Lovecraft AWI Background
The following background is related to the HP Lovecraft's American War of Independence game. There will be two sections to this, one for the higher powered version, using Hero. The second section will be for the lower powered version, which may be in either Trail of Cthulhu or Deadlands.
[hide]Supernatural Revolution
The higher powered game will attempt to maintain some Lovecraft flavor, yet with the greater power level the impending doom aspect will likely be lost. Given this, some intermixing of other horror and supernatural themes will be inevitable. Mythos creatures will likely have different effects to 'standard' monsters, so be warned.
The Dreams
Every character in this game will have a 15 point Psych Disad: Dreams and Portents (uncommon, strong). They will also have a mystery disadvantage of 10 points.
The dreams consist of a terrifying impending doom surrounding Philadelphia and seeping up from the Delaware river. Each time the dream is different, but it always ends in the city burning to the ground and a giant satisfied smile emanating from the river itself.
Recent Events
Just a few nights ago a continental warship mysteriously sank in the harbor. An investigation into the cause is ongoing.
Founding of a Lovecraft Country
This is the background section for the lower powered version.