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--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 15:39, 23 July 2007 (MDT) Well here are some ideas
[[Reboot Chat Archive]]
Criminals on the Run - I know we were this last time BUT, if we are this from the start it might flow better.
(*)Related to the Church Division - Merchants, warriors, priests, whatever, we are somehow tied into it.
===Taking Stock===
(*)Part of those mobster families - The ones we met in that southern town. Might be fun to play tied into them. (That is we ARE part of it, not get blackmailed into doing shit)
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 12:35, 25 October 2007 (MST)How's the game going for you guys? Likes/dislikes? I'm opening up the can of worms here, I know, but have at it!
With the resulting Chaos of everything falling apart, what if we played a ban of people trying to defend their village?  Limited, but very 7 Samurai.
Remember those people hired to get the axe the first time and fail? Well its not that they didn't come back, they just never made it to the axe... due to.... INSERT PLOT DEVICE
Overall, yes I'm enjoying it.  However, the apperance of the pillar disheartens me. Maybe it is only me, but that thing can fucking rot for all I care.  I wanted to be done with that oen and didn't really want some save the empire adventure, we already messed up saving the empire. Now, I'm not saying that is WHAT the pillar is, but none the less I think having to retrace all our steps and collecting the pillars would be a pain.
Just some ideas.
Spells:  Please note this isn't aimed directly at you Ben, but spells.  We were told that spells would be even less common now then they were, or we wouldn't see as much use of them.  The fact that we have never had to make detect rolls to see spells being cast is kinda odd, for me that is.  But its been that way, so lets just keep it.
I like the idea of building a crimnal or whatever empire, but this character was built FOR that.  If we start doing a bunch of occult stuff again I'm just gonna end up on the fench again not knowing about anything and just playing my violin.  Shit can hit the fan, but it should be shit everyone can help clean up.
-[[User:Matts|Matts]] 15:44, 23 July 2007 (MDT)I'm not going to dictate that; I've got a plot in mind, but my ideas so far don't demand a particular shared background. It could be that the hook that keeps everyone together evolves over the course of the first few sessions, before we get into the first adventure proper.
NOW, most all of this is based on the very thin assumption that we are going to be doing the pillar stuff again.
But if you wanted to throw out the idea that everyone's crew on a riverboat called the Argo, or something like that, here's the place to do it, since that sort of thing probably wouldn't evolve. The assumption I'm operating from is that by the time you're imprisoned in the cave, I mean, er, that by the time the game starts, you'll be a group with a few trials-by-fire already under your belt. I haven't explained fully the prologue system I want to use, but let's be real here; I've got a job! Maybe I'll write it up tonight.
Lol, the dudes hired to get the axe! That'd be some Rosencratz shit right there.
I am enjoying the small town we are part of.  I would have liked us to been able to strong arm a bit more. For being a cut throat place, everyone is still very high class crime like.  By this I mean there have not been many fights, at all.  Or killings even.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 16:01, 23 July 2007 (MDT) I'd love to be smugglers. I mean, straight up, dishonest smugglers. We're moving items that can get us imprisoned or worse about the Empire and we're all in it deep enough to hang the others. We can smuggle by wagon, boat, mule or foot. We can have facemen, muscles and scholars (legal, hopefully), and maybe a dishonest lawman or two. I think it offers all the fun of trading, troubleshooting, scheming and fighting that we could want, with emphases on any of those depending on how much effort each person wants to exert in any particular direction. It also encourages group unity because each one of us could well and truly fuck any of the rest.
Killing the cult was GREAT. I loved that, no thinking about it, cult = evil = kill. I would love to have an enemy we could unite against, but not one we must constantly run from.  Plotting to take out a huge politcal figure can be quite fun.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 16:29, 23 July 2007 (MDT) Hmm I like Dieter's idea. Though I dunno if this group can be that ruthless..Oh wait... I forgot our first Space Opera gameWhipping priests and beating kids with skateboards.
Biggest concernTons of occult stuff show up when this was suppose to be about smugglingAlso I'm a little unsure as to what occult things one might know, and what they wouldn't, I would love to see a list clairfing thisUse of fate points to affect the story (I believe fate points are to affect you, not the world)
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 16:49, 23 July 2007 (MDT) I see Ed as Jacob: general criminal<br>
