[hide]XAVIER(secret) ROUGH DRAFT
Entry 1
Once again Mike has pulled me from my work so I can help with some political matter involving a possible war. How long has it been since I was out in the world days, months, years I don't know or care there is work to do. Elena contacts us to strategize on up coming events in one of her secure locations. The meeting goes as expected we throw some ideas around about how best to turn the current political situation to our favor but we make no final decisions. One interesting thing came out there is a new elder among us named Pope. This elder is the object of much speculation with many rumors abound I cant seem to get a good understanding of him.
Entry 2
I'm still out in the world making preparations for a possible war. Mike has introduced me to a girl im fairly sure hes interested in named Jacqueline. She is young, naive, and likely to be used as a pawn of some bigger power. Pope seems to have already made a very large impression on the girl Jacqueline. She reminds me a lot of myself when I was married, so trusting. I try to reach out to her and explain how our world works which she of course ignores because she is young. Guess I should meet this Pope and see if I'm right in my suspicions.
Entry 3
I have asked around about Pope which of course brought a near immediate response. Pope came to me in person and confronted me about my inquires. We sat down in a coffee house discussing him, my work, and why I'm so interested. He was charming, and a absolute delight to talk to but of course he would be. Since I first laid eyes on him I knew he was a predator, I sat listening to the melodic poison coming from his mouth. He doesn't see me as a threat of course what sane person would. My mind keeps clicking away thinking how best to end him if the need arises. Ill have to do some research to find a proper weakness to exploit.
Entry 4
There has been a meeting called sounds like things are going to get busy. I saw Jacqueline again and tried to make sure she was ready for the meeting by buying her some equipment. Before leaving I gave her another warning about Pope and vampire society in general. She ignored my warnings of course ah to be young again. At least I offered her a refuge to go to if the need arises. With things going how they are I need to wrap up my projects so i can give my full attention to politics. I hate politics!
Entry 5
I have staked out the Johnson's s little suburban home. The door locks are antiquated, and there are many blind entry points( I so love privacy fences). Misses Johnson has taken to sleeping pills of late for her insomnia. The husband has recently died in a work related accident. The 2 sons sleep in the same room and sadly they are also going to have a accident.
Entry 6
With a heavy heart I slipped into the house unseen. I looked in on the misses she sleeps so peacefully like an angel. I pitied her about what she will find in the morning. Entering the boys room proves no trouble and i easily block the gaps in the door. With a almost imperceptible hiss the gas is released into the air. I watch the boys breathing slow and eventually stop. Though it hurts me I cant look away I owe them that much. I cleanse the house of all proof there was someone here and leave as quietly as I came. Tomorrow Misses Johnson will find her boys have died from a allergic reaction in there sleep. She will cry for her loss for how unfair the world is to take her whole family. I will lay in my apartment wracked with guilt and empathize with her pain then I will start planning the next family. There is still much work to be done...
Entry 7
My work has once again hit a wall. I lack test samples to do any real thorough research. Vampires are very careful of guarding there blood from others. Once again I have been forced to self test this time with the poison toxin test. I'm unable to attend various meetings and public appearances due to being very sick. On a positive note there does seem to be some toxins that work on our kind. Watching the interaction of the toxin with our unique body chemistry has yielded interesting data. This concludes my current experiments and frees me to deal with the politics at hand. Normally I would be annoyed about being forced to deal with politics but my master informed me we will acquire access to the nest. With the nest I will literally have hundreds of tests and experiments to run. It might be troublesome attaining the instruments necessary for proper study but I will worry about this after attaining the rights.
