Operation Repo (Mission)
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Date of action: February 12, 2014, 0900 hours
Location: Satsop Development Park; Elma, WA
Nature of Action: Defensive Action (Base defense)
Mission Personnel
Strike Team
75th Rangers, 2nd Battalion Alpha (Rifle) Company, 1st Platoon
CPT Alonzo Kamastafall
Brock Jankins (civilian)
Fayth Wilson (civilian)
Marie Kjelstad (civilian)
Support Team
Douglas Wilson (civilian)
Peter Kjelstad (civilian)
2LT Naomi Agincourt
CPT John Newton & C company (2 BTTN, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division)--Artillery support
Mission Narrative
On 2/12/14 at 0900 hours, X-Com Agents received word that a squad of Rangers assigned to patrol Elma were under attack by an organized group of armed civilians backed up by one alien drone. Agents Kamastafall, Jankins, Wilson, F., Kjelstad and another squad of Rangers responded to the scene (the city park/baseball field). The attack was neutralized, but at this time a small alien vessel approached the Satsop Development Park and deployed ground troops from the air. The ship also provided close air support to destroy several sentry posts and demolish some walls before pulling back. The Agents and Rangers in the field pulled back to reinforce the lone squad defending the park. They also dispatched the remaining squad housed at Bunker November to move to the park using the tram that connects the bunker and the KAI facility there.
En route to the park, the Agents and Rangers were ambushed by Gray sappers who detonated an IED to demolish a portion of Wakefield Road. When the field team reached the development park, they found heavy resistance dug in at the main entrance. The team pulled back and called on CPT Newton and the 155mm artillery his infantry company had recovered from the National Guard Armory in Central Park. The battery fired a salvo that cleared the defenders from the main gate. The field team made entry and found that the focus of the attack was on the East cooling tower, where Alien Vessel 01 was hidden.
Scout drones operated by Agent Wilson, D. found another small alien vessel landing site approximately 500m south of the cooling towers, deep in the forested hills. This craft was deploying more ground forces that moved north. Agent Wilson called in a precision artillery barrage on the landed craft. The initial ranging shot was intercepted by alien CIWS, but when the rest of the battery fired for effect, the defenses of the ship were overwhelmed, and the craft was neutralized.
Ranger forces from Bunker November arrived in time to repulse a secondary attack force from assaulting the KAI facility. Heavy losses were suffered in this defensive action, but they were reduced thanks to the efforts of Peter Kjelstad and his efforts to guide the Rangers around the unfamiliar building, allowing them to flank the attacking force. He also led a group of civilian employees to evacuate wounded Rangers to the nearby medical center, and escorted 2LT Naomi Agincourt to the front line for her to perform emergency stabilization on Rangers too badly injured to move.
The field team regrouped with the Ranger platoon's first squad, led by 2LT Marshall Spiers. They assaulted the enemy formation at the base of the East cooling tower. With suppressing fire from the squad placed to the north, the X-Com Agents were able to perform a flanking maneuver and overrun the alien lines. Agents Jankins and Wilson, F. provided long-range sniper support to neutralize the aliens attempting to climb the exterior staircase to the top of the tower. Agent Wilson, D. was also able to move an assault drone in to provide fire support and helped prevent the last of the alien forces from reaching their target.
When all alien ground forces were neutralized, the alien dropship spotted earlier performed one last flyby, firing a salvo at the East tower as a parting shot. The incoming fire did not penetrate the reinforced concrete, and did not damage the vessel hidden within.
It is suspected that this mission was an attempt by the aliens to recover or destroy Alien Vessel 01, and might explain the increased alien activity in the area in the last few days.
Mission Results
4 Rangers, KIA
7 Rangers, Wounded
7 civilians, dead
18 civilians, wounded
26 NOI civilians, dead
2 Gray "infiltrators" dead
9 Grays, dead
3 Behemoths, dead
6 "Shay-Tan", dead
6 "Floaters", dead
2 Attack drones, destroyed
Status of enemy operation: Attack repulsed. Enemy target is intact and remains in X-Com control.
Mission successful