Hazor Dyan
[hide]- 1 Early Life
- 2 Family
- 3 Logs
- 3.1 Stardate 40XXX.3
- 3.2 Acting Captain Hazor's Log, Stardate 40260.7 Consequences
- 3.3 Personal Log, Stardate 40323.7 Dark Lighthouse
- 3.4 Personal Log, 40344.7 Icons of Iconia
- 3.5 Personal Log, 40350.7 Strider Incident
- 3.6 Personal Log, 40350.8
- 3.7 Personal Log, 40350.9
- 3.8 Personal Log, 40562.8 Typhoid Mary
- 3.9 Stardate 42609.4 Sculptor of the Mind
- 3.10 Stardate 42613.8 Armistice
- 3.11 Armistice Part 2
- 3.12 Movie
Early Life
(2337-2342) Born in 2337 on Bajor to Bas (mother) and Oakil (father)Hazor. Dyan showed an early, age 4, telepathic skill by being *heard* by one of the Vedeks. Being informed of their son's secret ability, his parents used their meager credit to smuggle Dyan off Bajor when he was 5. Their concern was that the Cardassians would learn of his psionic powers and collect him one night to be taken for 'testing'. His older brother, Das, had already been sent to one of the work camps. Das would be reported dead in 2342. He also has another brother, Denor, born 2341, and an older sister, Kila, born 2335.
(2342-2354) Dyan was sent to Vulcan where he would reside the next 12 years. Technically a refuge, the Vulcans gave shelter, education, psionic training, and even spiritual assitance in learning about his own faith. He stayed with Saavok and his family, and they assisted him in gathering texts of the Prophets even though the religion was illogical. Saavok did not attempt to change Dyan into a Vulcan, even though classes at the academies would push Dyan in that direction. Saavok realized that Dyan would not blindly accept the philosophies of logic, but allowed for enlightenment if possible. Saavok's son, Seklek, younger then Dyan by a year, was always in the same classes as Dyan. This allowed additional support in his education. How this was arranged was never disclosed. Although he did receive psionic training, the extent of the training was never disclosed. Subsequently, Hazor has kept his abilities secret.
(2354-Current) Dyan joined starfleet, originally wanting to go into theoretical engineering, but instead became fascinated with Warp engines. His academy career was notated with above average scores, one award for an engineering drone design, one commendation for logical debate, and disciplinary note for being involved romantically with a fellow cadet. Dyan still keeps in touch with both Saavok and Seklek.
Is currently Chief Engineer aboard USS Niven while on Star Trek: The Triangle Missions.
Denor joined Starfleet also. He is an ensign following a command training. He is superior in helm and navigation, and has an excellence in space battle tactics.
Kila is still on Bajor, has joined the political democracy, and is focused, among other things, on keeping Bajor out of the Federation. This does cause friction between them. She also was with the resitance during the occupation, and had, unofficially, caused the deaths of both Bajorans and Cardassians during the occupation.
Stardate 40XXX.3
We have been ordered to escort a science vessel, the Oppenheimer, to Minos. Minos is a planet dedicated to the selling and design of weapons. Enterprise-D under Captain Picard's command, visited the planet and found that the inhabitants have been killed. There remained a computer AI salesman that engaged the Enterprise and attempted to sell them weaponry. We have been assigned to aid the mission specialist, Commander Bartok, in retrieval of data in a underground facility. The source of the information was never disclosed. I have been charged with equipment for our team. Trying to guess what we might face...
Beam Down-Day One
Acting Captain Hazor's Log, Stardate 40260.7 Consequences
Due to the Captain, 1st officer, and security commander being brought up on charges, I have been placed in command. Shifts have been set up to rotate shore leave with the extensive repairs needed from our multiple encounters. The marines and security personnel have been integrated within the work teams per Lt. Hodgkins and Captain Frasier scheduling and my approval. Prime team was exempted from the repair duties and left to Sgt. Major Pierson's discretion.
All staff are rotating 1 day on duty, 1 day shore leave until repairs have been completed. With two exceptions. Mashburn asked for several days off consecutively with the request of aiding Commander Link and his assault. Ensign Urkowski requested 3 consecutive days to address a personal matter.
Morale has been unbalanced since the report of Commander Link's assault.