Entry 8
Mike called a meeting to discuss a plan to take out Pope which the driving reason is now gone. Apparently Genevieve called them out and said pope needed to be ended by a certain date. The order was res-ended making the meeting absolutely pointless. I think Mike went through with the meeting to try and recruit his potential love interest Jacqueline to our cause. She was not wanting to take a side so i argued that this was the correct course. Having a indifferent ally is just asking for betrayal mike should know this but he is blinded by lust. I cant really blame him I have never heard of him courting a girl in my lifetime. Sadly I think its very apparent she is enamored with Pope women always go for the bad boy. Looking at her innocent self my mind cant help but hink how easily she could be turned into the perfect bait. She is being courted on all sides making her perfect bait for any number partys add in the fact she is completely unaffiliated and you have a perfect pawn. I throw this idea away im not a elder I am a simple doctor if someone needs to be dealt with I'll do it myself or have a elder do it. Using her would make me no better than the monsters she is trying to avoid. She needs a sire to teach her our ways if not for herself than me, so i will feel less guilt for doing what i need to. Out of guilty conscience I offer to take her shopping for fancy things and I take Mike to give him more time with her. I think im going soft...
Entry 9
Elena has chosen which side we are to help in this political battle. Genevieve will be holding a board meeting and during this a strike team and some reporters and protesters are planned to ambush her. I remain unconvinced of the effectiveness of this plan. If she shows up the strike force would take her out and if that happens whats the point of the reporters and the protesters. The reporters and protesters by themselves are merely a annoyance so to augment this plan I added the idea of a hostile take over. The hostile take over may need a little further coordination and perhaps a larger hit to the stock prices then currently planned. I also took this opportunity to reveal the fruits of my research in hopes of this being of use in the coming battle. I will need to ponder how best to attack Genevieve she is old you do not get to be old by being weak and stupid.
Entry 10
I received a invitation to a meeting on Sunday discussing something or other. After I acquire my special surprises and sate my lust with a local whore i check out the meeting place. The restaurant is on the water front offering multiple entry and exit points there are many sniping positions possible. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to learn how to shoot this would certainly give me more options when dealing with bad situations. After figuring out some proper escape routes its time for rest.
Entry 11
The party was like many others many of our kind trying to show off how great they are. I hate parties! Genevieve didn't disappoint with a few announcements she consolidated power, stated more allies would be coming, and gave a olive branch to Pope. The more I watch her the more I like her, pity she needs to die. I heard she offered access to the nest for a vow of fealty if my master wasn't dead set against her Id consider it. At that time I took up my position in the corner of the room and just listened. When you are in a room full of powerhouses that are very skilled at killing giving them the slightest opening is a mistake. Yet another new person has entered the scene named the Eye. Yes he seriously called the Eye. The Eye will be the new sheriff and from the little i talked to him under normal circumstances we would get along well. Jaqueline took up her usual position in the center of attention between male powerhouses. Either she is extraordinarily skilled at playing men off each other or the most oblivious women on the planet either way poor Mike. Speaking of Mike he gained the position in charge of the media a job I think he will do well except for the fact it makes A very visible target. I wish Mike luck. I once again spoke with Pope and he invited me out to a rave and I accepted. Getting to understand him and his world will go a long way in ending him. Towards the end of the evening Jacqueline approached my sire trying to calm her ire and failing miserably. Making light I tried to warn her she was doing poorly but all that happened is I ended up angering my sire. The lesson no good deed goes unpunished in vampire world. My high note of the night is Elena giving me a veiled threat chilling me to the bone making my body seize with fear it was pure ecstasy. Her piercing eyes staring straight into my soul judging me with disdain was like every sexual encounter, a huge scientific discovery, and Christmas wrapped into a single moment. My night was complete!
