[hide]- 1 Otell Of the Hawk Company
- 1.1 History
- 1.2 Bar story's
- 1.2.1 Otell on religion
- 1.2.2 Otell on equality
- 1.2.3 Otell on job interviews
- 1.2.4 Otell on gathering information
- 1.2.5 Otell on loss
- 1.2.6 Otell Pen Pal I
- 1.2.7 Otell on Pen Pal II
- 1.2.8 Field log 09/03/2538
- 1.2.9 Otell Pen Pal III
- 1.2.10 Field Log 09/07/2538
- 1.2.11 Field Log 09/10/2538
- 1.2.12 Field Log 9/16/2538
- 1.3 Superstitious beliefs
Otell Of the Hawk Company
So I'm going to do my best to keep up on this guy but my writing sucks. If you notice any punctuation or grammar errors feel free to let me know. I'm trying to get better with my writing so the feedback will help.
Yes i have history! long ago some great men from the band of the hawk came across me sitting in snow bank. My parents body's lay next to me. How this came to be i cannot remember who knows maybe they were my first kills. The great men took me in and taught me the way of war, death, and killing. Many years passed and many many battles. Over time i learned of my rage and how to use it to kill my enemy. So many great times were had so much happened with the band of the hawk until it ended. We were caught in a land skirmish with the red wolves a rival mercenary company. We had equivalent forces but we still had the advantage because our leader was a very smart tactician. We should have won and would have to if not for this one women who the leader bedded. During the night she killed him and sneaked away not taking anything not even his gold. This i could not understand but it matters not for the damage was done all the same. Without our leader the company was in chaos and the wolves seized the opportunity to easily overwhelm us. The Wolves had much luck that day to take us when they did. Very few survived and none of us were anything like a leader so we parted ways each to there own. Some went off for revenge saying that is was the wolves fault we lost. Well of course it was there fault we are warriors they fought us and killed most of us. This is how it should be we are mercenaries we are professionals at war. My only problem is they were fool enough to allow survivors this is not how it should be. Though it matters very little i am now unemployed so i will travel till i come across a worthwhile company or even a master and then i will do what i do best kill.
Bar story's
Otell on religion
Of course i believe in the gods i have good reason to sit i tell you story. Not so long ago on a very stormy night me and a clients party came across some strange creatures. The creatures were chaos somethings and of course we killed them but they are not the point the point comes later. After killing them we took refuge from the storm in a nearby inn. When suddenly we discover there is a chaos something running around of course we kill that one to. But wouldn't you know it the inn was full of demon worshiping cultist's. Luckily my client was very very smart and figured out ahead of time what was going on so when we attacked we had the advantage. The party found them in a strange basement chanting around a circle and possible dancing im not sure. Then there strange words must have angered a demon because one appeared and started killing them and when we made are presence known the cultist and the demon both turned on us. Now we had a problem my employer had frozen in fear of the demon. Good thing we had a Elf because shot a arrow so lethal that even a demon was taken back. Even with this arrow in it the demon still came and our dwarf tried to stand between the employer and the demon but it didn't work because she's short. Then the demon struck nearly taking my employers head off this i could not allow. I mean really where would the gold come from without the employer. So i worked fast and swung my mighty axe killing the demon. Of course we slaughtered the cultist it should go without saying. This taught me a lesson well actually two lessons 1. Never be on the business end of a elf with a bow, and 2. if the enemy of the god are real then of course the gods are real. I personally worship Ulric because we enjoy many of the same things fighting and killing though he enjoys wolves and the cold but you cant agree on everything. If you did there would be no fighting and where is the fun in that.
Otell on equality
"Why you cry little one?"
"Ah you were beaten up by your sister, well there is no shame in that."
" You don't believe me huh well sit down and let me tell you a story. Not so long ago i had a client that hired me and two women to kill a giant. One was a elf and the other a dwarf, now i know what your thinking what could they do to a giant? Well i will tell you in time be patient. After being hired we traveled many days and all the while my head was being filled with the notions that i was the only one who could slay the giant. All the while these women made no claims to there strength or prowess they were just supportive and nice. Finally the day came we stood in the pass controlled by the giant ready to run up and battle."
" What yes i know how stupid this sounds just running up to a giant with no real plan. That mostly came about because all plans i could come up with destroyed the forest in some way and one of the women was a elf. Anyway where was i oh yes there we stood in the pass before the giant charging at us. Like any proud warrior i charged at the giant but somehow the women beat me to the front line."
