PA Recap
The group continued to investigate Falls
Apparently there is something wrong with the technology in Falls. Things keep breaking down. We are pretty much at a loss as to how to help these people, but we do enjoy eating their food. Sarah has plugged into the computer in falls by means of a brain jack implant and has been attacked by something that she believes is TAC in cyberspace. Angus activated his pre-fall toy spider. The group attended a party and several of the younger members got lucky. There we also met a woman named ?Solara? who offered to trade the location of the Messiah Harbinger project for information on TAC and maps of outside the valley.
Ben 061016: Her name was Salome (she pronounced it Sah-loam).
Matts: wik busted himself trying to jump on some luddite goons
We whooped on some luddites in several capacities: one, in their attempting storming of the Temple. Two, in their attempted demolition of the Falls Dam. Three, in the captured luddite prisoners' attempt to stay in their cells without being molested and murdered.
We also decided to track down scary Salome from the Big Top (which nobody messes with, by the way)
Nobody RUMBLES with them. You also forgot about the righteous whooping by Grant on some poor fools in an enclosed space via an automatic rifle. Oh, and the whooping the group almost received, following two faceplants by Wik, like three stab wounds on Shennong and/or Hunter, and the severe pummeling x2-3 of Wik following said faceplants. Other important details: falls is about 60-75% destroyed: roughly 2/3 of their soldiers are dead, and there are about 5-700 casualties otherwise, most of them citizens of the Forks cities. As a result, Three Rivers is apparently preparing for war against Forks, while Falls tries to rebuild. The reason the group wants to go track down Salome is because they think she's somehow connected to the attack.
The charactes followed Salome to Three Rivers. Once there, a bit of investigating was in order. Grant found out that Salome had an appointment with a Mr. Cripowitz, so we set out to find him. Shennong mannaged to track down this mysterious CHipowitz, who turned out to be the chipmunk pet of the local stabler. Sam's idea was a little more/less clever - he narced on Salome to the local constable as a "person of interest" in the Falls massacre. She was brought in for questioning, followed by her "dog" (a humanoid dressed in burlap sacks and a burlap hood), and by Mr. Chester Cripowitz, a local arms dealer. Having 100 pounds of dynamite to sell, we hailed Cripowitz after Salome was incarcerated and set up a meeting. Over a nice steak dinner and home made apple pie, Cripowitz told Sam, Sarah and Shennong that Salome was the second arrival from Falls, preceeded by a courier who lived on the outskirts of town. Salome claimed to have left Falls just as the mayhem broke out. She has had previous business with Cripowitz. S, S, and S made a deal with CC for uber loot in exchange for 80 pounds of dynamite. Meanwhile, Pierre sold 2 sticks and got stinking drunk......then the real fun began.
CC recruited Pierre and Sarah on a courier duty to take Salmome to the Messiah Harbinger cave then to Lonesome hills and back. They took off quickly and against the advice of some of the other players. Immediately after they left, Sam and Shennong and Grant decided that they needed to follow since Sarah gave Salome the info and we just sold 80 pounds of dynamite to her buddy - hence she might open up the Harbinger project. S, S and G took the truck to Krominer's place and borrowed horses, Sam riding fast ahead and Grant and Shennong riding double a little behind. Garcon was left behind in Three Rivers to watch the trailer. Pierre, Sarah, Salome and Dog reached the cave, entered and apparently did not get past the big door. While Sarah and Salome were inside, Sam approched and after failing a stealth check, revealed himself to Pierre and told the frenchie of our plans. After significant carpet cleaning in the cave, Sarah and Salome emerged, all mounted their bikes in the dark and Sarah crashed hers. They were to wait until morning before leaving. Meanwhile, Sam, Grant and Shennong waited hidden in the trees.....
I'll let the players edit this for the recap, but I've got a couple of notes/things to consider.
