Morrow Project Equipment
The following equipment is standard issue for Morrow Project personnel. Each member has a basic load as well as one advanced load. Evergreen Initiative
[hide]Basic Load
All Morrow Project personnel have these.
1 Resistweave (TM) coverall, with name tape and patches (Recon, Science, MARS, etc.)
1 black beret
1 Morrow Project ID card (MPID)
1 pocket knife (2 blades, bottle and can opener, regular and Phillips screwdriver)
1 note pad with pen and pencil
1 boots, black leather, one pair
1 KCB-70 knife with scabbard
1 Morrow Project medkit in belt pouch, uses a "camera battery"
1 field dressing in olive drab belt pouch
1 AN/PRC-68 or AN/PRC-126 radio, with carry pouch, uses a "radio battery"
1 web belt w/two ammunition pouches, suspenders, compass case
1 lensatic compass with tritium markings
1 plastic 1-liter canteen, filled, with insulated cover and metal canteen cup
1 M7 bandolier, aka "claymore bag" for carrying grenades and other small items
Advanced Loads
The following equipment loads are issued based on skill and team needs.
1 M4 Assault Rifle
1 Browning HP 9mm
4 30 round clips
6 13 round (HP) clips
2 Fragmentation grenades
1 M21 Sniper Rifle
1 Browning HP 9mm
4 20 round clips
6 13 round (HP) clips
2 Fragmentation grenades
1 H&K MP5 9mm
1 Browning HP 9mm
4 32 round clips
6 13 round clips
1 Fragmentation grenade
1 Flash-Bang grenade
Heavy Assault
1 M249 SAW
1 Browning HP 9mm
2 100 round belt feed magazines
4 13 round clips
1 Franchi Spas-12 Combat Shotgun
1 Browning HP 9mm
1 box 50 12 gauge shells
6 13 round clips
2 Fragmentation grenades
1 Flash-Bang grenade
1 Smoke grenade