping meals
alcohol still
hazmat suit
40mm grenades traded
horse currently being used by Spencer
3 x AK74 rifles
3 x 9mm pistols
50 rounds 5.45 x 39mm ammo (for the AK74s)
5 or 6 extra 9mm pistol rounds
MP5 Submachinegun
H&K G36 Assault Rifle
An unspecified number of granola/energy bars and canned food such as pork and beans
A bundle of metal eating utensils

Stuff we have traded for:
Radio & 2 handsets
18 rounds 5.56 NATO ammo (for our rifles)
70 rounds 9mm pistol
3 IR goggles
Binoculars in Mossberg's inventory
Surgical tools

Ammo Roll: -15