Biggest likes: I like all the characters.  Characters work fairly well although secrets still abound (don't like that), Dwarf Ruins!  A++++++++++!
Ben as Anjou: faceman extraordinaire<br>
Gabe as Robert: muscle and legal counsel<br>
Jeremy as Samuel: conman and fixer<br>
Dieter as Germanicus: fixer<br>
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 17:27, 23 July 2007 (MDT)That's a fantastic idea!  Keep em coming!
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 17:28, 23 July 2007 (MDT) I like the downright smuggler idea.  enough of do gooders.  let's be criminals.  very world appropriate as well.
BEN: I like the game, so far, in its entirety
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 17:49, 23 July 2007 (MDT) Another idea (and don't you wish this was in Gemini), but Indiana Jones and the Raiders of Sigmar's Ark!! We're involved in uncovering weird and powerful artefacts man was Not Meant to Know!! Get involved in occult plots, hounded by the Church, travel to far off and exotic lands, and maybe, if you're very lucky, uncover something worth enough to retire, or so powerful as to retire anyone foolish enough to come after you.<br>
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 08:47, 26 October 2007 (MST) perhaps it is because i missed two sessions, but i have no excitement for the game. i mean, it's not bad it's ok, I just don't have a lot of enthusiasm for it.  Maybe it's because i'm bored of my character already, which probably arose from the bad start i got with him and that huge debate.  there's your worms.
Ed as Jacob: he does the things no one else wants to know about<br>
Ben as Anjou: he makes sure our papers are always in order<br>
Gabe as Robert: the visible muscle, he discourages unwanted interest and keeps things safe<br>
Jeremy as Samuel: he vacuums up all rumors and makes sure we know where to go and who to talk to<br>
Dieter as Eckhardt: he knows the secrets behind the doors, the truth behind the myths and maybe the fire that burns what cannot die<br>
Salty Sea Dogs- The hired help on a merchant cog, we have a patron that takes us from one exciting locale to another. Danger abounds on the high seas, but when we're washed up during shore leave, our troublesome nature stirs up new and dangerous things at port.<br>
Ed as Jakob: able seaman who's always got something up his sleeve<br>
Ben as Anjou: always running a side business and often leaving port one step ahead of the law<br>
Gabe as Robert: hard-bitten Marine that just can't relax, a regular in every jail cell of the port cities<br>
Jeremy as Samuel: when he's not slaying the ladies he's always ready for a little sideline action with the other crewmembers' plots<br>
Dieter as Ambrose: itinerant priest who keeps the crew alive and in relatively stable health
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 18:22, 23 July 2007 (MDT)Some ideas, not neccesarily good:
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- You guys suck.  I write all that and you write little blurbs!  Of course clearly my writing was me trying to get all my ideas into a some what understandable... thing... of... words...  Also I was slacking off at work.
*Fanatic band: A group of worshippers of a deity (ulric or sigmar being appropriate), roaming the countryside spreading their faith to those who'd listen, and spreading spiky bits to those what wouldn't.  
To go along with what Ed is saying, I feel kinda the same way.  I enjoy playing my character, but the excitement is kinda dwindling.I think Elrin would be fine as he is, but don't lose the insanity!  Actually over all I enjoy playing my character as being a trickster provides loads of fun.  And I would like to personally thank Ed for edging me towards ventriloquism.  That combined with mimic and acting will also keep my character fun.
*Knights, aspirants and retinues: the players are all involved in a knightly order, receiving directives from the inner circle, but otherwise striving for renown and success across the Old World; a variation is a group of Brettonian Knights and hangers-on (not sure if y'all want to do that, given how much you liked the Lady)
So yeah, I'm having fun, but at the same time excitement isn't quite as high.
*Riverboat crew:  see Sea Dogs, but put them on a smaller boat on the river.
*Explorers:  recently returned from a trip abroad, Marco Polo style, only to find their homeland crumbling around them.  The prologue could be all kinds of interesting adventures along the Silk Road.
*Natural Philosophers: academics and their help (violent and otherwise).  A Scholar, a Physician, An Engineer, a Wizard, and some muscle.  Maybe they have a hot-air balloon!
Gabe- What about a cirus troope?  However you spell that.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 00:01, 24 July 2007 (MDT) if you want to put the kai-bosh on magic, i think it would be easy.  just increase the frequency of those nasty chaos manifestations, like ones or twos or some other tweak on the rule.  make em roll two or three times on the chart when you get one and take all or the worst manifestation.
Will this be ready for prologue when ben is gone a week from friday?

