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==Otell on equality==
==Otell on equality==
Why you cry little one? Ah you were beaten by your sister, well there is no shame in that. You don't believe me huh well sit down and let me tell you a story. Not so long ago i had a client that hired me and two women to kill a giant. One was a elf and the other a dwarf, now i know what your thinking what could they do to a giant? Well i will tell you in time be patient. After being hired we traveled many days and all the while my head was being filled with the notions that i was the only one who could slay the giant. All the while these women made no claims to there strength or prowess they were just supportive and nice. Finally the day came we stood in the pass controlled by the giant ready to run up and battle. What yes i know how stupid this sounds just running up to a giant with no real plan. That mostly came about because all plans i could come up with destroyed the forest in some way and one of the women was a ELF need i say more. Anyway where was i oh yes there we stood in the pass before the giant charging at us.  Like any proud warrior i charged at the giant but somehow the women beat me to the front line. Yes one was a dwarf. Yes she was not the fastest person ive ever met. Kid shut up and let me finish where was i oh yes the women beat me to the front line. The elf with her bow sank arrow after arrow into the giant. While the dwarf jumped up and repeatedly beat the chest of the giant with her hammers. Now that was no small task that giant was at least 15 feet tall which reminds me dwarfs can really jump. where was i oh yes, now before i could even close distance with the giant he layed dead on the ground killed by none other than the women. Now i have fought many battles and i have dozens of stories where women showed courage strength and ability. So what lesson should you take from this hmmm. No it not that it is okay to be beaten by your sister you should not let any one beat you. The lesson is when fighting your sister or any women you do not hold back you study them, identify there weaknesses, and crush them. Now here this is a good strong stick go home wait for your sister to walk through door then hit her in the knee. When she goes down pummel her this will show her you are not to be trifled with. Now go! Ah cute kid i wish him luck...
Why you cry little one? Ah you were beaten by your sister, well there is no shame in that. You don't believe me huh well sit down and let me tell you a story. Not so long ago i had a client that hired me and two women to kill a giant. One was a elf and the other a dwarf, now i know what your thinking what could they do to a giant? Well i will tell you in time be patient. After being hired we traveled many days and all the while my head was being filled with the notions that i was the only one who could slay the giant. All the while these women made no claims to there strength or prowess they were just supportive and nice. Finally the day came we stood in the pass controlled by the giant ready to run up and battle. What yes i know how stupid this sounds just running up to a giant with no real plan. That mostly came about because all plans i could come up with destroyed the forest in some way and one of the women was a ELF need i say more. Anyway where was i oh yes there we stood in the pass before the giant charging at us.  Like any proud warrior i charged at the giant but somehow the women beat me to the front line. Yes one was a dwarf. Yes she was not the fastest person ive ever met. Kid shut up and let me finish where was i oh yes the women beat me to the front line. The elf with her bow sank arrow after arrow into the giant. While the dwarf jumped up and repeatedly beat the chest of the giant with her hammers. Now that was no small task that giant was at least 15 feet tall which reminds me dwarfs can really jump. where was i oh yes, now before i could even close distance with the giant he layed dead on the ground killed by none other than the women. Now i have fought many battles and i have dozens of stories where women showed courage strength and ability. So what lesson should you take from this hmmm. No it not that it is okay to be beaten by your sister you should not let any one beat you. The lesson is when fighting your sister or any women you do not hold back you study them, identify there weaknesses, and crush them. Now here take this stick go home wait by side of door and when your sister enters hit her in the knee hard. When she goes down pummel her this will show her you are not to be trifled with. Now go! Ah cute kid i wish him luck...
=Superstitious beliefs=
=Superstitious beliefs=

Revision as of 21:22, 19 July 2009


Yes i have history! long ago some great men from the band of the hawk came across me sitting in snow bank. My parents body's lay next to me. How this came to be i cannot remember who knows maybe they were my first kills. The great men took me in and taught me the way of war, death, and killing. Many years passed and many many battles. Over time i learned of my rage and how to use it to kill my enemy. So many great times were had so much happened with the band of the hawk until it ended. We were caught in a land skirmish with the red wolves a rival mercenary company. We had equivalent forces but we still had the advantage because our leader was a very smart tactician. We should have won and would have to if not for this one women who the leader bedded. During the night she killed him and sneaked away not taking anything not even his gold. This i could not understand but it matters not for the damage was done all the same. Without our leader the company was in chaos and the wolves seized the opportunity to easily overwhelm us. The Wolves had much luck that day to take us when they did. Very few survived and none of us were anything like a leader so we parted ways each to there own. Some went off for revenge saying that is was the wolves fault we lost. Well of course it was there fault we are warriors they fought us and killed most of us. This is how it should be we are mercenaries we are professionals at war. My only problem is they were fool enough to allow survivors this is not how it should be. Though it matters very little i am now unemployed so i will travel till i come across a worthwhile company or even a master and then i will do what i do best kill.

