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And yes I know that it wasn't spell checked...
And yes I know that it wasn't spell checked...
So I have this other idea for an RPG, set in a steam punkish age.  Could you guys look over the notes I created on the Elfin technology?  You see the elves use to be an Empire that invaded the planet...  Let me know what you think!
Elfin Technology:  A synopsis of elfin magic in relation to gems, jewels, and diamonds.
*excerpt from the above mentioned book*
While the advent of alchemy and the steam engine have redefined our world and allowed us to advance our civilizations in ways we never thought possible it would be quite callous of us to ignore the elfin technology that influenced much of our growth and current inventions.  The Jalka Ni Finh Empire had a wealth of magical knowledge and when it fell many of its secrets were thought lost.  However, due to a movement some 100 years ago we are now re-discovering much of what was lost.  What is most exciting, as we shall see is that elfin mana crystals can be used to power our current machines and processes. 
It should be noted that these crystals were never fully mastered by the elves themselves and would the subject of many experiments.  This is assumed by many, namely Sir Franker Houfin, as to why we have not seen another invasion from The Mana Lands.
While magic can be wielded without crystals this is highly inefficient.  Much of the mana is lost as the spell manifests.  A good example is to think of a steam engine.  In a lower quality or older engine one does not get as much power from the coal and water put into the engine as one gets from a newer or top of the line model engine.  Spells work in a similar way with gem or crystal foci.
However, as has been demonstrated by scholar turned wizard Geo-Reader in his first experiments shortly after the fall of the elfin empire the type of crystal or gem used must be “fit” for casting the spell.  An example of this is the basic spell commonly known as “Light”.  Although by many accounts this is a simple spell and can be cast without aid of a focus one will find that it takes a large amount more of mana.  But if one were to use a cut quartz crystal as a focus one will find it easier to cast with less mana consumed.  This might lead a young wizard to the conclusion that this spell can be cast with other crystals that are used for more powerful spells.  This is not the case though.  Even if one tried to cast the Light spell with a diamond or sapphire they would find themselves casting the spell as if they had no focus at all.
The crystals may also be used to store mana and this is the basis for many items with magical properties such as the elfin rings.  It seems that most of these power crystals were primarily used by the elves to augment planets, animals, and their own bodies.  Much of today’s research centers around using these crystals as power sources for modern day machines.  The Dak’Ra Kingdom is the leader in this field currently.  When combined with alchemy and steam power these can lead to wondrous inventions or terrifying weapons.
The most perplexing use of these crystals and elfin magic is body modification.  Through use of magic and sometimes surgical like insertion of power crystals elves are able to modify their bodies.  Some of these modifications are even permanent.  So far it seems that only the elves have mastered these techniques and while the other races can be modified all attempts to copy this magic by other races have met with horrible failures.  Some of the most common modifications include changing of hair color or skin color.  Second to that is a modification that allows a subject to grow two extra arms.  This is only done to elves or given as a great gift.  Some other known modifications that are only done during war time are as follows:
Claws – Confirmed Variations include fire, ice, and stone claws.  Unconfirmed Variations include shadow.
Armor Plating:  A type of armor forms around the users body granting increased protection.  Confirmed Types:  stone, ice, bark, bone, fire.  Unconfirmed Types:  shadow, wind, souls.
Increased Fitness:  This type seems to augment various aspects of the body like increasing strength and endurance.  When uses a series of lines spread out form the crystal and over the subject’s body.  They appear to be quite rare.
For more on body modification please see Velstien Gugun’s masterful work “Power Crystals and Biology.”

Latest revision as of 17:54, 18 December 2007

Neba - Monk of Anubus, and master of stealth as well as kicking major ass with his bare hands.

Senju - One of the chosen who recieved one of Senju's Holy Armor. However, he was found lacking.

Walker - A token Native American character who could turn into stone. His motive and objectives are still unknown, cause he had none!

"Taco Bell" - Queen of the net. She is a powerful hacker, cable of crashing almost any system. She wants revenge on the company that betrayed her.

Sher Khan - Duke of the Zenra family. A wiz with laser swords and quite the ladies man. He left the group though to pursue a career with a very rich and powerful man.

Chikumo(Blood Cloud) AKA Harry Greenhill - A EoD, or Engnine of Destruction. He was a subject in a experimental program run by the TU in order to counter act the Authority, a secret group by the space nazis. His body had been upgraded with very advanced and powerful cybernetics. Was on a secret mission to find the missing Papa troopers.

