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(Attendance and Food preference)
(Attendance and Food preference)
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Gabe:  Sweet, first the son then his mom?  You are a true pimp!  I'd bow down infront of you cept your nuts are in my mouth thus causing me to rip them off.  Hmm I'm starting kinda early.
Anyway, just a note, we will be playing DOWN STAIRS today as my dad won't be in tonight.  Should be nice to have the bigger table plus it's cooler.
I'm still gonna have pizza but not a whole lot as I had pizza yesterday.
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==

Revision as of 13:44, 13 July 2007

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


2/2/07.......Jin Dynasty......Ben's
2/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow
2/16/07......Jin Dynasty.........Jason's
2/23/07......Nephron One Shot..........ben's
3/2/07.......Toonball and random shit......Ben's
3/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow
3/16/07......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's house of gaming
3/23/07......Jin Dynasty......Matt's House of Tyranny
4/6/07.......Gemini Character Creation...Ben's Condo
4/20/07......week off......nowhere in particular
4/27/07......Gemini.......ben's house
6/08/07..... CoC one shot.......Dieter's
6/15/17......Space Marines One shot........Dieter's
6/29/07......Gemini.......Gabe's hut
7/6/07.......Gemini....Ben's house

Attendance and Food preference

--Edmiao 09:53, 9 July 2007 (MDT) present, no pizza

--Gdaze-- Present, pizza please, and my house will be fine.

Ben: present, pizza. also bringing lots of pain and suffering for your characters to share.

--Jeremy - 7/11/07 (squishy please)-- I'm going to have to miss the game on Friday. The big wigs are in town so I need to go to a business dinner and network. Sorry.

--Matts 16:01, 11 July 2007 (MDT)-- Suck my huge hairy nuts, bitch. Then tell your mom to do the same.


Gabe: Sweet, first the son then his mom? You are a true pimp! I'd bow down infront of you cept your nuts are in my mouth thus causing me to rip them off. Hmm I'm starting kinda early. Anyway, just a note, we will be playing DOWN STAIRS today as my dad won't be in tonight. Should be nice to have the bigger table plus it's cooler. I'm still gonna have pizza but not a whole lot as I had pizza yesterday.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other Nongaming Events

Dune BITCHES!!!!!

So Im almost done reading Dune, and since you jokers are playing in a space game I thought you might be interested in the following activity. I have purchased the David Lynch version of Dune, and the Sci Fi Channel Dune and Children of Dune miniseries'. My plan is to have a megaDune marathon some weekend day. Skippy got a new super huge HD widescreen tv, and it would be perfect for this event. Anyone who wishes to attend is invited. If interested, let me know what day would work best. Also, I got the Dune boardgame (won it, hasnt arrived yet), so I have included quite possibly the bestestest board game review EVAR!!1 [1]

Here is an explaination of the rules that clears up a thing or two and makes a lot more sense. I think we may have only been doing maybe one thing wrong. [2]

--Jason 13:57, 8 July 2007 (MST) Even better, free Dune game for everyone. All you need is a printer. [3]

--Edmiao 09:53, 9 July 2007 (MDT) nice.

The Next Step in Exemplars

Shoot the Midget

The Next Step in Gemini

Also See Ship's Log for past conversations.

--Matts 23:08, 9 July 2007 (MDT)Sweet Jesus, I leave for a session and you all let the bats out of hell!

--Gdaze-- Yeah what the heck? Anyway, why are we sticking around anyway? I mean is there anything we can salavage from the ship? If not Gloval would like to leave his past where it is, in his past!

--Edmiao 23:10, 10 July 2007 (MDT) we have only snipped the surface of exploring the ship. are you not curious as to why your old ship is drifing in space?

Gdaze-- Somewhat, but not really. That ship was really advanced, even had sensors I dare say equal to ours. Whatever took it out we would most likely have no chance of defeating. Never the less, Gloval will here what the characters have to say, otherwise he will strongly advocate moving on.

Aedil - Captain, as you told us just now, there are emergency cryochambers within the ship that are easily accessable in case of emergency. I feel that we are honor bound to investigate those chambers for survivors. We are likely the only ship that would ever find them.

--Jeremy--Death...there can only be death found in that coffin of a ship. Satan resides there and that can only mean one thing, you're all doomed, DOOOOOOOMED I SAYS!!!!! But then again there could be bunnys and kittys playing with yarn balls and back lit by rainbows. Yup, I think it's the second thing...definitely the second thing. Good Luck!

Gdaze -- You see... it is that first thing that REALLY makes Gloval think leaving would be a fine idea.