Personal Log, Stardate 40323.7 Dark Lighthouse
The new staff was welcomed today at Starbase 27. A formal dinner was called, supposedly to introduce the new members of our staff, but during the dinner, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev announced that the Federation and the Cardassian Union had arrived at a political agreement to cede certain territories, Bajor being one. The Federation must have gotten something quite valuable in return. I hope the Federation negotiators realize the havoc the Cardassians will impose on the worlds they now "own". I fear that not just Bajor will feel their abuse and terror.
At this same dinner were delegates from the Affiliation of Outer Free Worlds. We have been ordered to return the delegates to their capitol planet, Baker's World. Their 14 planets and 13 systems are well within the Triangle. I spoke with Ambassador Carnak Archibald. He was sympathetic to Bajor's plight and stated he and Willis, the president of Baker's World, were on the same page regarding the situation of Bajor. I feel that even though they cannot come outright and aid Bajor, they will through other channels. Their proximity to the Cardassian Neutral Zone precludes them from direct aid.
While I was in the dinner putting on my best face, a package arrived to my quarters. It was approximately .375 Liters of a caramel colored alcoholic beverage-not synthahol. It had no markings, bill of shipment, or identifying markers. As of now I will keep it safe. I turn to prayer for solace. May it be kept until I can share it in a joyous way.
Personal Log, Approach to DSR 3
The approach to the research facility is unique. Due to the nebula's high radiation effect on sensors, shields, and communications, the facility tractor beams the ships in. Slow, but safe. As this route will save us weeks in travel, it is very efficient. We are bringing supplies to the station, thus a short stay.
I have Ambassador Archibald and Ambassador Murashita tours of Engineering and the ship in general. Archibald is quite the salesman... He could sell the Federation many improvements. I am not the best person to try to sell gadgets to. Although, I would enjoy tinkering with their Phase Inductive Tri-Linear Trilithium Purifier. That has much potential.
Still no answer to what the alcohol is. It is a grain derivative. But not of Baker's world. More research is needed.
Personal Log, DSR 3
Approaching the station, we lost contact with the personnel on board. As we were arriving to the station, a violent ion storm was going to interfere with transport. As shuttles would be useless, it was determined that a six man team, led by Captain Koyanagi, would transport over and attempt to determine what was happening on the station.
Upon beaming over, I accessed the terminal in the transporter pad. I detected no life signs. 27 souls were stationed on the DSR. When we left the transporter room, we entered into the administration area. I logged into the computer systems and found that there were video recordings. We played back the recordings and discovered that at the precise time the communication stopped, the staff disappeared-not transported, but poof. Gone. Upon further research, I found that of the four contractors on board, only two seemed likely to have been the cause of the event. I stated I believed it was likely Tachyon Micromechanics as the other three contractors were of research of other areas of science. The closest contractor besides the Tachyon group was a Gravitics research group. I was told not to jump to any conclusions.
After a few minutes of discussion, it was determined that we split into teams and head towards different areas of the station. Lt. Joran Maniersi and I started towards the computer core to attempt to delve into what was happening. Before we reached the core, we were alerted to an alien presence on the station. Akoval and Standown were under attack in the cafeteria. We immediately did a return to the area and engaged our own alien. A slug-like creature that could project stunning affects. This was proven regretfully upon Maniersi. Stun setting on our weapons took no effect upon the creatures. After we adjusted out phasers to setting 7, we were able to stop the multiple creatures. After realizing that these creatures did not show on our scans, I remodulated the trinary sensor circuits to use an alternate phase baseline to be able to scan for the creatures. We then discovered there was an additional creature in the recreational area. After retooling a second tricorder, I stated my intentions to head to the core and get force fields back up as it could be needed if more of these creatures arrived.
I made my way to the engineering room to find it in worse stated then I originally feared. Most of the panels were destroyed. I began immediately working on the power control units for the forcefields. One had what appeared to be a Cardasian dagger protruding from it. I removed the dagger and put it in my kit for later analysis. After some time, I am unsure as my attentions were focused on repairs, Akoval moved past the engineering door in a full suit. He stated he was going to look at the hull breach. A few moments later, he reported another creature just past the breach door. I raised the forcefield immediately. A few minutes later, supposedly when Lysander repaired and used the Tachyon device, a Cardassian appeared. He got the drop on me and punched me square in the jaw. I had kept my phaser at a high setting due to the roaming creatures. But the Cardassian did not have as tough of a skin. I reported the Cardasians death to Captain Koyanagi. Strangely, I do not feel regret. I must meditate upon this. The Prophets guide my Pagh.
