Ship's Log
Gemini Index
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--Ules, 5-30-07 9:41AM: I have two issues to discuss: First, we are being far too conspicuous. Using our ship like a blunt weapon (as we did when flattening that city block) attracts enough attention to us that those who have a remote interest in our ship will not find it hard to connect the dots. You may think this is no big deal, but trust me, it is a very large deal. We want to know who knows about us, and be able to manage those relationships appropriately. If we run around hibbly-nibbly, threatening locals and bombarding buildings, then people beyond those we wish to will gain an interest in our ship. For instance, we're gonna have to go to a great deal of trouble to shake G. Smitty's interest at this point, which we're going to need to do.
Second, we should endeavor to manage those people who do know about our ship and its capabilities to either ensure that they're allies, or that the damage they can do is limited. Mike is a primary point of interest here. He knew the instant we came into Nestor that we were around. If we keep putting him off, he may work to coerce us into performing for him. More specifically, Mike and his friends are going to prove valuable in the future, take my word as a Norn on that. We can play it such that we don't receive the proverbial "offer we can't refuse".
My sources and intuition tell me that life as a jump crew has just become exponentially more dangerous, and we need to take these two steps to manage our risk effectively.
--Gloval Using the ship in a city like that did in no way show off what our ship is cable of doing. Mike knows there are plenty of other jump ships out there, we just need to make ourselves look less pleasing. As in step up our security. Besides Mike is enemies with our Friend Mr. Phillipe. I would much rather work for him then Mike.
Also just because we used the ship once like that doesn't mean we always have or will. When on a lawless planet like that you use what resources you have. Our ship happens to be one and is not easily lost, unlike human life.
I'm not worried about Smitty, after all, he is the one who sent the mining robots to that site we were digging on as a further peace offering. Most likely because we returned his assassin.
--Ules Captain, if you don't think using the ship like that put the spotlight on us, you're not looking. It didn't show off what we can do specifically, no. But it did show off a ship of its description prominently enough, I'm sure, to make the local newsfeed. Let's say you've got a decent AI and the desire to track our movements, all it would take at this point is a little time on Google. Let's say you're G. Smitty, and you're curious about these goons who just threatened you for a bunch of money. You do a little google, and wha-hey, this ship is all over the place! It's been rescuing people on Troy! It's been docking at Nestor! Put two and two together, and it's a jump ship! Just the information alone is extremely valuable.
Furthermore, it highlights us as a reckless and dangerous crew, in the absence of any other information.
Smitty may not be an explicit enemy, but now he probably knows what our ship can do, and we have no real relationship with him, just like with Mike. So hence the number of unknowns goes up.
As for Mike, we can do business with him and Phillipe; they work in different circles. If Phillipe wants us to himself, tough; he's not the one putting his ass on the line out there.
--Gdaze 12:04, 30 May 2007 (MST) Actually Mike from the get go threatened Phillipe and Phillipe is lying to us about how much he knows about Mike. Also I doubt there is a lot of news feed about ships dropping down on cities in ass crack of no where villages like the one we were in. Not only that but how would he have positively ID our ship? We were only down there for maybe a minute, and there was other chaos on the ground. And yes we do jump quite a bit... but in that case it is the JUMPING that will draw attention to use eventually anyway. Instead of suddenly becoming a hermit crab, we should be discussing what we can do to protect ourselves once we become known as a jump ship. Unless of course you'd like to continue being famous for gambling, recklessly accepting every person who comes to us offering a job, and heavy drinking.
The crew wants nothing to do with Mike. And so far, you've said that about everyone we've met, they'd have useful skills... not good to make them mad. We can't be accepting every mission handed to us. To be cautious is a good thing, to be paranoid is quite another.
Smitty I doubt cares about us anymore. And as far as I’m concerned we will not be going back to that planet anytime soon. The finds are… slim pickings. However perhaps that computer we found shall give us some new insight? We shall see. For now I’m not worried that someone whose interests only seem to be on that planet will care about us. Stonewall might make a good contact but the man is at heart nothing more then a hired killer, and seems to be a simple man.
Aedil-- I agree that caution is warranted in our situation. we must choose carefully who to have dealings with. Simply because someone knows of our prowess does not make them honorable people to have dealings with. Certainly, I want nothing more to do with this G. Smitty, unless it is to aid Stonewall in putting Smitty out of his misery. the man is a trickster to the extreme. I have little knowledge of this Mike person. However, based on his actions skulking after our ship as we left orbit last time, he seems to be of nefarious purpose. As Capt. Gloval distrusts him, I am highly inclined to agree. However, if Ules forsees a future thread to greater glory through association with this quesitonable Mike character then we cannot lightly brush the option aside.