" Yes one was a dwarf."
" Yes she was not the fastest person ive ever met."
" Kid shut up and let me finish, where was i oh yes the women beat me to the front line. The elf with her bow sank arrow after arrow into the giant. While the dwarf jumped up and repeatedly beat the chest of the giant with her hammers. Now that was no small task that giant was at least 15 feet tall i tell you dwarfs can really jump. where was i oh yes, now before i could even close distance with the giant he layed dead on the ground killed by none other than the women. Now i have fought many battles and i have dozens of stories where women showed courage strength and ability. So what lesson should you take from this hmmm?"
" No it's not that it is okay to be beaten by your sister you should not let any one beat you. The lesson is when fighting your sister or any women you do not hold back you study them, identify there weaknesses, and crush them. Now here take this stick go home wait by side of door and when your sister enters hit her in the knee hard. When she goes down pummel her this will show her you are not to be trifled with. Now go!"
"Ah cute kid i wish him luck."
Otell on job interviews
"you want me sit here okay"
Let's begin tell me about yourself.
"I am mercenary berserker with many years experience."
Why did you leave your last job?
"Because we completed task and there no more work to do."
Do you consider yourself successful?
"Well yes im still alive that more than many can say."
What do coworkers say about you?
"Im not sure i never ask, is this something i should worry about"
What do you know about this organization?
"That you hiring"
What have you done to improve your knowledge in the past year?
"I learn magic tricks, and i try to learn how to pick locks. Next i will probably learn how to pick pockets."
Have you applied for other jobs?
"No, i cant read Craig's poll and everyone ignore me when i ask what it says."
Why do you want to work for this organization?
"Because you pay money, is this trick question?"
Do you know any one who works for us?
"No, do i need to."
What kind of salary are you looking for?
"As much as you can pay, and i keep whatever i loot."
Are you a team player?
"Yes, they tell me what to kill and i kill. Why did you hear different?"
How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
"Till i am payed. This strange question."
Have you ever had to fire any one? How do you feel about this?
"No, if i have to get rid of person i usually kill them and use them as example to others."
What is your philosophy towards work?
"I love work it how i get payed."
Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
"I have been kicked out of bars. Why does this matter?"
What is your greatest strength?
"My strong muscles i guess, and can do attitude."
Tell me about your dream job.
"What does this have to do with anything."
What would your previous supervisor say was your greatest strength.
"I dont know ask him. Will this be much longer"
What motivates you the most about a job?
"The money didn't you ask this before"
How would you know you were successful on this job?
"I get payed. Look this is just getting redundent."
What have you learned form mistakes on the job?
"You are really pissing me off little man."
Do you think you are over qualified for this position?
Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
"That does it. COME HERE!"
~sounds of breaking furniture, and screams~
Interview End!
Otell on gathering information
"Have you calmed down now?"
"I don’t have to hit you all with table again right?"
"Good, now why you starting such a fight here?"
"Ah it because your women say your best friend steal necklace. Did you steal necklace?"
"No huh, he doesn’t seem like he lying I mean look at him he trembling."
"Hmm sound to me like you need more information to figure this out. Well you in luck look where we are!"
"Yes we’re in a tavern the perfect place to gather information. Let me tell you whenever I come to tavern I always come with a question to ask and in some cases leave with answers I didn't expect. In one case I came to ask about a local family and left knowing secrets about a friend. The tavern is a wealth of information you just need to know how to use it. Now how bout I help you and we get to the bottom of this." 6 hours later and much Ale
"So necklace not stolen at all your wife sell it to get funds to run away with other man! See now don’t you feel better. Best friend do nothing but be friend you're wife just lie to you."
"Oh you have to go now I understand. Just remember when you have questions and no one tell truth be sure to try your local tavern."
This message brought to you by your local tavern it's not just for drinking anymore.
(I know this log is lame but due to secretive nature of last game no details will be given.)