Personal Log, 40344.7 Icons of Iconia
Upon the away teams discovery of the still intact panel on the Romulan station, Codus, I was ordered to beam over with a team and attempt to recover the panel. After a quick determination, I believed that it would take about 3 hours to remove it safely. But, I allowed an extra hours time for unforeseeable events. The reserve terminal had safeguards, but with no power to sustain them, had become inert. This technology, outdated now, was state of the art 50-60 years ago. After the team started removing the panel, I took some time to search for replacement parts. I asked Corporal Fleetwood if he could assist me in searching for components, provided it did not interfere with his duties. He stated his duties were to insure my teams safety but he could assist me in my search. A good thing too. He found three intact iso chips. I also found some spare parts. These may help us in accessing the panel on board the Niven.
Lt. Maniersi was doing an exploratory jaunt with the shuttle craft and discovered a sensor dish. He contacted me to see if I knew what it was and for. After a few moments of communications, we decided to find the room. It was on the edge of the facility, and secured by an impenetrable door. Involving the rest of the away team, many avenues were discussed. But eventually, Pierson just cut a hole out of the ceiling. Luckily nothing was directly below the falling floor. Was we found was a perfectly balanced echo chamber. But, for what we might never know. It was directed towards a point above Psellus III. This point in orbit had debris that was later guessed to be the remains of an orbital satellite. The remains were geo-stationed above a peculiar region of Psellus III. This region was not able to be scanned, was covered by a 'cloud', and seemed to be avoided by the natives.
We believed the Romulans had possibly found some sort of Iconian evidence and the Captain decided to send an away team down. Due to the interference, it was decided to take a shuttle down in the attempt to find Pasternak.
We traveled into the dead zone, a desert, inhospitable to most life. After some time traveling, we noticed a large ancient structure in the distance. Pierson pointed out some tents off to a tangent from out direction. After landing, we discovered it was Pasternak's base camp. A PADD was found and, when played back, evidence on the PADD led us to believe that Pasternak was working with the Chang alliance. Pierson, again proving his security focus, spotted some indigenous people watching the camp. Thalen found the most amazing thing of all in his examination of the articles Pasternak had collected. An ancient chip, possibly an isolinear chip. Possibly Iconian?
We then proceeded to what has been labeled as a Ziggurat. In an attempt to enter the structure, we were fired upon by a Klingon. We split into two teams at this point. One entered into the structure. I was with the Captain and Maniersi. We explored the courtyard, finding what appeared to be the base camp and also another dead Klingon. Soon after entering the structure, some of the indigenous people bearing powder weapons entered and confronted us. I assume by the way they reacted to Maniersi, they were speaking to him telepathically. Then the Captain was involved in negotiating both our safety, and time to accomplish our mission goal. In the end, we were granted 100 minutes. Most of that time I spent repairing the shuttle. From the description and scans of the interior of that structure, I wish I could have had a month to explore it. At least I can examine the chip.
I started using Computer Operations Lab 1 to attempt retrieval of any data from the chip. Technician 1st Class Baden and Technician Lewis were curious about my project. After a check of their personnel files, I asked some general questions about data retrieval to gauge aptitude. Both were proficient, but Tech Lewis seemed more intuitive. Both were included in the research, which was only conducted in Lab 1. During the research, atomic and subatomic scans were preformed on the chip, and a holographic representation was created. When I was not present, the chip was stored in a secure chamber. Regretfully, no data was able to be retrieved.
Personal Log, 40350.7 Strider Incident
I had a bad feeling the entire time we were on Starbase 27. Once we agreed to help Rearden, our path was somewhat directed. I went with a hunch that if the Strider did receive the Code Red 1 Alpha, it would have been had to been from this station. That meant the communications systems would have records, or records of tampering. I went to Communications, and spoke with a Cmdr. Davios. I stated my intentions were to confirm the communications we received on the Niven were accurate as some had not been intact. He then allowed me general access to their systems. After some delving, I did find that the transmission logs had been actually duplicated from the backup disk. I also found that the log on documentation had been tampered with by a command level access. The backup had been found to have been checked out using the command access of Commander Curtis.
Here is where I made a critical error. I involved Cmdr. Davios. I explained the discrepancies in the logs to him. I felt that if he saw the discrepancies, he would report them, at least in his daily log. This would then bring my name to the attention of the person behind the deception. I did not believe it was Captain Curtis... I actually felt it was Rear Admiral Harmonson. I can't explain why... but the feeling was odd. It may be my empathy acting on its own. Regardless, I put myself out as a target.