Ules, you suggest that we "hibbly nibbly" assaulted that building where allegedly the Chinos were located. This is not true, our path there was carefully orchestrated, both by ourselves and the manipulation of Smitty. In fact, it was your plan which we all agreed to. Although none of the crew died, the incident could have gone better, I agree.
Another note, I would like to visit Platocrates on Diomedes to further pursue the artifacts we uncovered.
The crew may be unaware, but my kinsmen continue to battle the Lycurgans on Troy. The Lycrugans are apparently using the chaos to attempt to gain access to an ancient cache of weapons that my people secreted away thousands of years ago within the Hall of the Valkyries. These weapons are legended to be given to the Norse by the Aesir (the gods) themselves during Ragnarok aeons ago. Unfortunately, the ability to access the stockpile has been lost over the centuries. Now the Norse are considering tunnelling to access these ancient weapons. However, they lack access to technology. With our mining robot, we could gain access to this trove. Undoubtedly there would be riches to make even the Aesir dizzy.
--Ules Going to Troy right now would be tantamount to suicide, just so you know. The Aenean Navy is mustered and ready, and they wouldn't take kindly to us popping into orbit.
You're right though, captain. We shouldn't recuse ourselves from society just because we're a jump ship. I'd just like you to be a little more aware of the risks. The Gemini isn't a static system that we can elastically move around in as we please. With each action we take, reactions cascade through the system. All I'm asking for is a little awareness of that fact.
Those who have heard of the Golden Fleece, a new jumpship on the scene, are undoubtedly accounting for it in their plans. They're informing their contacts. Soon enough, if not already, the word will be out. If we continue to operate as we have, we will be outwitted by enemies we have not detected, whose intentions we are too naive to ascertain.
--Gloval Ah now that I agree with Ules. Even I have let the power of our ship and its crew slip from my mouth all too often.
Hmm, how do you know of these events Aedil? If you have been communicating I would like to at least see the logs. Not that I dis-believe you, after all you always say the truth no matter how inapporprate it is...*chuckles* I wonder though, did the weapons survive the eruption? And are they sure they are there? I would rather they be in the hands of your people then those guns for hire. However if it is a bunch of yous down there and those armored up super soliders we stand little chance. I would listen to requests to perhaps lend them a hand in transporting the weapons off world and to a hidden location, even lend them the use or our mining bot, if we could have some of the weapons. If there is something our ship is good at, it is speed, agility, and sleath.
--Matts 15:11, 30 May 2007 (MST)Let me repeat, Captain: going to Troy is suicide. Sure, we can slip past podunk two-bit criminals, but past the Aenean Navy?
--Gloval While I have a lot of faith in our stealth... I have even more in Sola's hacking ability. We were connected with their computer for awhile, we must still have bits of information... perhaps she can use those connections to somehow give us access. Or we can call on that captin who thanked us. How ironic would that be?!?
--Aedil Indeed, Captain. It is as if the Norns directed us to save the Lycurgan captain in order to enable our reintroduction to the planet. The Aenean navy cannot control the skies over an entire planet. they are mighty, but not so mighty. They will concentrate their efforts on the small area of the planet where the Troy settlements are located: the hive, etc.... This is but a small fraction of the planetary surface. The remainder of Troy is believed, incorrectly, to be uninhabited. In fact, there are Norse settlements in the deeper strata throughout the planet and there are a myriad of connecting tunnels. I tell you this as trusted and honorable friends: There are more Norsemen on Troy than are imagined by the Aeneans or Lycurgans. However, we lack in technology, and for generations have been building our numbers, training for the battle to come. When again the gods call forth the Norse, we will wreak havok upon our adversaries. The stockpiles in the Hall of Valhalla will aid in the wars to come. My kin hold the gate to the Hall secure, and it was distant enough to be undamaged by the recent eruptions. This information I have recieved through communications via our secure communications arrays. If these are recorded, then Sola can retrieve them for your further inspection, Captain. Honor would dictate comensurate compensation to those who aid the righteous. The Hall of Valhalla predates the so called "sundering" by thousands of years. There is no telling what great artifacts it may contain.