Entry 12
The day of the board meeting went about how I expected but sadly not how my sire expected. With the reporters and protesters screaming bloody murder My sire and her allies entered the building prepared for a mafia style hit. Of course Genevieve never showed, I cant decide which I find more sexy about her the lust inspiring body or her devious mind. After I decided on my targets they finally gave a press release. Genevieve finally made a mistake she had lawyers give the press release stone walling the press and letting them smell blood in the water. There was a 10 point drop ruffly dropping the company stock price by 40% this is a good start. Now all I need to do is make a few very loud protesters mysteriously vanish driving down the stock prices even further. This will incite Genevieve to make her move on the person who orchestrated this whole thing my sire. Sure I feel bad letting my sire be the bait drawing her out but this is the easiest way to make it happen. Genevieve knows no small timer will be a match for my sire is to well protected this puts her in the unenviable situation of sending her best or even herself both leaving her vulnerable. Then who ever wants to be Prince can make there play for the throne and I can go back to my research a little richer. Oh I forgot to explain my plan it all started with placing the idea of a hostile take over in Elena head. Of course Elena did her best to organize buyers but on such short notice this was highly unlikely. Mike played his part with the protesters and the media making a multibillion dollar company stock prices go into free fall. Then with the mysterious disappearance of protesters and Mike putting rumors out that the company was to blame this sends the stock into a record low. Such a attack will get a response causing a bit of a showdown between the powers that be. While I will make a modest few million dollar investment and wait for the smoke to settle. Once the new regime is in play the allegations will disappear the bodies will be found in a drug house and my modest few million becomes many millions. If things in the regime are in my favor I will finally have access to the nest and the money for the instruments necessary for proper study. I wonder how my sire would look at me if she knew mmmh... it gives me chills just thinking about it. Of course this is just the plans of a novice and Genevieve plus my sire are masters so nothing will go how I planned. I'm looking forward to see there plans in action!
Entry 14
Once again I’m out in the world because of Mike and the Scooby gang plus Vince’s sire. When I first met Vince’s sire at a local coffee shop I was immediately struck with fear. Given I know almost nothing about this individual one can assume this fear was merely instinctual. Now the mechanics of vampire instincts have always intrigued me and present so many wonderful questions, but I digress. We sat down and started discussing the task at hand which was to look up one of my sires subordinates. In the midst of the discussion Jacquelyn relayed that the Prince will open up the UW church and will have many high end entertainment groups. Yet again she does a multi faceted move not only does she make herself seem benevolent by offering her holdings she also gives all those who attacked her money supply the finger by putting on a hugely expensive show. I love watching her work but this time my instincts keep screaming there is danger that I do not see. Not one to simply give in to my instincts I move on to the task at hand and look for the ghoul.
Entry 15
The first stop on the trail for the ghoul was a bowling alley. Just the look of the place made me shudder with its unkempt patrons, diseased equipment, and absurdly silly game I knew this was not going to be fun. While entering some local hooligans attempted to insult me I considered answering back but looking at them all I could do was pity them. They obviously had little going for them lack of education, and likely little job prospects all the had was there belief they owned this space. I could relate so swallowing my pride I let them be and moved into the den of disease, and stupidity. While wandering I saw Mike speaking with a local vampire and he was challenged by her apparent mate. Jacquelyn immediately rose up to his aid and called him her man! Despite the humor this provided me watching mike squirm I was also reminded that Mike has apparently fallen for a women who does not see him that way. I sometimes wonder if Jacquelyn knows what she is doing to Mike, if she does she is a very cruel creature indeed. More banter ensued and eventually we found some Mexican bowlers who knew about the ghoul. While Mike and Jacquelyn made nice I heard the local kindred talking about us but when I moved closer they immediately stopped. Likely they knew more than they were saying but who doesn’t really. So after the slumming was complete we moved on to the residence of the ghoul. When we arrived Mike tried to put me on look out duty he dragged me all the way here to make me a look out. I of course didn’t stand for this and gave a logical argument as to why I would be needed inside. Mike caved and we moved into the apartment building. When we knocked at the door there was no answer only loud barking from in the apartment. Mike proceeded to knock on a neighbor’s door to get information about the ghoul. Not only did he not get any information he showed his face to a potential witness Mike was not being a very good predator tonight. So eventually we did break in Jacquelyn calmed the beast. A male creature who is suddenly allured by her charm surprise, surprise. The place was not lived in for many days and the dog was left to his own devices for quit a while. The little beast gave us trouble in searching the apartment so Jacquelyn took him for a walk. Of course we found the ghoul dead but what fascinated me was how the body was desecrated after he was killed. The throat was cut twice by a left handed person instead of one even slice. After the ghoul bled out a stake was stabbed through his heart and the eyes were plucked out. Likely after the mutilation the words “Where are you’re Kindred now” was scrawled on the wall. My first instinct was to do a complete bag, tag, and scrub but Mike wanted to do something different. The plan was to stage a break in and let the police try and track the predator putting pressure on them. This plan didn’t seem very good and it deprived me of the chance to do a full forensic sweep but this was his task not mine. Every one else was allowed to leave including the dog leaving me with scrubbing every trace that we were here from the apartment. Once the work was completed I headed home to pour over the little evidence I did have to glean any more information I could. There was a new predator in town though crude they are very able this could be interesting.