The next day, Davios contacted me telling me he had found something, but since he was so tired, he wanted to meet at 07:00. I agreed. I should have pressed him to meet right away.
A few hours later, I found out that Reardon had been attacked. As soon as I heard this, I went to Davois' quarters. After attempting to raise him, I used a panel to scan for life signs... I found none. After security arrived, they found him dead. I never thought he would have been a target. I should have realized that if someone was willing to sent four scout ships to be slaughtered, one more person would be just as easy. Now I must find out who is behind this, no matter what is needed.
Personal Log, 40350.8
Here we are, breaking numerous regulations. We have commandeered the Strider and are en route to retrieve the log buoy. Yes, deep into Klingon territory, in a ship that I am holding together more by will then by actual repairs. But, we did find a "volunteer". A Lt. Hopplemeyer was found sleeping in a Jeffries tube. Beyond his choice of sleeping locations, he does seem competent. He worked well on his own repairing systems and showed some creative management in getting spare parts. We might actually survive this trip. All to be Court Marshalled. I didn't have the heart to tell him our true intentions and instead told him that we were on a secret mission. This might save him from being hung out to dry with the rest of us. Assuming the Klingons, rogue Federation, or other interests don't get to us first.
- Flagged -Top Secret- Sent to Captain Koyanagi to be approved and sent to Starfleet Command*
I was asked to rework the sensors in order to scan for cloaked Klingon vessels. Attached is the algorithm that I devised. It tracks gluons in relation to their quark counterparts compared to the relative distribution of gluons in the quadrant being scanned. As it made the regular sensors almost useless, I suggest an upgrade to the next line. Dual sensors working in tandem. The attached schematic is a rough design on how to implement this using phase modulation and the deflector dish. This may be even more important when dealing with events along the border... Especially with the Romulans.
Personal Log, 40350.9
The last few days have been grueling. Davios' death dominates my free time. Even though we now know Harmonson is the culprit, along with the Klingon Mik Kai, it doesn't help. I now am concerned that Starfleet will cover up this collected events and that Davios will be branded a suicide. His wife and son are on vacation... but will return soon. When they arrive, I feel I must ask for their compassion and forgiveness. I may not have killed her husband, but I started the events that ended with his death. Will I have the courage to face them?
Personal Log, 40562.8 Typhoid Mary
The Niven is back to patrol in the Triangle. after the events of lost colony.
In a remote area near nothing. That is why it is called remotes. Charting the area for 20 days. Dieter is at helm, is receiving a wave of anomalous readings, phase variants, large chronoton emmisions. 4 lt years away. I warned captain of the thorhetical existence of chronotons due to a break in the space time continum. Upon arrival, there is a unique ship emmiting high amounts of chronotons, phase variants, plasma contamination surrounding the ship in space. The readings are indicative of a romulan core meltdown. During scanning, the ship has a plasma buildup and then an explosion results in an expanding (a singularity expansion) dynamic raius at warp 15-the fastest speed-as fast as communications. (quantum singularity drive)
The last known experience with Phasing was when the Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk, was searching for the lost USS Defiant. The Tholian Incident
In engineering on the ship, Pierson, Gral, and myself, open the door to see 4 Romulans in suits along 2 dead Romulans. Pierson says that we are here to help, and two Romulans with welding torches drop their torches. The three tier engineeering, with the singulatity on the second level, and another romulan aiming a disrupterat Pierson. Pierson takes him down. One rom N'pek steps forward, as leader, asst cheif engineer. Claims the area is stable, and the drive had a meldown acident. This is in broken Fed Standard.
After a command from the captain, the engineer staff were taken into custody. N'Pek reacted with a relief, and seemingly gratitude for being taken from the ship. three engineer staff, and an oddball. After taking them to security, a cursory examination for the poison teeth, we have been quarantined.
Top Secret/Temporal Incursion
In Sick bay, Shenong wear older civilian clothes. Sr Specialist. 'A O, 1871."
Romulan Vor Tai-type of ship
Disa, 4th Centauran, sister Arrabella, Dr Domentrobe-died 1888 Alpha Centauran mediacal "nobel" prize winner. Well respected, genetic research developed from his research.
After spending an hour, I break the file that Manersi downloaded from the Romulan ship. The file documents flight officers copy of the ship's orders. Get to the middle of knowhere, use the temporal drive to get samples of the virus, weaponize it and sell it to the Klingons. Romulans are immune to the disease.