--Ules Aedil, did you ever consider that you may not want to blow your people's wad just yet? The Aeneans are in full-on war mode right now; it may not be the best time to stage an uprising. That gigantic battlecruiser of theirs? It could bomb the hell out of y'all the instant you hit the surface.
I say again: going to Troy is suicide. It gets us on the wrong side of exactly the wrong people at precisely the worst time.
If you want to influence things in that system, talk to Mike. He's got contacts all over Pollux.
--Dieter the Bold 19:32, 30 May 2007 (MST) I agree 100% with Ules on the Troy situation. We do not want to be pitting our skills against those of an entire Aenean battlegroup on wartime footing, with a legendary admiral called out of retirement to command the operation. Aedil is more than welcome to pursue courses of action appropriate to his beliefs, but those aren't my beliefs, and I have no interest in seeing the Fleece get caught up in some schemes that put us all in the bullseye for one of the most powerful militaries in the Gemini.
As for the Mike/Phillippe deal, we currently have a good thing going with Phillippe. Phillippe's always come through for us, never tried to mess with us and has been most polite and helpful. I don't think we've made too many enemies, but I don't see any reason to go burning bridges with proven associates. I say we ask Phillippe if taking jobs with Mike would be objectionable to him and go from there. If we can make money off both without jeopardizing our current business, I'm all for it. One credit in your pocket is better than two on the street. Try and chase the two and you'll end up with nothing.
Aedil This is Aedil calling the crew, I want to confirm your interest in our recent archaeological finds. I am here with Platocrates and he says to expedite the investigation, he would like to use the University facilities. However if he does so, we would waive our rights to financial gain from the items. I propose that Platocrates should turn over the following items to the University and the academic community for publication: the location and description of the site, the fork, the empty bottle, the pile of bones, the whole human skeleton, the item which by scans appears to be a book or stack of paper, the coin. Captain, you seemed somewhat attached to the coin, but it is only a trinket after all. I assume from previous conversations that the crew wishes to retain ownership of the PDA. In such a case, Platocrates will perform what investigations he can within his laboratory but further studies might need to be carried out elsewhere. Gentlemen, I solicit your opinions.
--Ules: We need money, one way or another, if we want to keep the ship running and the potential for further finds alive. That said, I have no particular opinion on what to do with an old fork.
Aedil What of the other items besides the PDA?
--Edmiao 09:33, 29 June 2007 (MST) note to GM. if other players do not express an opinion on the matter before or at game start then please consider it to be settled as described above.
Graz: Sounds good, just don't forget I got the coin.
--Edmiao 13:50, 29 June 2007 (MST) unless you refused to give it back, it is now in the hands of Platocrates. you may request that it not be handed over to the university if you wish.
--Ules Aedil, the expedition to Andromache was under your auspices. The gain from that trip will directly influence my decisions in terms of pursuing further such adventures. So feel free to give all that shit to Platocrates, but unless we see some real gain, the next time you claim riches await us on some hick-infested backwater, we'll rightly be more skeptical.
Aedil Look, we went on this expedition, I am trying to work with you folks, but I am not one who has staked his life on profits in the past. If you think some of these items have monetary value then you should speak up. Frankly I see no reason why an old fork or an old coin or an ancient book would be worth a lot of money. Thus I propose to turn these over for more rapid investigation. Now some of you may know more about what these are worth on the street and have a differnt opinion. Maybe ancient bones go for a lot of money on the black market, I don't know. The only reason why I care is because you, my freinds, deserve some compensation for the expedition. I will remind you that archaeological expeditions are hit and miss. Sometimes you spend a long time digging and find nothing. Sometimes you spend a day digging and find something prescious. Let me remind you that the last site that the gods directed me to yeilded a small stone. I just sold that small stone for 100,000 credits, which will be divided normally amongst the ship and crew as soon as Samuel and I get back. Is that gain enough for you Ules? Was that a useful adventure? I would say yes. Plus we learned that there is a promising site on Cassandra. Now I am here with Platocrates, are there any other items that are of particular interest to any of you, given what you may know about the value of such things?
