Twilight Imperium For Loonies
As usual, I have a crazy idea. Chris had better show up here and tell me I am an idiot or this might be off the wall in no time flat.
[hide]The Premise
In any other setup, we end up giving someone the first choice in some arbitrary manner. In this, we bid. Not only that, every race will be ultra-customizable by the player.
How It Is Done
Everyone sits down, stands up, whatever. Everyone gets around the table and grabs 12 trade goods. Someone goes first (dice off). That player nominates one of the assets below and follows the instructions in that section. Alternately, that player may pass. This continues until all players have passed. Once everyone has passed, all remaining necessities (race and position) are determined randomly in a way agreed upon by all present.
Race Selection
When this is chosen, the player who nominates it is opening bidding for races. He declares how much he intends to spend as his bid (minimum 1), and the bidding goes around the table until a winner is determined. That player selects a race from the race pool. If the player who chose this option did not win the bid, he may initiate another auction or choose another option.
Once only two players remain to choose races this option is no longer available.
Galactic Positioning
This selection works exactly like race selection above, except that the winner chooses where they will start. Also, it is not locked when only two players remain.
Speaker Token
If the speaker token is available, a player may pay 2 trade goods and take it.
Command Counters
A player may purchase any number of command counters at a cost of 2 trade goods each. This option may only be chosen once per player.
Special Abilities
Any special ability may be chosen and purchased at the cost listed below in trade goods.
Leaders: Take one or more of your races leaders at a cost of 2 trade goods each.
Sabotage Runs: Your race has the ability to perform sabotage runs: 1 trade good.
Shock Troops: Your race can produce shock troops per the optional rule: 2 trade goods.
Facilities: Your race can purchase facilities: 5 trade goods.
Purchase any one technology (can only be taken once): 6 trade goods.