Entry 16
I received a call from Mike asking me to accompany him while he gets the dogs mind read. By contacting some of our order Mike was able to find some one to link with the dogs mind. The process was fairly simple and offered a base description to work with, white male with scar over the left eye. This at least gave me little more to work with so now it was back to my lab.
Entry 17
Mike called me out for a emergency as he put it. The predator struck again this time with no death. One of my sires ghouls houses had been vandalized with blood saying “I have my eye on you” with a small bag containing the eye of the other ghoul. The ghoul provided detailed notes on his whereabouts giving us a solid time frame. The area was one those cookie cutter soulless suburb neighborhoods with many vacant homes. The amount of possible places they could watch us from were too many to count. This action was well thought out and effective the predator wanted to spread fear. This creature was smart determined and playful but one thing bothered me why only the ghouls of my sire. Killing the first ghoul was obviously a warning to vampires, the second act showed they know where others are and could attack at any time. This predator acted more like a dog on a leash being guided to there prey, who was holding the leash? I doubted any major clues would be left though crude the dog was not sloppy. I went home to try and compile a personality profile on the dog so I could put it to sleep!
Entry 18
My skills at profiling were tested and found lacking though a hated to admit it I needed help. I knew who to talk to he was a local forensic specialist I met at lecture on modern forensic technology. So off I flew on my trusty Vespa to gain the aid I so desperately needed. When I stopped at a red light I saw Vince and Jacquelyn talking on the corner. Across the street a car stopped and some heavily armed individuals jumped out. They started shooting at me, Vince, and Jacquelyn with automatic weapons and one threw a grenade. Having been shot usually I would use my mobility and the other targets to escape the scene but what actually happened was completely different. Seeing Vince, and Jacqueline being attacked and in danger filled me with rage and I charged on my Vespa. I pinned one of the ghouls under my tire and repeatedly stabbed him to death. That’s I noticed a revving engine driving up the road divider and the driver lopping the head off one of the attacker’s. He then drove over to Vince, and Jacquelyn saying something like I’m incredibly powerful or something then sped off who I was later told was Liam. Jacquelyn left as quickly as possible and Vince entered some kind of rage and started chasing down and killing the rest of the ghouls. All this left me with yet again the unenviable job of cleaning up after every one. I loaded all the body’s and Vince into the car and left. After dropping Vince off and destroying the evidence I proceeded to drop the info to my profiler friend. This night was full of coincidences and I don’t believe in coincidence. Something big was going on first the dog, then the random attack which the princes little pet conveniently shows up to save the day, and there is still the concerts. All this was worrisome but what kept sticking in my head was when did I start caring about Vince, and Jacquelyn enough to risk myself. Too many big things were happening and some how I’ve been caught up in it. Some days it doesn’t pay to answer Mikes calls!
Entry 19
The case has slowed down so I used this time to take my first step on the ring of the void. After my change I see the world with a little more detached clarity and understand how emotions can play an intricate part of social interactions. Why all kindred don’t see the value in such a wonderful change I cannot imagine.
