The timeline of the Western Empire
Now, this is not a complete history; this is simply what commoners may or may not know. If your character has Academic Knowledge(History) or some other specialized skill, let me know.
[hide]The time of Sigmar
-28 Widely held to be the birth of Sigmar, in a small villiage in Riekland, along the river. The provinces of the Central Empire each hold sovereignty over themselves, and war for dominance. Kislev and Norsca are overcome by Chaos Raiders, streaming from the Black Gates of Syberon to the North. The Brettonian kingdom is stressed to the breaking point by social ills and peasant revolt. Tilea is a land owned by pirates and criminals.
-20 The last Grail King, Artur, dies.
-18 Kislev and Norsca are overrun, and Norland, Ostland, and the Ostermark come under assault by raiding parties bearing the Black Banner. Rumors spread among the people of the Provinces that Archaon himself, King of Traitors and Lord of Chaos, is stirring in his Citadel of Frozen Blood far to the North.
-15 In Altdorf, the eccentric but brilliant Fritz Mehrling founds the Aldorf College of Physical Study, proclaiming the study of science equal to the study of magic. The northern Provinces, under great strain from Chaos Raiding parties, propose an alliance with Talabecland, by far the greater military power. Gustav Schwartz, the king of Talabecland, agrees, but when his armies cross the border to Ostland, they claim the province as belonging to the Talabec. War breaks out between Ostland and Talabecland, and Karl Ritter, Horse-Lord of the Ostermark, moves his armies to protect his own border with Talabecland. Black Raiders move unopposed into northern Ostermark.
-13 Sigmar gains the cheiftanship of Riekland when his father dies from plague.
-8 Sigmar saves the life of Kurgan Ironbeard, who names him Dwarf-Friend and Hammer of the Stars, and presents him with an enchanted hammer – Ghal Maraz. In Altdorf, Sigmar declares the evil of witchcraft, and demands that the Colleges of Magic disband. Several prominent wizards are burned at the stake. Later that year, Sigmar grants the College of Physical Study state license, and commisions research into advanced weaponry and metalsmithing.
-6 Sigmar declares a Crusade against the Black Powers, and leads a host of Rieklanders and Dwarves up the river Reik to Marienburg, and moves east to engage the chaos forces. Remaining Wizards in the Provinces flee, moving southward away from increasing hostility.
-5 Sigmar leads his forces along the northern borders of the North Provinces, promising to drive the raiders out from their lands in exchange for fealty.
-4 Sigmar declares the birth of the Empire, stating that the Ruinous Powers will not defeat Humanity if they are united. Sigmar appeals to the Provinces for their aid against Chaos, and is successful – all the Provinces agree that a unified stand is better than none at all. Rumors swirl that Archaon's forces have departed his Citadel, and that the land he passes burns and bleeds.
-1 Sigmar meets the forces of Archaon on the border with Kislev. The Great Battle is indeed a thing worthy of legend. Kurgan Ironbeard is slain by Archaon, and in return Sigmar strikes the Lord of the End Times with a crushing blow. Archaon explodes from the sheer force Ghal-Maraz, his armor shattering and his innards pulverized. A howl comes up from the host of Chaos, and they flee.
0 Sigmar pursues the armies of Chaos into the north, obliterating them at every turn. He purges the lands of Kislev and Norsca, for which the people there gladly submit to his Empire's rule. Sigmar follows the retreating army of the defeated Archaon all the way to the Citadel of Frozen Blood, which he shatters with a blow from Ghal-Maraz. Sigmar follows the last of the daemons to the very steps of the Black Gates, the infernal portal to the Four Hells that had lay at the heart of Archaon's Citadel. Fearlessly approaching, he closes the gates, sealing them with yet another blow from Ghal-Maraz and a warning, that should Chaos ever threaten these lands again, he would pursue them through the gates instead, and take his vengance upon the Four Lords of Chaos themselves.
5 Sigmar's armies return to Altdorf, along the way cleansing the northern lands. Sigmar claims all the lands which Humanity treads upon as the Empire's by right, and demands that his people, the Rieklanders, set an example of purity for the rest of the world. Sigmar sends his armies out to cleanse and conquer the lands of Brettonia, Estalia and Tilea.
7 Sigmar gathers his generals and advisers, and the rulers of Kislev and Norsca. He states that it is his intention to leave, to bear the body of his friend Kurgan Ironbeard east to the mountains, and that he doubts he will return. He charges those present with the execution of his Grand Crusade, and departs, leaving his hammer as a reminder of his determination.
The Fledgling Empire
10 Sigmar's brother, Gerhard Heldenhammer, marches on Brettonia, which is still infested with Greenskins and mutants, and cleanses the land.
