First encountered on stardate 58847.3 by the crew of the USS Intrepid.
The Melorak have two distinctive classes. There are those that follow the group consensus, and those that take an individual path.
Those Melorak that follow the group consensus almost have a common mind. Although not shown to have telepathy, those of the group will act in an almost simultaneous manner. When speaking, it was observed that the Melorak in a group will speak in turn without a designation of a leader. Captain Alexander did eventually single out a leader in his initial contact with this species, but that was only after some of the group had sabotaged a vessel under his protection.
The second class of Melorak are those that embrace individuality. This class takes on names, makes independent choices, show more friendliness, openness, and curiosity. This class is looked down upon by the group class and are called heretics.
Melorak four eyes, an elongated neck, an average height of 1.3 meters, a ridge that runs the length of the head, straight down the center of the nose. Their skin tone is a subdued orange. Their skin has a rough texture.
Their home system consists of twelve worlds. Melorak Prime, the fourth world, is their homeworld.
The most notable aspect of their culture is their justice system. In their eyes, their is only one punishment for all crimes: death.
In addition, due to their race having been invaded multiple times, they have a distrust of other species.
The Melorak claim all systems within a ten light year radius.