Bar story's

Otell on religion

Of course i believe in the gods i have good reason to sit i tell you story. Not so long ago on a very stormy night me and a clients party came across some strange creatures. The creatures were chaos somethings and of course we killed them but they are not the point the point comes later. After killing them we took refuge from the storm in a nearby inn. When suddenly we discover there is a chaos something running around of course we kill that one to. But wouldn't you know it the inn was full of demon worshiping cultist's. Luckily my client was very very smart and figured out ahead of time what was going on so when we attacked we had the advantage. The party found them in a strange basement chanting around a circle and possible dancing im not sure. Then there strange words must have angered a demon because one appeared and started killing them and when we made are presence known the cultist and the demon both turned on us. Now we had a problem my employer had frozen in fear of the demon. Good thing we had a Elf because shot a arrow so lethal that even a demon was taken back. Even with this arrow in it the demon still came and our dwarf tried to stand between the employer and the demon but it didn't work because she's short. Then the demon struck nearly taking my employers head off this i could not allow. I mean really where would the gold come from without the employer. So i worked fast and swung my mighty axe killing the demon. Of course we slaughtered the cultist it should go without saying. This taught me a lesson well actually two lessons 1. Never be on the business end of a elf with a bow, and 2. if the enemy of the god are real then of course the gods are real. I personally worship Ulric because we enjoy many of the same things fighting and killing though he enjoys wolves and the cold but you cant agree on everything. If you did there would be no fighting and where is the fun in that.

Otell on equality

Why you cry little one? Ah you were beaten by your sister, well there is no shame in that. You don't believe me huh well sit down and let me tell you a story. Not so long ago i had a client that hired me and two women to kill a giant. One was a elf and the other a dwarf, now i know what your thinking what could they do to a giant? Well i will tell you in time be patient. After being hired we traveled many days and all the while my head was being filled with the notions that i was the only one who could slay the giant. All the while these women made no claims to there strength or prowess they were just supportive and nice. Finally the day came we stood in the pass controlled by the giant ready to run up and battle. What yes i know how stupid this sounds just running up to a giant with no real plan. That mostly came about because all plans i could come up with destroyed the forest in some way and one of the women was a ELF need i say more. Anyway where was i oh yes there we stood in the pass before the giant charging at us. Like any proud warrior i charged at the giant but somehow the women beat me to the front line. Yes one was a dwarf. Yes she was not the fastest person ive ever met. Kid shut up and let me finish where was i oh yes the women beat me to the front line. The elf with her bow sank arrow after arrow into the giant. While the dwarf jumped up and repeatedly beat the chest of the giant with her hammers. Now that was no small task that giant was at least 15 feet tall which reminds me dwarfs can really jump. where was i oh yes, now before i could even close distance with the giant he layed dead on the ground killed by none other than the women. Now i have fought many battles and i have dozens of stories where women showed courage strength and ability. So what lesson should you take from this hmmm. No it not that it is okay to be beaten by your sister you should not let any one beat you. The lesson is when fighting your sister or any women you do not hold back you study them, identify there weaknesses, and crush them. Now here take this stick go home wait by side of door and when your sister enters hit her in the knee hard. When she goes down pummel her this will show her you are not to be trifled with. Now go! Ah cute kid i wish him luck...

Superstitious beliefs

1. Before leaving for a long journey travelers, and all those who are seeing them off, must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. It is often conveniently written off as a time to sit and think of anything one may have forgotten.

2.After someone has left the house on a long journey, their room and/or their things should not be cleaned up until they have arrived.

3.Returning home for forgotten things is a bad omen. It is better to leave it behind, but if returning is necessary, one should look in the mirror before leaving the house again. Otherwise the journey will be bad.

4. Many Russians consider giving sharp objects, like knives or scissors, as gifts, to be taboo. You can avoid this taboo taking symbolic little money, for example one Russian ruble, in exchange as if it is a trade, not a gift.

5. On examination day, it is good luck to not make your bed, wear anything new, or cut your fingernails.

6. It is bad luck to use physical hand gestures to demonstrate something negative using oneself or someone else as the object. For example, when describing a scar you saw on someone's face you should not gesture on your own face or someone else's. If you must, you can demonstrate in mid-air. If one does it without realizing, it can be countered by making a hand motion towards the body part used and then an abrupt motion away (as if to pick up the bad energy and throw it away).

7. If one person accidentally steps on another person's foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict.

8. If one person accidentally steps on another person's foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict.

9. A funeral procession brings good luck. But one should never cross its path or it is bad luck.

10. It's good luck to trip on your left foot.

11. If one feels that he or she may have been cursed by someone (had the "evil eye" put on them) or just has the feeling of a hostile presence, it is recommended to remove one's coat and then put it back on starting with the hand opposing the usually used one. It is also recommended to pin a clothes Pin inside your clothing to avoid the curse of evil eye in the first place.

12. One should not to shake hands or give something through a threshold.

14. When you have alcohol, it must be drunk until it is gone.

15. One should not put a glass with alcohol back on the table.

16. Traditionally alcohol is poured out to all the people present, though they are not required to drink.

17.One should not make a long interruption between first and second wine glasses.

18. The latecomer must drink a full glass.

19. Outgoing guest must drink last glass for good luck.

20. It is not allowed to pour out by hand holding a bottle from below.

21. It is not allowed to fill a glass being held in the air.