15 Gerhard Heldenhammer returns to Altdorf to put down a rebellion at Marienburg. He executes the ringleaders, and warns that such is the fate of traitors.
30 The Empire musters its forces, and travels through Brettonia to assault Estalia. The Estalian War will continue for decades, as the Estalians practice hit-and-run tactics through their hilly terrain.
32 A wandering vagabond known only as Luther preaches the word of Sigmar divine, claiming that Sigmar ascended to godhood when he travelled west. Gerhard Heldenhammer, who has taken the mantle of Emperor, endorses Luther's fledgling Church of Sigmar, donating from his personal fortune to finance the Grand Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf. Worship of Sigmar spreads throughout the Empire.
50 Brettonia and Estalia are threatened by remnant Chaos warbands.
51 Chaos forces rout the Imperial Army besieging Bilbali, and raze the city to the ground. Gerhard Heldenhammer, too old to ride to battle, entrusts Ghal-Maraz to Luther, and musters an army from loyal Kislev and Norsca. Luther dubs the army Sigmar's Wrath, and they march through Brittania towards Bilbali.
52 Luther and the army of Sigmar's Wrath reach Bilbali, where Mordred sits atop a mountain of skulls. Posessed by a holy rage, Luther and his troops smash into the chaos forces. He invokes the name of Sigmar Divine as he kills their leader with a shattering attack.
60 Luther, recently crowned the Grand Theogonist of the Church of Sigmar, now the Empire's state religion, takes the title of Emperor after the death of Gerhard Heldenhammer. He states that the Emperor will from now on be chosen by a prophet of Sigmar, identified at birth and trained for the role during his childhood.
62 Luther leads his armies against Tilea, refusing any offers of alliance from the pirates and merchant princes there. The war lasts until Luther's death, as every small state in Tilea fights viciously and fanatically against the encroaching Empire, seeking strength in their worship of Myrmidia.
73 Luther is killed fighting the Pirate King, Roberto Giovanni. Luther's handpicked-from-birth successor, Sigismund Hochmann, is challenged by those who seek the throne for their own benefit. The new Grand Theogonist orders Sigmar's Wrath brought back from Tilea, and orders the Empire's lands cleansed of heretics who oppose the Sigmar and His Divine Will, the Church of Sigmar.
The Purging and Civil War
73 the beginning of the Purging; the Church of Sigmar declares that those who do not follow Sigmar's decrees of discipline and vigilance are fit for nothing but death, their belongings forfeit to the Empire.
80 Riekland declared clean.
90 Talabecland and the Ostermark revolt at the Church's claim of Sigmar's supremacy, and gather armies in Ulric's name. Ar-Ulric Magnus Feist declares the birth of a Northern Empire and begins to rally the other eastern provinces to his cause. The First War of Seccesion begins.
94 Ostland joins the erstwhile Northern Empire, with Middenheim declaring fealty to Feist. Sigismund Hochmann rallies the nobles of Nuln to his cause, adding Stirland, Averland, and Wissenland to his cause. Hochmann marches on Middenheim.
95 The Siege of Middenheim begins.
102 After a seven-year siege, Hochmann decides to move the bulk of his forces against Talabheim. His army is waylaid by Feist's forces en route.
106 The Siege of Talabheim begins, and Northern reinforcements arrive to break Hochmann's siege on Middenheim.
107 Talabheim is taken, and razed to the ground.
111 Uther de Gilles, a Brettonian Noble from Couronne, claims to have sought the Grail, like his ancestors before him, and declares himself a Knight. Gathering supporters, he names himself Grail King, and begins expulsion of Imperial garrisons. The Empire, busy with the Central Provinces, is slow to hear of this news.
115 Middenheim is again assaulted. Hochmann storms the gates, losing thousands, but eventually breaks through. Middenheim razed to the ground. Hochmann marches on the Ostermark.
120 Uther lays claim to the whole of Brettonia, and sends his trusted advisers and generals to seek the Grail.
122 Sigismund Hochmann kills Magnus Feist, and brings the last of the Core Provinces back into Imperial control. He marches on Kislev, which offers little resistance.
124 The Emperor marches on Norsca, which also assents quickly to return to the Empire's rulership.
125 The Emperor finally stirs against de Gilles, and the Second War of Seccession begins, commonly called the Brettonian Wars.
142 Decades of fierce fighting have yielded Couronne to the Empire. Uther retreates to l'Anguille, and continues to rule from there, calling his elite guard of Grail Knights to his side. Instead of attacking l'Anguille directly, the Imperial general, Fritz Oberhalt, leads his forces south.