Otell on loss
"Some days it's tough to be a person! Especially those days when you lose some one you care for. It's like your whole world is taken and turned up side down, and your completely lost trying desperately to get your bearings. You cry, moan, and wail at the parting because you know not only did you lose that person you lost a piece of yourself. The part that loved and cared for this person is forever torn filling you with pain that you think will never leave. The pain never really does leaves you just become numb to it till its nothing but a dull ache. As you lose more and more friends, family, and lovers the pain is less, and less or you are just increasingly numb to it. Eventually you sit wondering why it stopped hurting when did you lose all the feeling when did you stop being a person. I have some friends who have lost or are soon to lose someone important to them. I will watch over them fulfill there promises so they have time to properly mourn the loss. I pray to Morr it always hurts so they can always be people, good people."
"What do you mean I'm cut off?"
Otell Pen Pal I
Dear Von Kurtz family
Hello little girl it’s me Otell! Caelyn was nice enough to put my words to paper for me because I can’t read. I’m writing because you are going through a hard time and you probably need something to take your mind off things. So please enjoy my mindless ramblings, emphasis on the mindless.
Currently I, Caelyn, and Karl Gustav(a priest of Ulric) are in the forests fighting chaos thingies.(Amir character) you have not met he is a priest of Ulric and seems like good people. We’re keeping a running tally on who got the most kills, and Caelyn is winning but I am catching up. The forest is beautiful and I kind of understand why the elves hold the woods sacred, all except the sleeping on the ground that is hard on the back. Wish you could see the view from on top of these hills absolutely breathe taking, and I have big lungs so that says a lot. Included in this letter is a pretty stone I took from a stream we came across. You probably have really fancy stones that are much better but I am sending it any way.
While traveling I’m trying to learn to read. Janna started teaching me, but she isn’t with me now so I am practicing on my own. I was given a history book I think that describes much of the local area I think. I can not be sure about what is described because there are many words I do not understand still. Do you like to read? If you do maybe you could read with me sometime? Please don’t make to much fun of me I’m still not very good.
Janna and Zacharie have gone to some dwarven land to see Janna’s master. The master is currently very ill so Janna needed to see him, and Zacharie went for support. Zacharie seems too really miss you I can tell he is crankier than usual in an I miss you kind of way. You left a really major impression on Zacharie in a very short time. Remember when I said you would be very dangerous when you we’re older I was wrong. You are dangerous right NOW! Be careful how you use those looks of yours, I have my eyes on you so no funny business. I’m kind of hoping you could write Zacharie he is also working through some loss, and I think it might be good for both of you to converse. Is this not allowed in noble circles I always confused on the rules for them?
Well it is about time for me to resume the killing of chaos thingies. Next time I write maybe I send poetry or something, do bar rhymes count as poetry? Till next time you stay strong for you and your mother.
Otell berserker barbarian esquire
P.S. I don’t know what esquire means it just sounded neat.
Otell on Pen Pal II
Dear Zacharie and Janna
Hi it’s me Otell! A few weeks have passed since we last spoke so how are you doing? Caelyn, Karl, and I are doing well in the forests hunting chaos thingies. For the most part the trip is all business, and business is good. By business I mean killing, and by business is good I mean many massacres. Though the trip has not been all business there are some moments of hilarity. Like when we went to cross this big mountain river and Karl started falling in I of course tried to help him also falling in. That’s how both of us ended up caught in the current heading towards some rocks with Caelyn riding down the bank after us. The situation ended happily Caelyn was able to throw us a rope pulling us to the shore before we hit the rocks. I and Karl looked like drowned rats’ shivering in the cold on the shore it was hilarious.
So how are the dwarven lands? What is the beer like? Did Janna fall into the arms of a lusty young dwarf? By the way did the little girl write you I asked her to but I don’t know if she did? I know you are both going through a tough time so I just wanted to say I few words that always helped me “This to shall pass.” The statement is simple but very true it means for better or worse the situation will resolve itself and something new will come. Any way I should get back to work Caelyn is saying I am slacking too much (she is a ruthless task master). I hope to see you soon and in good health if not in better spirits.
Otell Berserker Barbarian
P.S. I think Caelyn could use some alone time with Zacharie it might improve her mood
Field log 09/03/2538
(Due to Otell learning to read and write he has started a log.)
Location: 2 days ouside of Nuln
Given this is my first official log I will begin by listing the most recent operations namely operation: Cleansing Hand, and Shadow Supplier. Cleansing Hand entailed the seeking out and destruction of chaos creatures and sympathizers in the forests of Nuln, Stimmigen and Auerswald which was a complete success. Boasting over 86 confirmed kills Karl Gustav concluded the operation was complete and had us return to Nuln. Cleansing Hand acted as a perfect cover for operation: Shadow Supplier which was also a success. The acquisitions of Shadow Supplier were liquidated and turned over to the organization furthering my reach in the network. On a personal note I restrained myself from setting fire to the Guggenstein estate while in Stimmigen due to it potentially putting my friend Caelyn in danger.