Latest revision as of 11:37, 26 October 2007

Reboot Chat Archive

Taking Stock

--Matts 12:35, 25 October 2007 (MST)How's the game going for you guys? Likes/dislikes? I'm opening up the can of worms here, I know, but have at it!

--Gdaze-- Overall, yes I'm enjoying it. However, the apperance of the pillar disheartens me. Maybe it is only me, but that thing can fucking rot for all I care. I wanted to be done with that oen and didn't really want some save the empire adventure, we already messed up saving the empire. Now, I'm not saying that is WHAT the pillar is, but none the less I think having to retrace all our steps and collecting the pillars would be a pain.

Spells: Please note this isn't aimed directly at you Ben, but spells. We were told that spells would be even less common now then they were, or we wouldn't see as much use of them. The fact that we have never had to make detect rolls to see spells being cast is kinda odd, for me that is. But its been that way, so lets just keep it.

I like the idea of building a crimnal or whatever empire, but this character was built FOR that. If we start doing a bunch of occult stuff again I'm just gonna end up on the fench again not knowing about anything and just playing my violin. Shit can hit the fan, but it should be shit everyone can help clean up.

NOW, most all of this is based on the very thin assumption that we are going to be doing the pillar stuff again.

I am enjoying the small town we are part of. I would have liked us to been able to strong arm a bit more. For being a cut throat place, everyone is still very high class crime like. By this I mean there have not been many fights, at all. Or killings even.

Killing the cult was GREAT. I loved that, no thinking about it, cult = evil = kill. I would love to have an enemy we could unite against, but not one we must constantly run from. Plotting to take out a huge politcal figure can be quite fun.

Biggest concern: Tons of occult stuff show up when this was suppose to be about smuggling. Also I'm a little unsure as to what occult things one might know, and what they wouldn't, I would love to see a list clairfing this. Use of fate points to affect the story (I believe fate points are to affect you, not the world)

Biggest likes: I like all the characters. Characters work fairly well although secrets still abound (don't like that), Dwarf Ruins! A++++++++++!

BEN: I like the game, so far, in its entirety

--Edmiao 08:47, 26 October 2007 (MST) perhaps it is because i missed two sessions, but i have no excitement for the game. i mean, it's not bad it's ok, I just don't have a lot of enthusiasm for it. Maybe it's because i'm bored of my character already, which probably arose from the bad start i got with him and that huge debate. there's your worms.

--Gdaze-- You guys suck. I write all that and you write little blurbs! Of course clearly my writing was me trying to get all my ideas into a some what understandable... thing... of... words... Also I was slacking off at work.

To go along with what Ed is saying, I feel kinda the same way. I enjoy playing my character, but the excitement is kinda dwindling.I think Elrin would be fine as he is, but don't lose the insanity! Actually over all I enjoy playing my character as being a trickster provides loads of fun. And I would like to personally thank Ed for edging me towards ventriloquism. That combined with mimic and acting will also keep my character fun.

So yeah, I'm having fun, but at the same time excitement isn't quite as high.