The House of Usher

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Setting: Somewhere in Northeastern Hungary. October, 1945.

Some quick notes for the game: We will start promptly at noon on Saturday and finish no later than 7pm, when the civies will be coming, with all the characters in a truck approximately 3-5 miles from the destination. Anything you want to do before that point should be discussed with me before Saturday. If there are items you think your character should have that he doesn't or information you should have access to before saturday, it can be handled Friday. During game time, in order to keep things moving, any individual meeting with the GM will be limited to 5 MINUTES, no exceptions.
070208: Friday night is the last point where you can request equipment via resources, or do any other action that occurs before you all find yourself packed into the back of a truck (that is, of course, unless someone does something before the start of the game to change that fact itself, but you get the idea). If there is a kind of character you absolutely do not want to play, or if you are absolutely itching to play a certain type of character, email me and I will see what I can do. Otherwise, characters will be pregenerated and preassigned.
This page will eventually include a brief blurb about what you all know about why you are where you are when the game starts, and a brief blurb about what is known by all the characters about each other. OTHER THAN THIS, any information I send you regarding the game, or your character, is private. You are not to discuss any part of your character sheet with the other players. This extends to game-time, except where necessary (such as when making rolls)
Characters have been sent out via email. If you have questions, direct them to me: do not discuss with the other players unless you've checked with me first (some of the characters would have time to meet/discuss/plan before the events of the game, some would not).
What you all know: You have been recruited for a civilian investigation, safeguarded by the US military, into church ruins in Hungary at the behest of the Vatican. All of you are also aware that you have been recruited for a military investigation, with a civilian cover, into an abandoned Nazi research facility in Hungary. The session will begin with the characters reaching the classified destination in the back of a covered truck, having been delivered into said truck out of a US submarine on the Italian coast.
Brandon (Father Price)
Dieter the Bold (Dr. Brown)
Mathalamew (Alexander Smith)
Hassan (Lt. Albright) (66% probability of a 100% probability of attendance, 33% probability of a root(10^4) chance of attendance)
Justin (Dr. Valentino) if he can make it (He'll make it)
Ed (Cpt. Brannigan)
Chris from Kalifornia (Sgt. Shaftoe)

Dramatis Personae:
Father Price: A catholic priest, recruited to the mission in order to provide it with a "legitimate" (read "cover") civilian purpose.

Dr. Valentino: A medical doctor: an expert on Nazi war atrocities as well as an expert on some of the Nazis research projects in biological weapons during the war.

Dr. Brown: A doctor of microbiology and an expert on bio-warfare.

Cpt. Brannigan: head of the operation: highly regarded captain in the US army and in charge of several US intelligence units.

Lt. Albright: Chief assistant to Capt. Brannigan. Expert in cryptanalysis and intelligence gathering.

Alexander Smith: Cryptanalyst specializing in Enigma decryption.

Sgt. Shaftoe: A highly decorated Army Ranger: in charge of security for this mission.

5 Army Rangers: The war may be over, but you will be a long way from home, behind enemy lines.

the complete house of usher notes, unabridged