Gabe- Nope, I never gave it back, unless it was forceable removed from me from the last session I missed but yeah, I never gave the coin back. (IE he is not handing it over)
Aedil Well that is unfortunate, Captain, but it seems <Looks through photographs> that we have detailed photographs of the coin anyway, that will give Platocrates somewhere to start on the coin, although the actual item for analysis would aid in determining how old it is as most people will think it a replica of some sort. Anyway, Platocrates, I almost forgot to give you this folio with complete photographic documentation of the site. Thus, to sum up, the only item the crew wishes to reserve rights to is the PDA, and of course the coin that Captain Gloval has retained. The remaining items can be analyzed by the Archaeology department and University as you see fit. I think they will be of great interest.
--Matts 23:08, 9 July 2007 (MDT)Sweet Jesus, I leave for a session and you all let the bats out of hell!
--Gdaze-- Yeah what the heck? Anyway, why are we sticking around anyway? I mean is there anything we can salavage from the ship? If not Gloval would like to leave his past where it is, in his past!
--Edmiao 23:10, 10 July 2007 (MDT) we have only snipped the surface of exploring the ship. are you not curious as to why your old ship is drifing in space?
Gdaze-- Somewhat, but not really. That ship was really advanced, even had sensors I dare say equal to ours. Whatever took it out we would most likely have no chance of defeating. Never the less, Gloval will here what the characters have to say, otherwise he will strongly advocate moving on.
Aedil - Captain, as you told us just now, there are emergency cryochambers within the ship that are easily accessable in case of emergency. I feel that we are honor bound to investigate those chambers for survivors. We are likely the only ship that would ever find them.
--Jeremy--Death...there can only be death found in that coffin of a ship. Satan resides there and that can only mean one thing, you're all doomed, DOOOOOOOMED I SAYS!!!!! But then again there could be bunnys and kittys playing with yarn balls and back lit by rainbows. Yup, I think it's the second thing...definitely the second thing. Good Luck!
Gdaze -- You see... it is that first thing that REALLY makes Gloval think leaving would be a fine idea.
Aedil -- so what do we do about this catalyst? It seems like very dangerous cargo as it challenges the catalyst monopoly. I think we are being set up by the Helen.
Ules -- On the surface, there's two options: we get blown up by the Helen or we get blown up by the Monte Cristo. I don't like our odds against either.
I say we suss out who we're shipping this to, and whaddaya know, I've got some people on Glaucus that can help us out.
On a separate topic - I apologize for being drunk, but tell me this: Why the FUCK did we leave the sleipir sitting out there? A jump ship is lying abandoned, perhaps one of the most valuable finds in recent history, and we chicken the fuck out? It's worth so much money I'm going blind!
Aedil -- your plan of action sounds prudent Ules. Yes, I agree that we abandoned the Sleipnir prematurely. Unfortunately, Captain Gloval seemed eager to leave the ship be, and Orentes was quite afraid of it. I think the ship is not going anywhere, so a return visit could be in order.
Gloval -- Ules... put on some pants. Also we didn't leave empty handed. We took the egg device which I believe to be the heart of the ship or perhaps even contains all the data the ship ever had. I may get in contact with the corp office about this but we must be careful. Also I would like to go speak to some of the people in your psycho-navi club if possible. As for the cataylist, is there any way we can set these people on each other? I think I would rather team up with the Helen since they already have all the business with this cargo. It is time to take sides crew, we can't afford to keep being a free agent, that is very clear now.
Ules -- Captain, with due respect: I think there's an opportunity here to come out ahead of both parties, and we should investigate it. It would of course be more dangerous, but I think as a jump ship, we have a duty not to become pawns in others' games. We don't have the reputation of those other ships, but that doesn't mean we'll just do whatever they say. I'll see what Mike knows about it.
Also, we should check Cassandra again at some point; there could very well be a Catalyst vein somewhere there, and that information would be worth a fortune to someone.
Aedil With resepct, may i remind the captain of the "negotiation" tactics used by the Helen. These were to jump into our vicinity, establish missile lock and then demand that we do what they say. Hardly honorable company to keep.
Ules, I am also intrigured by the possibility of further exploration of Cassandra. One promising lead would be to find the AI site 20 location. I'm not sure how we can accomplish that, except to offer the AI corp the location of the Sleipnir in exchange for the location of site 20.
Gloval -- Oops, my mistake. Wait isn't Helen the one that already runs the stuff? And their "negotiation" tactic sounds a lot like ours in all honesty. All it means is they are careful planners. So is the Helen the one in charge of mining the chatalyst? (will always spell differently) If not, who is? I get so confused these days... Anyway, yes I agree Ules that we DO need to know more, please do talk to your gun running moocher psycho friend Mike. He at least owes us something. I have no intention of becoming a pawn Ules, but that doesn't mean we have to NOT allie ourselves. We make enemies but we make allies as well. Siding with someone could have huge benefits.
