Sound City Chronicles
Sound City Chronicles is a street level superhero game set in the year 2014 in the fictional Sound City, an amalgamation of Seattle, Tacoma and all the surrounding areas.
Main Characters
Supporting Characters
Mary Thomas
Sarah Thomas
Detective Becktress
Coach Jackson
Wright Hill
Mittelos Bioscience
These are very brief. Hopefully they will be fleshed out over time. Other participants are welcome to add what they recall.
Issue #1
First appearance of X
Cover: X holds a motorcycle over his head as angry bikers carrying pipes and chains close in
Kitty Malone is in the Bathroom of a mini-mart cleaning up coffee the owner accidental spilled don her when members of the Kodiak gang enter to shake down the owner for protection money. Kevin Thomas arrives to make a purchase, and deciding he has had enough, puts on the X ski mask and starts a fight with the bikers waiting outside. Meanwhile, Kitty, in her civilian identity, fights the Kodiaks who are inside using mops and bottles of beer as improvised weapons. The Kodiaks are run off, but not before the shop keeper is badly injured.
The daughter of Brian Porter, president of Mittelos Bio Science is rep[orted missing, kidnapping is feared.
Issue #2
First appearance of Jet
Cover: With a gun in each hand, Jet blazes away at a van of criminals driving away.
Jet and X stop a group of Anarchists from blowing up a 24 hour drug store.
Brian Porter announces that his daughter was stressed out by college life and impulsively ran off to Europe with some friends. X's dreams reveal this to be a lie.
Issue #3
Cover: Crazed hulking brutes close in on Jet and X.
Jet and X meet at the wright hill park to discuss a partnership and stumble upon the Kodiaks selling drugs to the Saints. The Saints and a few of the Kodiaks inject the drug and become enraged hulking brutes. During the fight, the clock in the park is damaged. X captures a Saint and Jet finds a familiar looking pneumatic injector. Interrogating the Saint, they learn the locations of the Saints and Kodiaks Bases of operation.
Kitty Malone visits her handler and meets a mysterious woman that rides in a Limo with diplomatic plates. Her handler tells her he is getting promoted and gives her the address of his new condo down town.
X tries to contact Brian Porter and offer his help, but cannot get past Brian Porter's Lawyer.
Issue #4
First appearance of Stray
Cover: X faces off with an extremely large crazed looking Homeless man.
Jet and X raid the Saints club house. There X fights Stray, a homeless man permanently altered by the drugs the Saints were attempting to buy in issue #3. Some of the Saints are killed by Jet. Most of the Saints run away. Jet falls for a ruse perpetrated by the leader of the Saints and lets him escape. On the premises evidence suggests they were running homeless death matches and a website featuring them. The leader of the Saints turns out to be the son of a local beat cop. On the local news he accuses Jet and X of the Saint's crimes.
X makes a contact: a local police detective.
Kitty Malone goes to her Handlers Condo and finds it empty and devoid of furniture. The only things there are a pneumatic injector with one dose of her drug and a fern named Howard. A strange leaves a note on her bike saying "Behave" along with a key to the condo. Afraid that her bike may be sabotaged, she calls a garage that is coincidentally run by Kevin Thomas. Seeing the bike and hearing her voice he deduces her secret I.D.. Kevin decides to trust her and lets her know his secret as well.
A man in an X mask hold up a convenience store.
Issue #5
features a fold out of X jumping from a burning house with a child in his arms.
Cover: A couple of men are throwing Jet off the back of a truck.
Members of the El Diablos Locos gang are seen in the Wright Hill neighborhood. Jet and X investigate the father of the Saints leader. They discover that he knows the truth and wants to turn his son in, but his wife is threatening divorce if he does. Members of El Diablos Loco attack the house and family of a Saint. The family is butchered, except for a little girl that X saves. Mary Thomas was at the scene and snapped the photo of X featured in the fold out. She has it published and a news controversy over whether X is good or bad begins.
X finds out that his detective contact was removed from the case concerning the Saints and their various criminal activities. the two agree to meet regularly to discuss what's going on.
Kitty does some investigation regarding the condo. She discovers that it is fully paid for and in her name. Daily doses of her drug continue to be left there.
X related crimes continue.
X tries to contact Brian Porter again, but his Lawyer is still an obstacle.
Issue #6
cover: Saints cower on stairs trapped between X at the bottom and Jet at the top.
X finds out that members of El Diablos Loco he had left tied up for police were executed by saints. After threatening a few people he finds out that the policeman's son, although grounded and locked in his basement room is still giving orders. Jet and X head for the house to put an end to things once and for all. They intimidate the Saints into turning themselves in. The policeman's wife leaves him. It becomes obvious that the boy is taking orders from someone else, but he is to afraid to talk. In jail he is beaten badly and sent to the hospital.
X decides to take the controversy about himself head on and offers a local t.v. reporter an exclusive interview.
Issue #7
cover: Jet falls as Anarchist shoot her with a really big gun.
Jet responds to an alarm. She sees an ATM has been blown to pieces and Anarchists on the roof above wait with a Big Gun. Jet confronts the Anarchists on the roof who shoot her up and leave her for dead. A local restaurant owner sees the events and hides her after the Anarchists leave and before the police arrive. Later it is announced that many ATMs were destroyed that night and when police came to investigate they were ambushed. Many died and many more were injured. The mayor announces that in light of the situation cadets at the police academy will be promoted early to full officer status.
X sends money to the Father of the former leader of The Saints along with s note apologizing for breaking his door and telling him they can talk if he so desires.
Kitty finds a note along with her daily dose. Jet and X figure out that the note refers to a specific shipping container at the shipyards.
Issue #8
Special Holiday issue
Cover: Santa ducks and covers while a crazed policeman fires into a crowd.
Kevin Thomas takes his family to the Wright Hill park for the annual winter carnival and the unveiling of the newly repaired clock. Kitty Malone also attends on her own. During the carnival, someone throws fire crackers into the salvation army pot. The noise distracts people while other guys try and rob an old lady running a ring toss stand. Someone sees the robbery, screams, " He's got a gun !", and all hell breaks lose. Santa has dumped out the pot and is stomping out the fire. Some people start scrabbling for the money. A new recruit to the police force loses control and begins shooting them. A few citizens and one senior officer are hospitalized. Before Kitty can stop the crazed officer. Kevin stops the thieves and discovers the old woman was selling packets of cocaine from her booth and this is what the men were after.
Mary and Sarah are proud of Kevin for intervening. Mary later tells him that although she is proud of him, she was also terrified that he might get hurt or killed.
Issue #9
Cover: Jet crouches on top of a stack of shipping containers looking down at a group of Kodiaks.
Jet and X arrive at the shipyards and stake the place out. The Kodiaks arrive. X confronts them while Jet searches for the shipping container. Men from the ship docked at the birth start coming down carrying guns. X beats up the Kodiaks and Jet defeats the men from the ship. They find the shipping container is full of women. The harbor patrol arrives and Jet and X flee leaving the rest to them. Later in the news they learn that a high ranking criminal had been arrested for trafficking drugs and women and was being deported to Korea to stand trial. Later, X suggested to Jet, that someone may know her secret I.D. or at least suspect a connection between her and Jet.
Kitty goes to the condo to get her daily dose. Along with the injector is a note saying, "Good Work", and $25,000 dollars.
X gives his interview. The report paints him in a good light. The reporter says, "With crime on the rise and a depleted police force, men like this are desperately needed in this city. Also in the news, the city is being sued for the events at the winter carnival.
X's detective contact tells him that they had discovered that someone had given the young officer a cup of hot chocolate spiked with pcp and for some reason it was being kept out of the news.