For those that have not been brutally beaten and captured, consider carefully what your character would do. How important are the other characters to you? How would your character approach what little information he or she has when they don't show back up? Although I want people to play their characters as they see fit, I as the GM have, based on your previous roleplaying, developed ideas about what is character appropriate for each of you, and in the current situation, I will hold you to that unless you give me a decent explanation of where your plan/action/whatever comes from.
For those of you that are captured: think about what your character would do. Not the gut reaction "he'd bust out and kick ass! He wouldn't take shit from nobody!", but rather a bit more nuanced response. If your character really wouldn't take any shit, despite being unarmed, unarmored, and outnumbered, that's fine, but only if he is either very naive, would rather die than be a prisoner, or places little value on his life.
--Edmiao 11:31, 19 November 2006 (MST) looks like i left too soon (or maybe just in time). anyway, I don't want to know what happened, that way i can role play it better.
Recap as far as Grant and Shennong know: Sarah and Pierre left with Salome and Dog in the morning from the Harbinger cave. Grant, Sam and Shennong then approached. Grant went scouting for ways to create a landslide and after a long survey, though he could make one, but was not sure how large it would be. Sarah and Pierre showed up again. There was talk of another entrance. In the night, Sam and Shennong got radiation sickness and left the area. the others left in the morning one by one, with Sarah being last and running out of gas half way home - it was a long walk (she showed up the next day). Sam, Pierre and Sarah each went into 3 rivers, again one by one, to pick up Garcon and Wik and for Pierre and Sarah to collect their compensation for the Salome delivery service. Shennong and Grant stayed behind at the Krominers. Shennong spent the first day foraging, while Grant helped Sarah get gas for the motorcycle and Sarah then left for 3 rivers. The next day, Grant did some chores in the morning, while Shennong went foraging all day long. Shennong should arrive back to the Krominer camp around 6pm, expecting the group to be back from 3 rivers.
Recap of others PA temporary recap because Ed (the player) does not want to know (half for good role playing, half because it will make me sick at how shitty and disorganized the characters are).
Wik, Sam and Pierre were introduced to their captor at the big top. Pierre got the best booty call in his life because Nate was not there. The three may have been roped into some kind of mission.
Grant and Shennong went looking for the others because Grant had been told by Salome that "If Sarah wants to see her friends again she will come to the big top". No signs of Sarah, but they tracked Sam and Pierre to Edgewood, and out of the valley where they were attacked by bandits. True to form, Grant took a whoopin and Shennong patched him up with the help of a little Polycell. They met three new characters who offered to help and, although Shennong and Grant were initially suspicious, the three strangers killed the bandits when they returned. Turns out these three are on the trail of Zomb-05.
Sam Hunter, Wik, and Pierre travelled along the river, coming across several interesting features: a bald man in a house on a dam, some large, four legged, carnivorous river logs, and some ganger-type bandits, who shot Wik, who then got infected, and is now likely to die. No pyramid has been found yet.
About 5 or 6 days have passed since Wik, Pierre and Sam fought off bandits and met up with a strange mud covered man. After nearly starving a couple times, fleeing a forest fire through quicksand in the dead of night and hunting frisbee fungi like they were jello-covered supermodels, our intrepid band of disparate adventurers has arrived at the Accursed Ziggurat, which is actually more pyramid, Egyptian-style. Sam has identified familiar blue clouds roaming all around said pyramid in a 2-mile radius. Signs of the infamous Shadowbeast have also been found, in the form of dead silence and a dismembered leg. Wik is no longer rotting to death and is close to being at 0 BODY. Sam has also been healing, all be it slowly. The New Mutants: Snap, Du and Benedict have proven to be helpful, if perhaps inconstant companions. Stores of food are sufficient, but not plentiful; travel is solely by foot + one horse; medical supplies are 3 or 4 antibiotic regimens and 4 anti-venom doses, all in unprocessed herbal form; weapons are primarily of the short stabbing kind, with one bow + quiver, one M-16, one .30-06 and a laser-sighted pistol with moderate ammo supplies. Current issues: pyramid found with 100% lethal guardians, Shadowbeast prowling the area, potential bandit pursuit to the rear.