I know this restrains us. I don't like it anymore then you Ules. This ship, with us as a crew represents almost total freedom. We can do as we like and go where we like. I for one have fealt very liberated on this vessel, liberated from the politics and my past. But how long can we remain like this? I guess it is time for the crew to decide. Do we want to continue living this life style? In ancient history there was a breed of people called pirates. They lived free like us, not following any laws but their own. But they burned out very quickly. So do we live as we want, not following any rules but our own and burning out like laser fire (oh yes, sci fi simli!)? Or do allie ourselves with someone for protection? I will go along with either, but this is for the crew to decide.
- pats a part of the ship next to him* And please don't forget our most important crew member, the Golden Fleece herself. I know I haven't been showing her the respect she deserves. What kind of name do we want to make for her? One last word. If we are going to remain independent... we need to start working as a team. Our professional level will have to increase overnight. No more going out by oneself, no more doing deals on the side, for anyone. We have to become a lot closer of a family in order to survive.
Ules I want to make money just like you, richs and all of that. But in order to make that next big step, we have to grow as people so that we can protect our Golden Fleece. Think it over crew.
Personally... I would choose to not be chained down...
Aedil It is a strange day when Aedil of Vigrid educates the great Captain Gloval regarding interstellar rumor and politics. But the gods have made these days strange and they will be stranger still very soon, I feel. The Helen, form my understanding, is the pirate ship of jump ships. She berths in Tortuga, the pirate city, uses underhanded tactics and my gut tells me not to trust her captain. It is the Monte Cristo that holds the monopoly on mining and distributing catalyst. Thus it is my worry that the Helen is setting us up for a confrontation with the Monte Cristo.
Whatever course we take in the current matter, you are wise to name the Golden Fleece as one of our clan, and we must honor her name with our actions.
Ules -- Just because the Helen is called a "pirate ship" doesn't make its intentions less pure than the Monte Cristo's, or more accurately, mean that the Monte Cristo is honorable by comparison. Keeping a monopoly by threat is hardly an honorable action. If we look closely enough at the situation, a path that exalts us above those that would use us to their ends will arise, and we'd be wise to follow that path, however dangerous.
Gloval -- So Ules I am taking it your vote is to not be tied down to anyone? What do you think Aedil? I want to hear from the rest of the crew as well. If we are going to be independent that also means something else has to happen. No more threating each other. Aedil, I realize that many of us do not match your faith's strict guidelines. And I realize that Sammul might seem to not always have the best intentions. But has Sammul ever threatened the ship? Or any of us? Has he ever sold us out? Betrayed our intentions? I have never seen him do any of those. We all have sorted pasts. And Ules, no more holding the ship hostage by refusing to jump, least of all when a crew member is in danager. Everyone on this crew works hard to keep her running so that you can guide us anywhere. But don't forget they are almost all working for you and her in a way. Orenties... stop fucking with my robots... Unless you are the king snake in which case.... Please refrain from doing so but if you want to that is okay... Gloval... learn to take some risks... Now, are we in agreement then? That now we fly under our own flag?
--Edmiao 18:25, 19 July 2007 (MDT) On a previous note, I know little of the Monte Cristo, save they hold a monopoly and rumor has it are willing to go to great lengths to keep it. Thus we should take care around them as Ules suggests.
Captain, my allegance is with you and this ship. Thus far you and the rest of the crew have provent to be honorable friends and I expect we will continue to triumph and thrive. You are right that I have questioned Samuels judgement, and with our help and the help of the gods, I have not seen him fall from an honorable path. Ules makes a good point that great men need strong allies. But, I think we all agree that we have no desire for allies to whom we are beholden. Thus, I follow your call to maintain our independence, and add that we should continue to seek allies. We should ensure that those allies we make are honorable, like Mr. Phillipe. And it is our duty to uncover when a professed potential friend is dishonorable, which is why I went to great lengths to determine the contents of the Helen's package. It indeed revealed potential deception on their part.