In Nuln I reunited with Janna and Zacharie after there extended trip into dwarven lands. Janna seems to have handled her grief rather well where as Zacharie seems to be having issues. As far as I can tell Zacharie has changed his name and demeanor while still maintaining his base personality. Due to Zacharie issues operation: Wedded Bliss has been canceled indefinitely further contact with Von Kurtz family will be voluntary. Contact was made with Pietro for a update on operation: Bush Master with disappointing results. It seems contact has been lost with the operative for 3 months which given the action should only have taken 2 weeks this is a cause for worry. There is a possibility that the operative may have been delayed coincidentally but I'm not a great believer in coincidence. All further action will be run under the assumption that Bush Master has been compromised which leads me to operation: Game Warden. Steps have been taken and Game Warden is now in play which if successful will give details as to location of Joshua Darkthorne. There is a distinct possibility that Darkthorne or one of his operatives will be found in the area of Britonia or slightly farther north given that this was the focus of Bush Master. I will find Darkthorne for Caelyn and if not for that then to find out how he instills such utter devotion in someone. If Game Warden is successful I will be contacted in Matorca with the details.
After meeting Pietro a new player in operation: Sand Flea presented themselves by trying to steal our intel. Apparently a deposed princess had our intel taken though our team was able to retrieve it. Janna entered negotiations with the Princess operative code named "The Voice" for information and a resupply in Matorca. Janna has promised them our aid in retrieving the item and they have assigned us one of there agents to baby sit us. This situation is dangerous given how little information we have especially since we are now very limited in our possible choices. For expedience sake I have raised little argument because there may still be fall out from Shadow Supplier. For the time being it will be best for me to lay low and stay off the streets if possible at least till we are out of the empire.
Once travel arrangements were made Sand Flea commenced once more having us travel 2 days till the next town. At this point it was apparent Zacharie is having more severe issues than I first believed because he seems to have a unhealthy fixation on getting a halfling cook. For now I am merely observing Zacharie trying to make sure he hasn't become a safety risk to himself and others. Upon arriving in the next town I went directly to the inn ate some food and went to bed remaining in my room till it was time to travel the next day. After we left town not 2 hours later the group came across a stage coach robbery scene. How this group never fails to get involved in these situations amazes me. Normally acting the good Samaritan nets you no profit but for this group it some how works out in there favor(I consider this just a perk of having them as friends). So operation Sand Flea has been put to the side for the moment and were helping a noble to retrieve some important papers now classified as operation: Morning Light.
Re-forger: Success
Team Spirit: Success
Dark Alley: Success
Stone Wall: Success
Long Arm: Failure
Double Life: Success
Knowledge: Success with casualties
Cleansing Hand: Success
Shadow Supplier: Success
Wedded Bliss: Discontinued
Bush Master: Unknown
Game Warden: Initiated
Sand Flea: ongoing
Morning Light: Initiated
Otell Pen Pal III
Dear Von Kurtz family
Ha ha it is once more me Otell. So how goes everything with you? I’m doing well myself I have just returned from slaying so many chaos thingies. In the end Caelyn was the victor with the most kills (Stupid Bow!). Instead of taking a rest I will be going on a treasure hunt in the far north my home country of Norsca out side of Stavgard. I will be gone for many months doing the usual for a treasure hunt fighting monsters, tracking clues, and defeating the forces of chaos you know the usual. If you like I could send you assorted alcohol while traveling so you could actual have the feeling of adventuring. It will be so weird going home all because a grave robber lost some item in the snow. I wish I knew what it was but the others are afraid I would tell someone, can you believe it? Any way I hope you’re doing better and maybe next time I am back we can play together. I am working on magic tricks maybe we could put on a magic show with you as the beautiful assistant. I should get going or Janna might dock my share of the treasure, hope to see you!
Otell Berserker Barbarian esquire slayer of boredom
P.S. I seriously need to find out what esquire means everyone keeps laughing when I say it.
