Talk:Oil Rig

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Jeffrey I'm not sure how a we can just waltz in, regardless of who we're claiming to be. Our noses are too long and we're too tall. Not to mention none of us speak Korean. Any chance we can get back in contact with Xu and see how food & supplies are delivered? Also what kind of internal security they have. If deliveries are contracted I might be able to get us in for a narrow window. Otherwise we might want to ask Wild Blue Yonder for a discreet ride.

--Jason 22:11, 12 June 2013 (MST) Just to troll, I suppose, there is already an element neutronium. It has a density of 1.4 quadrillion grams/cubic cm. It is the collapsed building blocks of a neutron star, where the electrons no longer live in orbits outside of the nucleus. If that doesnt matter...great.