Robert - A young man who turned down a violent and dark path after the Empire he served turned on him. Current location and statues unkown.
--Edmiao 19:08, 29 October 2006 (MST)master of recieving ulrach's fury.
Magnus Winter - A noble of the Winter House. His family is invovled in the ore trade. He loves adventure, but may be in deep shit now!

Sarah Windfall - Mistress of the Machines. She is a gifted ex-gang mechanic who is seeking knowledge of the fall. She has just replaced her lost eye with a cybernetic one, oh boys!

El Mano de Oro

Because people wanted to see my notes...


Hey, are you bored? Then since Matt brought up Warhammer 40k... why not read the history of the world I created for my gang rp I ran. When I first ran it the sector they lived in was pretty well defined but I fealty the world overall wasn't. So I wrote up this history. The population numbers are most likely off as I have no clue what X number of people as a mass look like. Thoughts?
And yes I know that it wasn't spell checked...

So I have this other idea for an RPG, set in a steam punkish age. Could you guys look over the notes I created on the Elfin technology? You see the elves use to be an Empire that invaded the planet... Let me know what you think!


Elfin Technology: A synopsis of elfin magic in relation to gems, jewels, and diamonds.

  • excerpt from the above mentioned book*

While the advent of alchemy and the steam engine have redefined our world and allowed us to advance our civilizations in ways we never thought possible it would be quite callous of us to ignore the elfin technology that influenced much of our growth and current inventions. The Jalka Ni Finh Empire had a wealth of magical knowledge and when it fell many of its secrets were thought lost. However, due to a movement some 100 years ago we are now re-discovering much of what was lost. What is most exciting, as we shall see is that elfin mana crystals can be used to power our current machines and processes.

It should be noted that these crystals were never fully mastered by the elves themselves and would the subject of many experiments. This is assumed by many, namely Sir Franker Houfin, as to why we have not seen another invasion from The Mana Lands.

While magic can be wielded without crystals this is highly inefficient. Much of the mana is lost as the spell manifests. A good example is to think of a steam engine. In a lower quality or older engine one does not get as much power from the coal and water put into the engine as one gets from a newer or top of the line model engine. Spells work in a similar way with gem or crystal foci.

However, as has been demonstrated by scholar turned wizard Geo-Reader in his first experiments shortly after the fall of the elfin empire the type of crystal or gem used must be “fit” for casting the spell. An example of this is the basic spell commonly known as “Light”. Although by many accounts this is a simple spell and can be cast without aid of a focus one will find that it takes a large amount more of mana. But if one were to use a cut quartz crystal as a focus one will find it easier to cast with less mana consumed. This might lead a young wizard to the conclusion that this spell can be cast with other crystals that are used for more powerful spells. This is not the case though. Even if one tried to cast the Light spell with a diamond or sapphire they would find themselves casting the spell as if they had no focus at all.

The crystals may also be used to store mana and this is the basis for many items with magical properties such as the elfin rings. It seems that most of these power crystals were primarily used by the elves to augment planets, animals, and their own bodies. Much of today’s research centers around using these crystals as power sources for modern day machines. The Dak’Ra Kingdom is the leader in this field currently. When combined with alchemy and steam power these can lead to wondrous inventions or terrifying weapons.

The most perplexing use of these crystals and elfin magic is body modification. Through use of magic and sometimes surgical like insertion of power crystals elves are able to modify their bodies. Some of these modifications are even permanent. So far it seems that only the elves have mastered these techniques and while the other races can be modified all attempts to copy this magic by other races have met with horrible failures. Some of the most common modifications include changing of hair color or skin color. Second to that is a modification that allows a subject to grow two extra arms. This is only done to elves or given as a great gift. Some other known modifications that are only done during war time are as follows:

Claws – Confirmed Variations include fire, ice, and stone claws. Unconfirmed Variations include shadow.

Armor Plating: A type of armor forms around the users body granting increased protection. Confirmed Types: stone, ice, bark, bone, fire. Unconfirmed Types: shadow, wind, souls.

Increased Fitness: This type seems to augment various aspects of the body like increasing strength and endurance. When uses a series of lines spread out form the crystal and over the subject’s body. They appear to be quite rare.

For more on body modification please see Velstien Gugun’s masterful work “Power Crystals and Biology.”