Field Log 09/07/2538
Location: minutes outside of Weisenburg
Operation: Morning Light was a complete success not only did retrieve the papers but we also captured 1 bandit, and 2 Halflings. After retuning the paper work I was left in the woods to bury the dead. In the midst of my task a group of road wardens came across me asking questions regarding the coach that just left. The fact this coach was robbed and now wardens were asking about aroused my suspicions so hurried back to Weisenburg. After arriving in town I was told that the coach was wanted under suspicions of stealing a valuable necklace. Though the information was suspicious it was put to the side due to the others taking on another mission now listed as operation: Mini Threat. Apparently local Halflings were being given a hard time by a few nobles. The mission put to us was to find blackmail material for them to use before the next council vote. This situation worried me not only for the fact we were taking on multiple nobles but also because on the Halflings table “danger” blood and human claw marks were very apparent. Still the group took up this “good deed” in good cheer and so began the mission. During the course of the mission some people died no solid evidence was found and some how the Halflings were able to pass there vote. Not only was there vote passed but they attained a vote in the city. Though I expect no less from a group who apparently destroyed the local thieves guild. In the end all I have is a working theory based on what little info I could gather. Noble A setup Noble C(coach noble) to carry a stolen necklace into Weisburg which on the way would be robbed by hired highway men. The robbery would not only attain the necklace but also paper work regarding a lucrative trade agreement. Then something went wrong the thieves did not get the necklace. Instead the Coachman of noble C swallowed it and this lead to him being ripped open 2 days later. Well that was all I have on this so now we are back on to operation: Sand Flea. Before I go through any more cloak and dagger I need more training myself more.
Re-forger: Success
Team Spirit: Success
Dark Alley: Success
Stone Wall: Success
Long Arm: Failure
Double Life: Success
Knowledge: Success with casualties
Cleansing Hand: Success
Shadow Supplier: Success
Wedded Bliss: Discontinued
Bush Master: Unknown
Game Warden: Initiated
Sand Flea: ongoing
Morning Light: Success
Mini Threat: Success???
Field Log 09/10/2538
Location: Lost dwarven settlement
It’s been over a week since we left Weisenburg traveling south to Matorca. While traveling we have come across a robbed coach which looks like it was hit by a full raiding party. This comes as no surprise really given the distance between towns here, the good cover, and abundant wild life making the area a good bandit camp location. While investigating the site Janna came across a dwarf hiding in the bushes (how she found him is unknown). The dwarf preceded to state yet another tale of pain and misery which was finished off with a job offer. Of course I proceeded to negotiate terms but before I could finish they all heartily agreed to help (The old me would never have allowed this). The job consisted of removing a pack of rat things, investigate the ruins, and remove any threat inside them I’m classifying this as operation: Mount Hope. The initial part was easily taken care of with little to no tactics involved (I could not come up with a viable plan thus none was used) securing the ruins front door. Once exploring of the area started I noticed a disturbing trend it seems Caelyn is still actively being secretive. I grow more and more worried in regards to Caelyn, by nature she seems to not trust in others and may never be able to really open up to others. I still will give Caelyn my complete trust though I will ask if her secrets will harm the others. Though I will trust her I will not put the others at risk, she does not have to tell me the secrets just that they won’t harm the others. While searching out the area we discovered the ruins are inhabited by orc’s. I know very little of orc’s other than there tough and considered evil by nature though this may be racist talk. With the others help I have started planning the offensive to take the ruins but with out knowing the enemy’s numbers, strength, or racial differences I have little hope for our success. During this operation I plan to break up the enemy take them down in small groups while keeping our escape route open. The escape route will do nothing for me due to my curse but it may save my friends lives.
Re-forger: Success
Team Spirit: Success
Dark Alley: Success
Stone Wall: Success
Long Arm: Failure
Double Life: Success
Knowledge: Success with casualties
Cleansing Hand: Success
Shadow Supplier: Success
Wedded Bliss: Discontinued
Bush Master: Unknown
Game Warden: Initiated
Sand Flea: ongoing
Morning Light: Success
Mini Threat: Success???
