GM's notes -- players don't read!
[hide]- 1 Serialization Techniques
- 2 Plot Overview
- 2.1 Plot passed
- 2.2 Plot Still to Come
- 3 NPCs of Import
Serialization Techniques
Try this next time: A jump ahead in time, a year, where players are almost to their endpoints, the empire has fallen apart, and the players meet for a rendevous at a tavern in Altdorf, conviniently run by one Jens Svenkmeyer.
This is going to take cooperation from the players; note their goals and how to accomodate them here:
Desired Career: Faceless
Major Plot Events: Assembling of his band, the gaining of influence in Brettonia
Twist: Even though his lady shuns him, his country needs her
Desired Career: ??
Major Plot Events: ??
Desired Career: Charlatan/Master Wizard
Major Plot Events: ??
Twists: What drives him? Without a sense of direction, or a drive, how can he fulfill his duty?
Desired Career: Assasin
Major Plot Events: Assasination of the Emperor
Twists: Is he willing to sacrifice himself? Even in the face of knowing what will happen?
The Northman
Desired Career: Champion
Major Plot Events: Leading the Allied Clans to 'freedom'
Twists: Mastering a people and mastering battle are two different things
Desired Career: Master Wizard
Major Plot Events: the defeat of Chaos, which makes him more important to the "third act"
Twist: His allies may not be clean themselves. He must choose between his doctrine and his friends
Plot Overview
Plot passed
In the Army
The players started out in the army of Ranger-General Gottlieb Sturm. They spent several months marching around the countryside, in action against the secessionist forces of the Bandit King of L'Anguille. The army proved elusive and not especially strong. The bulk of Sturm's activity was in securing the hearts and minds of the citizens of Brettonia. The players' unit, led by Jens Svenkmeyer, encountered a beastly lieutentant of the Bandit King's - one Jerome the Flayer. In a horrifying encounter, they defeated him.
The players unit was scouting the outskirts of the Great Forest, accompanied by Hangor, assistant to the Red Hand Dieter Schatten. They came across an old villiage, Grunhoff, which appeared to be isolated from the Empire.
On the run
Marienburg, old friends found
Kislev, of frozen bondage
L'Anguille, suspect motivations
A deception, the return to Marienburg and the Journey South
Of Brettonia Resurgent
Maragliano, of tower and gutter
Tilea is a place where money speaks the loudest, and the players have no particular direction. Money will talk. The players have an opportunity here to gain a good deal of wealth.
Arrival and Introductions
Ignatio della Crux will speak first to the magicians, and expound to them on his belief that magic must be used in order for it to be effective. He will engage them in something of a scholarly discussion, and mention that he has much use for people with their talents in his army. He'll also mention that Arturo needs some kind of secret work done, and that they seem like excellent candidates.
Ignatio figures he can find out what it is that Arturo wants, since the man refuses to tell him.
The players have arrived in L'Anguille; Ambrose has disappeared after dropping something of a bombshell. What will they do? The answer is simple; they will listen to Arturo Giovanni, as he promises to make them very rich indeed. His adviser has apparently put in a good word for them as stalwart combatants and they are sorely needed. Mr Giovanni has a problem. A scout patrol of his has gone missing, and their report is vitally important. Arturo will be surprisingly candid: he believes his brothers mean him harm. They are out of town at the moment, visiting old family in Remas, and so Arturo has taken this opportunity to spy on their operations on a family farm out near the swamp. He wishes the players to investigate the farm, and discover his missing patrol. He will pay, as he mentioned, handsomely for this, which will also serve as a 'tryout' of sorts to serve in officer positions in his army. The money he offers should be significant, about 100 gold.
The players should want to know more about Arturo Giovanni and his family's history. They can find this out in the town's library; a monograph of several volumes is featured prominently. The librarian will look somewhat put-upon to trouble with this obviously trivial matter, but he who pays gets featured billing! The family of Giovanni has a storied history; they have been stalwart pillars of Maragliano shipping for centuries, rising to prominence during Sigmar's conquest of the area. The monograph doesn't mention this, but it's apparent that the Giovannis were enablers of a sort during the war, and used the influence gained to subtly bolster their family's revenues. They have holdings all across Old Miragliano Principality. The farm in question isn't mentioned.
Further research in the library indicates that the farm is an old holding in an area known to be poor for any sort of crops. Apparently the farm produces some kind of wine, though the resident wine snobs will have never heard of it.