Entry 20
The dog struck again this time killing Gabriel at a local club. While I was picking up the personality profile Jacquelyn texted me to meet at her club’s back door and a password “orange”. Upon arriving I was greeted by an ill tempered meat bag wanting to know my business there. Not wanting to waste my time I merely said Orange and pushed my way past. Once inside Jacquelyn explained she found Gabriel dead inside with another body. I wasted no time assuming my role in this foolishness by playing my part as the forensics expert. I gathered as many details as possible while Gabriel’s body aged and withered before my eyes. A week ago this sight may have unnerved me but now I simply watched with a detached fascination. Mike interrupted my examination telling me we needed to finish quickly so I was forced to be far less cautious than I like. On a brighter note they let me take the bodies for autopsies and further examination. Sadly by the time I arrived home there was no time for thorough examination the subjects so deserved.
Entry 21
Tonight I was able to examine the body’s left in my care. Once Gabriel was on my table I started my collection of instrumental music to set the mood. I find a well constructed instrumental inspires me in my work to see beyond base appearances to the form and function beneath the surface. Gabriel’s body started telling me a tale of lust and violence but he alone could not finish the story he needed his partner to finish. I began examining the women and found her intoxicating with her pale skin beneath my lights, and her perfume mixed with dried blood. The story they told started with the women having some recreational drugs before Gabriel started to feed. Behind Gabriel the dog moved stabbing a dagger in each of his kidneys. The daggers went through him and into the women the surprise caused Gabriel to bite down ripping out the women’s throat. Gabriel fell to the floor barely alive and there the dog finished him off by stabbing him with a stake to the heart. In many respects I had to admire the dog’s work it was crude but incredibly effective. Inspired I pored through his Psych report and spent the rest of the night examining his writing trying to get in his head. The dog must be an excellent pet!
Entry 22
The Case is starting to come to a close you could feel it in the air at the meeting Monday. Since there were no new bodies my skills were not required but instead Mike and Vince took the lead. Vince distributed assignments to prepare us for the inevitable show down with the dog. My assignment was for the most part very simple to buy some equipment and make a concoction to knock the possible ghoul out. The rest of my night I spent contemplating killing for a purpose. Some aspects of the dogs actions are comparable to mine and sadly the limitations of said actions. Even if the killer was to successfully murder a few of us this would have little to no effect of overall Kindred population. This leads me to question why I did not see the futility in my own actions sooner. This may be my beast exercising some effect on my conscious mind making me rationalize killing others. My only conclusion can be that I must study the beast more and its full effects on Kindred.
Entry 23
I remembered seeing a woman Kindred shedding tears of blood recently, this intrigued me. I had nothing to do but sit with my own thoughts all night so instead I headed to SeaTac bowling alley. My going there was to have multiple purposes first to look over the garage checking for any missed evidence, second to see where the investigation was at, and third to possible get a little more understanding of Sasha. Needless to say whenever I try something socially covert it explodes in my face spectacularly. This time my failure came in the form of a compulsive interrogation. No sooner then I sat down at the bowling alley Sasha and her companions descended on me. They asked uncomfortable questions that I could not stop myself from answering about Hooper. The worst question was “What do you know about Hooper?” but sadly people have a tendency to try this on me a lot. In this instance I merely organized my thoughts and explained I found a body matching there description and disposed of it. Sasha was angered and made a lunge and I'm guessing a elder restrained her. What a stroke of luck now my getting up and leaving was masked by not wanting to start incident in public. From there I was yet again stuck with clean up except this time I was cleaning my own mess. I began with the eye, meeting him near the free way and giving him collaborating details with a bit more explanation for misdirection. After my brief meeting Vince was the next person to inform of my mistakes. We met for drinks at the Alibi room which in some ways seemed fitting where I explained tonight's happenings. Vince seemed worried but still in good shape after my news. With all this evenings dealings I returned home to ponder the case and the nature of the beast. I had fun more than I thought possible when dealing with others maybe Ill make a habit of these outings.