Janice Faraday

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Janice Faraday, the bane of Marie Kjelstad's existence. Seen here being pretty.

Janice Faraday is a young woman who lived on her own in a dilapidated small house just off SR 105 between Aberdeen and Westport. She is attractive and smart, but has an abrasive personality and general lack of compassion.

Janice's introduction to the Elma resistance came when she used an alien control helmet to hijack two of Doug Wilson's assault drones. She used the drones to defend her house from marauders who had escaped from Stafford Creek Correction Center nearby. The helmet was found by her father years ago, and she inherited it when he passed.

Doug, Brock, Marie and AJ flew to her location in the Skyranger and extracted her. She has offered to join their operation, but her membership has not been confirmed.

Easter Eggs

Janice is sometimes referred to (behind her back) by the nickname "Tits McGhee." This is possibly done to mollify Marie, who formed a near-instantaneous hate-on for her.