The wine is in fact the juice of plagued grapes, which has some interest in scholarly as well as nefarious circles. This is an aspect of Giovanni business that Arturo will be none too pleased to have known by others outside the family. In fact, the mission that he's sending them on is to ensure that this "scout patrol", which is actually mercenaries hired by the Fulvinis, are dispatched. He will speak with the most disreputable member of the group (jacob) to ensure this happens, and offer a sizeable reward (100gc) for its completion.
The Farm
The farm is a blighted place; the crops in the large fields out in front are sickly and do not look edible. If the players have rushed to the farm, they will have to fight the 'scout' patrol led by Jefe Remano: Remano himself, a sergeant, Murtalo, his tracker, and Vincenzo, Guido, and Giutarro, all Mercenaries. If the players arrive late, they will find only Remano, sickly and struggling towards the road. He is obviously blighted, and the mages will be able to tell that this blight barely seems natural. A successful Heal test will show that his disease is extremely contagious and likely to wreak havoc if he can make it back to Miragliano.
The farm is located next to a stream, and looks to be tilled from marshland. A large, long wall surrounds what must be the farmhouse, but it is larger than would be neccesary for such a farmhouse. Towards the river, the wall gets significantly higher.
As the players approach, a woman and child emerge, greeting them. They are visibly ill; their flesh is sagging and coming off in strips; astute players will conclude that coming into contact with these people will almost certainly result in contraction of their disease; a heal test will conclude that the disease is the Neiglish Rot.
As promised, the party gets 100gc; Arturo delivers it along with his next assignment.
A respite
Arturo tells the players to rest, that he must set things in motion, and that will take a while. The players will have free reign over Miragliano for a few days, since Arturo's doctor has cleared them for entrance into the city.
They may wish to find passage immediately to Altdorf; this should be prohibitively expensive.
Throw in a bit about the aggrieved family of the Asp, who happen to be the Cievali. They're seeking recompense for the death of their promising warrior son, and it just-so-happens that the players are in an excellent spot to do it - Instead of retrieving Giovanni's brothers, kill them.
If the players don't agree to Cielvini's proposition, then they'll have to face Els Quintze. See The Rescue.
(notes that the fallout from this is that Arturo takes the punishment instead of his brothers; the players are instead called to testify against Giovanni. The Cielvinis will pay for any passage the players desire out of the city; they know they're not long for it since Giovanni would not have hired them in that case. As a result, Giovanni will be bitter and not have a crisis of conscience to warn anyone of the Skaven.)
The Rescue
One way or another, the players will be bound for Remas, to either apprehend or slay the Brothers Giovanni. They are staying in a hamlet just outside Remas, called Bellaporta. A sprawling estate, owned by one
The Trial
Arturo Giovanni has more tasks to set before the players: a trial in absentia of his brothers will not have the effect he wishes, which is to see them disgraced before his peers. Instead, he may set another task before his players: to retrieve his brothers, by force if neccesary, from their friends' estates in Remas.
Either the players will testify against Arturo's borthers, or they will testify against them; either way, they will gain something of an ally in Miragliano. If the players trust Arturo implicitly, and don't have the will to stumble across who he really is, they'll have a large mercenary force in their debt. If they assist in his downfall, they'll have a significantly larger amount of money and influence at their disposal.
The players have apprehended Arturo's brothers, and so the trial goes forward.
Giacomo Cielvini is still attempting to get the players to leave the city, and so he's looking for openings. The night out that Anjou spends with Els Quintze is a perfect opportunity for him to find out what it is that the witch hunter (since he's discovered who chases them) desires.
Ultimately, we'll wind up with the trial going forward apace, and with, as is allowed by Miragliano law, a High Priest of Sigmar attending, only this one happens to be a witch hunter as well, with ties to the area: Marzano, the Hammer of Truth.
=The Encounter
The encounter with Arturo's brother and his two escorts should be quick and brutal. If the players don't kill him, they'll have to be especially cautious to deflect Els Quintze. She'll work through intermediaries at first, but if those fail, then they'll have to face her themselves.
If victorious there, and the players successfully bring Arturo's brother back to Miragliano, then Giacomo Cielvini will be most forceful in attempting to drive them out of the city; going so far as to invite a certain witchunter.
Not to mention the Plague that will soon make itself known...
Plot Still to Come
Norsca, the freeing of
Emperor's demise and the release of the Plague
The Storm Gathers
Seeking Allies
NPCs of Import
Torsten - Secret Page Do Not Read
Aturo Giovanni - Secret Page Do Not Read
Ignatio Della Crux - Secret Page Do Not Read
Fin Nechton - Secret Page Do Not Read
Baldasarr Giovanni Secret Page Do Not Read