--Dieter the Bold 22:39, 19 July 2007 (MDT) I declare Aedil a liar of the worst sort. He possesses more faces than low-rent whore performing for her bread and less honor than a mangy street dog. The chronology of events ran thusly: We left the Sleipnir and returned to Andromache 3 to speak with Stonewall. While there I repaired a broken down delivery shuttle and we were given the location of Aedil's previous mission. As he was tending to some graves, I received an offer for a $100k job and accepted. We jumped to Idomeneus 4 and prepared to head to the rendezvous coordinates when we were told a new set of coordinates. As the second set happened to be located within a cloaked (and I mean cloaked as only our sensors can detect) city, I panicked and declined to continue with the deal, figuring that since no money or goods had changed hands that it wouldn't be a big deal. Several hours later, the Helen jumps next to us and locks on with a missile. To avoid bloodshed, I talk Cpt. Sparrowhawk into letting me meet with a representative via docked shuttles. They explain that the cloaked city is Tortuga, legendary cloaked (and mobile) pirate city, and express general disgust at my lack of professionalism and backbone. Mistaken assumptions are again made as to my identity, despite my best efforts. I agree to continue the job, which consists of delivering a featureless black box about the size of two fists to Glauchus (which I was assured does not have any information as to the identity of the ship responsible for recent damages) to parties yet to be named, and then transporting another package to Cassandra. I am assured that all packages contain no slaves, drugs or explosives and can be easily fit in any shuttles (meaning we don't have to land anywhere we don't want to). I also secure an additional $20k, and everything upfront (that's right, we have $120k on a credstick right now). I return to the ship and we set off. Throughout this entire episode, Aedil has shown complete lack of interest in my concerns or dealings and was constantly pushing for a return to Diomedes in pursuit of other business. Immediately upon my return, however, he promptly took the box from me and demanded to scan it. I disabled the archeoscanner (fixable, Cpt. Gloval, no worries) and told Aedil not to make trouble with our new associates, who also possess a jump ship (and who refrained on destroying us solely out of respect for a sister jump-vessel). Aedil then proceeds to smash open the case and reveal the catalyst stone he had found and then sold. Now, I find it odd that Aedil has absolutely no interest in my dealings, fears and re-dealings up until I walk onboard with the box. And now he's suddenly all about the ship and comrades? He's also suddenly concerned about running afoul of Tetsuo Hara and the Monte Cristo, when he was quite willing to run around with the catalyst rock the first time and sell it to parties he still has yet to reveal back on Diomedes. And finally, despite the almost certain death-sentence he puts on my head (and possibly all of ours), he destroys the box (carrying something we honestly knew nothing about and could truthfully claim complete ignorance should Hara and the Monte Cristo become involved). We have now damaged property of the Helen and Cpt. Sparrowhawk and are knowingly trafficking in catalyst. So we now run the risk of angering two powerful and jump-capable individuals with vast resources (pirates v. money). We have taken on dangerous jobs before, and if the job I involved us in was more danger than you all were interested in, my apologies. But Aedil's actions may very well have doomed us all, and I'll not stand for his double-tongued talk of honor and camaraderie!! So, fellow travelers, there is the story laid out before you. I enjoy the luxuries afforded me by travel on the Golden Fleece and hope to continue traveling with all of you on it, but the Cpt. is right, choices must be made and new accords laid out. I'll not lend my skills to those who blithely endanger my life with so little care.
Aedil Orentes, were you in my presence and not speaking this over an intercom I would wring your scrawny neck for those insults! You are the most cowardly slime I have ever laid eyes upon. Yet you ignorance and lack of foresight led you to hand the trust of the Golden Fleece over to pirates. You accepted cargo that placed the entire crew in potentially grave peril without even asking what the contents were. What you do on your own time outside the ship is not our responsibility. But when you engage the Golden fleece in a venture, that becomes MY responsibility and that responsibility of the entire crew. You contracted our ship out to pirates. I sold the catalyst stone to associates of a trusted friend, Root. He is currently investigating how that same stone may have come into the hands of those pirate scum.
My actions doom us all? You have lost your wits with your courage. Look at the facts. You accepted unknown cargo; you knew not how dangerous it was. Now it proves extremely dangerous. You would have us spend our lives like ostrich, with our heads in the sand and holding out our hand for money while the butchers axe swings a lethal blow. You are like a child blind folded walking through a lake of fire. I asked you repeatedly to allow me to scan this box and you stubbornly clung to IGNORANCE as a SHIELD? Not even the most foolish children of the Vigrid Clan would be so silly to claim stupidity as an excuse.
You appologize for the danger of the job, when it was you yourself who shied away from the job as soon as it looked in the least bit perilous? You should instead appologize for your lack of will, your lack of heart, your lack of honor, and what of loyalty?