Mount Hope: Ongoing
Field Log 9/16/2538
Location: lost Dwarven settlement
The ruins were cleared and operation Mount Hope was successful. After killing everything I went to work disposing of all the bodies while the others explored the ruins. Turns out the forge area was storing large glowing sticks of condensed chaos along with a goblin mutant who wasted no time knocking me and Caelyn out. When I came to the party had retreated from the basement and regrouped outside. After a little discussion regarding the shards I was knocked out for the second time that day. When I came to again the party was turning on Caelyn attempting to knock her out. During the struggle I cut my bonds and snuck away to get a better understanding of my situation. I made a easily followed trail into the basement where the mutant was to buy myself some time. While I doubled back I became rather disturbed that I was so preoccupied with the chaos crystals which I cared only slightly about before. Taking up a observation post I witnessed Caelyn apparently having a discussion with a rock this lead me to believe mine and Caelyns minds had been compromised. Knowing how dangerous I can be due to my curse I decided to put as much distance between me and my friends as possible. To prepare for this I left behind anything that could slow me down my armor, weapons, items, and clothes before setting off into the woods. I ran as long as I possibly could before finally collapsing into the dirt hours later sore, dirty, and bleeding. That is when they found me the snotlings mini goblins who until recently had lived in the dwarven ruins. I think they remembered me because they immediately accepted me as one of there own. They tended my wounds in there strange fashion and started to teach me there snotling ways. I learned to properly cower, hide, how to work hard while being completely silent so to not anger the master, conversational snotling, 100 uses for shit, proper mushroom care, and courting of snotlings (I may be married now I'm not sure). After many days through there training I regained my sanity also a deep respect for the resilient, and noble snotling. With my mind returned I knew it was time go back to the world of man, my frineds, and especialy my pants(it's kinda cold out here). After a long trek I came across my friends who upon seeing me immediately made me take a bath. Tommorow we leave for a dwarven city to tell them what we found here but i don't think we will ever be able to truly express it. In closing I leave you with some wise words spoken by the leader of the snotlings "Grok grek ni sook" meaning "Always move forward in life, but never forget the road you traveled" I never will.
Re-forger: Success
Team Spirit: Success
Dark Alley: Success
Stone Wall: Success
Long Arm: Failure
Double Life: Success
Knowledge: Success with casualties
Cleansing Hand: Success
Shadow Supplier: Success
Wedded Bliss: Discontinued
Bush Master: Unknown
Game Warden: Initiated
Sand Flea: ongoing
Morning Light: Success
Mini Threat: Success???
Mount Hope: Success
Superstitious beliefs
1. Before leaving for a long journey travelers, and all those who are seeing them off, must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. It is often conveniently written off as a time to sit and think of anything one may have forgotten.
2.After someone has left the house on a long journey, their room and/or their things should not be cleaned up until they have arrived.
3.Returning home for forgotten things is a bad omen. It is better to leave it behind, but if returning is necessary, one should look in the mirror before leaving the house again. Otherwise the journey will be bad.
4. Many Russians consider giving sharp objects, like knives or scissors, as gifts, to be taboo. You can avoid this taboo taking symbolic little money, for example one Russian ruble, in exchange as if it is a trade, not a gift.
5. On examination day, it is good luck to not make your bed, wear anything new, or cut your fingernails.
6. It is bad luck to use physical hand gestures to demonstrate something negative using oneself or someone else as the object. For example, when describing a scar you saw on someone's face you should not gesture on your own face or someone else's. If you must, you can demonstrate in mid-air. If one does it without realizing, it can be countered by making a hand motion towards the body part used and then an abrupt motion away (as if to pick up the bad energy and throw it away).
7. If one person accidentally steps on another person's foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict.
8. If one person accidentally steps on another person's foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict.
9. A funeral procession brings good luck. But one should never cross its path or it is bad luck.
10. It's good luck to trip on your left foot.
11. If one feels that he or she may have been cursed by someone (had the "evil eye" put on them) or just has the feeling of a hostile presence, it is recommended to remove one's coat and then put it back on starting with the hand opposing the usually used one. It is also recommended to pin a clothes Pin inside your clothing to avoid the curse of evil eye in the first place.
12. One should not to shake hands or give something through a threshold.
14. When you have alcohol, it must be drunk until it is gone.
15. One should not put a glass with alcohol back on the table.
16. Traditionally alcohol is poured out to all the people present, though they are not required to drink.
17.One should not make a long interruption between first and second wine glasses.
18. The latecomer must drink a full glass.
19. Outgoing guest must drink last glass for good luck.
20. It is not allowed to pour out by hand holding a bottle from below.
21. It is not allowed to fill a glass being held in the air.