Thelor Stardate 58847.3

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Thelor Athrun's Personal Log ... USS Intrepid ... USS Hubble ... Wagon Train to the Stars ... Operation Lewis and Clark

Flight Officer's Log: We've finally reached the true departure point for Operation Lewis and Clark. We have four local star clusters, designated M31WFS Alpha through Delta, with basic information from the Pathfinder Project that Lieutenant Goodspeed has made recommendations on. Captain Alexander has given me the opportunity to take the USS Hubble out to explore M31WFS Delta. It's a 30 hour trip and I'm hoping we'll run across something interesting on the way there.

Continuing Log: Have arrived at M31WFS Delta after a boring trip. I've tried to keep my team sharp by focusing them on sensor scans and they've responded well. The last 8 months have given me ample time to integrate into the crew and train my flight team in the proper mindset for exploration. The waves upon the sea do not reflect its true motions, so your antennae most be trained to peer beneath the surface.