Talk:Thursday Night Game

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Thoughts so far: This should be interesting. Also, does Matt have a set direction he wants to take this, or is the story just wandering? (will probably be fun either way, just curious.)- Bryan

--Walt Jonse 22:03, 2 January 2008 (MST) I have a general direction I would like the game to go. Still, the game will go in the direction the players take it. The only thing that is a must for the chronicle as far as I am concerned is that the characters join the arcanum as perspective members/hopefuls when they are approached. Otherwise the players will be free to take things in the direction they choose. I have mentioned to a few players that I set this in 1998 because I am interested in having an approaching apocalypse type atmosphere. Concern over the end of the millennium etc. This and other things will be p[resented to the players/characters, but it will be up to the players to decide what they find the most interesting and what they pursue.