The team sent back the four Centaurans to the doctor, told him about it, and Captain Koyonagi manipulated the doctor about the disease. The return of captain Koyonagi was to the result of 97% correction.
A Romulan warbird led by Tomalak enter the system and demanded the return of the ship, the crew, and any 'booty' claimed by the Niven. We determined to blow up the ship. I requested to transport over and set the ship to self-destruct.
Inside the mind
I was so close. I almost was able to use the temporal ship to save Bajor. If I only could have read the Romulan language files. The date was set, but I could not factor in the coordinates for Bajor. I had the historical data in the pad from the Tardis. Shenong told me everything I needed to hide and manipulate the timelines. I could have led the people for the Prophets to a new era of scientific and religious furor. We would have defeated the Cardasians as soon as they entered our systems. Romulans!
Stardate 42609.4 Sculptor of the Mind
After the exposure to the anomaly, the engines have been running off. We have moved the annual maintenance up by eight weeks. We are underway to Starbase 27. I look forward to some down time. I need to balance. After the failures involved with the anomaly, I do not feel like myself.
We arrived at SB27 and there is a new class. Mercury. I want to examine their engines. They are... enviable. I need to look at those engines. For now we have been requested to join a staff meeting over on the Starbase.
At the morning staff meeting we received a communique telling of the death of Billy Mae Thomkins from Kushings Syndrome. I feel some pangs of sadness as I was part of the decision making process to get her reassigned. A small part of me hopes she has been recruited by the same group that includes CL. One can only hope.
Increased our equipment and system productivity to 105% as our regular standard while in the Triangle. We will be facing difficulties and need the optimization.
Stardate 42613.8 Armistice
Repairs on the Niven's shields and weapon system proceeded smoothly with the aid of the Charleston. We head to an area that has reports of the Vorcha.
I had a feeling. A bad feeling. This "ceremony" for the rebels to surrender feels wrong. Maybe it is the dealing with the Romulans, but this seems like a trap. The ceremony is at the base of a valley. I am bending the rules, but I am sneaking a Type I to the ceremony.
The Taigu led us down to the Stones of Ascension. Along the road leading to the Stones rebels would join
Lt. Manersi gave us a telepathic warning of "AMBUSH". Immediately after, one of the gifts given to the Taigu Taroo exploded...
Armistice Part 2
Corporal Gral moved with amazing speed toward the weapons that have been surrendered by the rebels. Rebels, disguised as regular townspeople, drop their cloaks to raise modern Romulan weapons, and then a Romulan shuttle appeared over one of the hill heading towards us. Manersi warned us that "Eight Romulans are on the shuttle." One of the rebels, (Onar) said if we don't resist, we won't be harmed. Hah!
One of the rebels shot Gral, but he seemed to be unaffected. Gral responded by grabbing weapon and shooting the rebel upstart (Onar). I moved to one of the Taigu's guards and grabbed a disruptor. The Romulan ship lands. The rebel upstart leader (Onar) says his disruptor is set on kill and on wide beam, and we should surrender.Gral shoots the upstart and the man drops the disruptor and falls to a knee. The Pselliads respond by shootng Gral twice and shooting Pselliad citizens. Romulans start exiting their shuttle and sprinting to the scene. I shot two of the armed rebels. Romulans start killing civilians. The Romulan leader says for us to surrender and stop the carnage. The Captain told us to 'Stand down'. Gral gets shot resisting. I get frisked, they find the type 1 I concealed, and they elbow me for my courage. Romulan scum.
Rovek has returned.
Onar insulted my ship and I made a move to strike him. He is quick. He decked me. I will have my justice.
We were taken to the prison, segregated from the Pselliads, and secured. The Pselliad guard, Jymnm, had been deeply confused by the Romulan propaganda. I tried to convince him that we, the Federation, are good for his planet, citing the village we are helping. While mentioning Romulan Ale, I notice that Serverius is outside the building. Gral escpes his cell and attacks Jymnm. Gral was sucessful and took out Jymnm, but the Romulan started firing at Gral. This is when Serverius takes out the Romulan, with a couple other farmers. He released us, but had to avoid the Romulans. He thanked us for the aid, and then left.
Searching the romulan I find a communicator and a Padd. I break the security on the padd, and find that two blocks away is a multimedia broadcasting center.