Lootz of note
Feel free to request other types of equipment that is not listed yet.
All costs are based on a "legitimate market"; in the case of weapons, armor, or other things used for fighting, this may be limited depending on where you are. In general, conventional arms are more "legal" than other types. Black Market costs are typically twice whatever is listed.
For haggling, it is a competitive trading roll for legitimate markets, streetwise for black market. For every point you win by, you get a 1% discount to a max of 10% for legitimate goods, and 5% per point for black market, to a max of 50%.
Weapon Costs: base cost is for conventional or ramjet or laser. add +25% for plasma or railgun.
- Light Pistol: 100 (clip: 15)
- Medium Pistol: 200 (clip: 15)
- Heavy Pistol: 500 (clip: 15)
- SMG: 700 (clip: 30)
- Rifle: 500 (clip: 10)
- Light Assault Rifle: 700 (clip: 30)
- Heavy Assault Rifle: 900 (clip: 30)
- Sniping Rifle: 1000 (clip: 10)
- Shotgun: 500 (clip: 15)
- Auto-Shotgun: 1000 (clip: 30)
- AP rounds halve armor but halve the damage that gets through (after armor AND BTM). Hollowpoints add +25% damage but double armor effects (but not BTM).
- Conventional: A box of 100 rounds costs 10% of the weapon cost for conventional arms (base cost, not affected by weapon quality).
- Ramjet: ramjet rounds come in a lot of variants. basic ramjet rounds cost 10% of weapon cost. Exploding ramjet rounds add 1D6 to damage and cost 100% of weapon cost for a box of 100. Shaped charge Ramjet rounds add 1D6 damage and add +1 AP to the WEAPON (much better than AP ammo). Shaped charge Ramjet rounds cost 500% of weapon cost for a box of 100. There are other variants available, but they are hard to find and expensive.
- Railgun: Railguns require a powerpack and small, high density projectiles. A powerpack for a railgun costs 10% of weapon cost (AFFECTED by weapon quality) for 1 clip worth of shots. The powerpack may be recharged by the owner. The projectiles cost 10% of weapon cost for 100. YOu cannot get AP rounds or hollowpoints for railguns, but Reinforced high weight rounds add +1AP to the weapon and cost 100% of weapon cost for a box of 100 (not affected by weapon quality). Reinforced high weight frag rounds add +1AP and 1D6 damage. they cost 500% of weapon cost for a box of 100. Railguns also hold 3x the clip size in projectiles, since they are very small.
- Plasma/Laser: plasma powerpacks cost 10% of weapon cost (affected by quality) for a clip-sized powerpack.
Armor Costs: cost is per location covered
- Soft Armor:
- Leather: 100 per location covered
- Light Single-weave Armor: 200 per location
- Medium Single-weave Armor: 300
- Heavy Single-weave Armor: 400
- Light Double-weave Armor: 500
- Medium Double-weave Armor:600
- Heavy Double-weave Armor: 700
- Hard Armor:
- Light Combat Armor: 800
- Medium Combat Armor: 1000
- Heavy Combat Armor: 1200
- Assault Armor: 1500
- Support Armor: 1500
- Powered Armor....
- Assault and Support armor is very, very hard to obtain and is considered military level hardware.
a "rig" consists of two ratings: a hardware rating and software rating, each going from 1-10. The cost of each part is (level)^3*100 credits.
same as CP2020: hover versions cost 2x listed price.
As a general rule, multiply the prices in CP2020 by 2-4 fold for the cost in Gemini. If you want the same effect via a biological mod, the price is 4-6 fold. If you want it via genetic mod, it's 8-10 fold.
- Menial service robot: 100-500 (cleaning, pest control, etc.)
- Basic service bot: 1000 (cooking, cleaning)
- Advanced service bot: 3000
- Specialized function Advanced service bot: 10000
- Advanced AI bot: 5000 (free thinking, essentially)
- Specialized Function Advanced AI bot (combat, mining, ship repair, archeological, etc.): 20000
- Large bot: 2x cost
- Armored to SP 20/1: 2x cost
- In-house equipment for specialized function (weapons, mining equipment, repair gear): 2x cost
Space Gear
- Basic Space Suit(no armor, EV 3): 5000
- Advanced Space Suit (4/0 armor, EV 1): 10000
- Ghost suit (8/0 armor, EV 0): 20000
- Armored space suit: +500 per AP, +1 EV per 5 AP (round up). Note that Assault and Support armor are actually vaccuum capable: at Excellent and above they are fully fitted with a contained oxygen supply and temperature regulators and will thus function as high quality armored space suits.
Medical Gear
- First Aid kit (allows paramedics rolls for damage above light): 100
- Doctor's Kit (+2 on paramedics/doctor rolls): 1000
- Personal Medical Suite (+3-+7 on paramedics/doctor rolls): 5000 per level (1-5)
- Drugs: 100/daily dose (antibiotics, psycho-active drugs, painkillers/etc.)
Archeological Equipment
- Surveying Gear Set (surface: includes sub-surface scanner to 10m depth): 10000
- Trowel: 5
- Archeological kit for single archeologist (includes trowels, btw, as well as basically everything else): 5000
Mining Equipment
Also potentially useful for archeological digs deep beneath the surface.
- Conventional Drill: 500
- Plasma Drill: 2000
- Mine Shaft components: 50/meter (only necessary if you want people to go into the mine shaft).