151 Threatened by Oberhat's advance, Uther sends his Grail Knights to resist the Imperial advance.
174 Decades more fighting as the Grail Knights resist. Rumors spread of Uther's consort with the Ruinous Powers; few in Brettonia believe it, but talk of Chaos spurs enlistment of troops in the Empire itself.
179 Oberhalt slays Uther while storming l'Anguille. Oberhalt is ordered by the Emperor to march on Estalia, deeming that they offered too little help during the Brettonian War. Estalia revolts.
220 Estalia is brought back into the Imperial fold.
The first Introspection
222 The Emperor, Friedrich Nitzha, declares the Time of Introspection. He declares that the Empire will pause in its Great Crusade for no less than fifty years, and asks every citizen to spend time in prayer, determining their place in the order of things. The Church of Sigmar aids Imperial citizens in this support, offering financial support to those who cloister themselves in contemplation. Followship of Sigmar increases.
247 The Imperial College of Physical Study in Altdorf publishes a paper by military scholar Marus. Proposing that a mercenary force is infinitely more reliable than a conscripted one, Marus suggests a fully professional army for the Empire. Recently conquered states' citizens could join the military for generous pay and a promise of Imperial citizenship. Marus also reccomends the formation of an elected body of advisers to the Emperor, who serve at the suffrance of citizens. These reccomendations are met with widespread approval, and the Imperial Army begins recruitment of professional soldiers.
The Grand Crusade Resumes
277 Nitzha, old and in failing health, declares the Time of Introspection to be over, and that the Grand Crusade must begin again. He states he is not the Emperor to pursue such a war, and abdicates the throne. Emperor Jens Heldenhammer ascends the throne, only 12, and directs the newly professional Imperial army to advance steadily through Tilea.
301 Tilea conquered. Heldenhammer orders his armies to return to Altdorf, ensuring the peace on the return route, and depositing fighting men from Tilea throughout the Empire to diffuse any attempt at insurrection. General Otto Beweg is hence named the first Ranger-General.
314 Ranger-General Beweg's army reaches Altdorf. Heldenhammer commands a hiatus on military action, and asks the Empire to welcome the city-states of Tilea to the fold. The Grand Theogonist, Helmar Kampfheit, declares a holy pilgrimage to Tilea, and thousands of friars and priests make their way to establish and strengthen the worship of Sigmar in Tilea.
The Long Orc War and the construction of the Wall
320 – 502 Resurgent Greenskins laid raids against the Border Princes, and they petition for aid from the Empire. The Empire's armies begin the Long Orc War, fighting seemingly unending tides of the demon creatures coming from the badlands. The end of this conflict was not brought about by any particular military victory; the Orcs simply ceased coming.
503 Emperor Brandt Macher orders a wall built along the border to the Badlands, and stations a large force there to guard against future incursions. He then declares war on the Border Princes, in order to bring them the Reiklander way of life.
509 The last of the Border Princes is conquered. Emperor Macher declares the Lasting Peace, since all lands known at the time of Sigmar are now conquered. The Ranger-Generals patrol the realm.
531 Brandt Macher dies, and his successor, Roland Heldenhammer orders the construction of the Imperial Navy, so that the isle of Albion may be assaulted, even though it is populated by naught but savages.
The Unseen War
532 The Unseen War begins, with the very first Imperial Marines sailing from Marienbug to attack Albion. They are not seen from again. The war lasts for over a century, with varied and conflicting reports of who fights for Albion and how they could incur such casualties within the marines.
640 The Unseen War is drawn to a close by Emperor Schwer, the Peacemaker. He states that a second Time of Introspection is to begin, and that Albion does not pose a threat. He states that Chaos will strike elsewhere.
The Arabian Wars
877 The Second Introspection draws to a close when an Assurian corsair ship attacks a Tilean merchant. Emperor Tieg Einhander takes the name Heldenhammer, and declares that Sigmar's Crusade will once again be fought, this time in the distant land of Araby.
900 After several defeats in the harsh sun of Araby, Tieg Heldenhammer orders a bounty for all technology that may aid the war effort. Enrollment and funds to the University of Altdorf boom, and the use of gunpowder recieves special attention. Heldenhammer orders the creation of the Imperial Riflery School at Altdorf.
1003 The first nation to fall in Araby, thanks to the combined efforts of the Imperial Riflemen, Archers, and Knights. The first Arab slaves are brought back to the Empire proper, and wider knowledge of Arab culture begins to spread.
1011 Reports surface of Battle Wizards in the armies of the Sultan. Preachers and demagogues in the Empire leverage this news of witchcraft as proof that Araby must be subdued, and enlistment in the army spikes.
1101 The Sultan of Araby sues for peace, hence ending the last known threat to the Empire's existence.