Talk about loyalty to the crew? Not once did I suggest that we should not pursue your rescue when your were kidnapped. In fact, I would not have rested until you, or your lifeless body, were returned to our care. I would do so for any crew member. As it turned out, the "kingsnake" (ha ha) needed no rescue. Could you say that you would tirelessly pursue the welfare of your friends? When I fell into a dark and deserted ship, even though there was no sign of danger, you left your lunch in the airlock, and left me to die. Have you no honor? Have you no sense of kinship? Look to Grachus for example, he has no fear and I have no worry that he would leave me in a cold vaccum to perish as you did. You say you grew up without family, so I tried to excuse your callous disregard for your kin in the past. NO MORE! Act like a man. You must remember that the crew are your family. Although you hate and disdain me, I am your BROTHER. Yes, sometimes we cannot chose our kin. we have travelled long together and despite your failings, I still call you brother. Even were you to sever the honor bond I owe to you, I would still forevermore call you brother. I will teach you to be a man and to learn the meaning of the word HONOR!
Ules -- Captain, I respectfully suggest that Orentes and Aedil be kept separate until such time as we are not threatened by two jump ships. The fact that we've already been paid for this mission puts us in deep-as-hell shit since we smashed the box, and having raving idealogues lobbying for position during the delicate work of extricating ourselves from these circumstances cuts our chances of survival considerably.
Also, if we're to deliver a package to Cassandra as part of the deal, then our bonanza of potential catalyst is basically kaput. My prediction is that we're taking the catalyst to representatives of Hara, so they can check it for authenticity, then taking some sort of testing suite back to Cassandra so they can either blow up the catalyst or isolate and monopolize it.
Finally, if any of you have any concern for the ship and its crew, at this point you'll put aside past differences, because we're currently balanced on the edge of a razor, and one person bitching too loud could mean all of our nuts. Now is not a time for principles or moral high ground, it's a time for us to do what needs to be done.
Gloval -- Ah... I blame myself for being indisposed as I should have handled the negotations myself. That being said, I don't see why you didn't let him scan the box Orentes. A scan is just a scan, I doubt it could have really hurt anything. Also Aedil... we have always gone along with your plans, even when they have generated almost not revenue for us. That being said you MUST STOP smashing cargo we transport. I enjoy running high cost item frieght quite a bit and we are not going to have that job much longer if you continue to smash everything we transport. Remember you are here mostly as protection and to dig, not be in charge of freight invistigation.
Orentes has been a bit off today. First frying my expensive robot and the freaking out over the dead ship. He is a mechanic. And while he may give to flight easily he keeps everything working, clean, and has almost never made any demands of me or the ship. If anything he has been the only one taking care of the Golden Fleece. He wanted to get her a new pretty coat of paint, he is the one who spends all of his time cleaning out the dust in her... hmm that sounds slighty wrong. Regardless, if any of us have always remembered that she is our most important crewmate it is him. Besides I have a project for him and Sola. Cut him some slack. We have some serious investigation to do on this object of transport and why we are being paid to do something they could easily do.
I wonder. Could we call back up the Helen and ask to know more? If they threaten us we could always contact the Monte whatever and tell them what the Helen is trying to do.
Aedil Captain, this is the first bit of cargo that i have intentionally damaged. I admit that when the fish spilled, i was slow in helping to restore them to the box as I looked around, but there was no harm done there; in fact I think that when Phillipes dockhand dropped the box off their loader, it was the gods who wanted us to know that Phillipe was a good man to be trusted. And we learned that. <<out of character; it would be metagaming to argue that Aedil was responsible for the fish spilling>> I agree that breaking the box was drastic, unfortunately with the crew disposed it was my only option <<out of character; ie that's what happens when you leave the technophile and the technophobe in charge of the entire ship>>. Orentes had not even asked what was in the box or how much danger it would put us in. As you say, my expertise are in archeology and combat and will try to refrain from freight transaction minutia, but in this case I felt the entire ship was threatened. Also, may I remind you that one of my expeditions netted the ship 100,000 credits in the form of this self same catalyst stone on Cassandra. You well know that archaeology is hit and miss. Further, if we wished, we could sell components and or the location of the Sleipnir for considerable money. It was the gods or their agents that sent me those coordinates. I would thus claim to not be a financial burden to the ship.
Gloval -- (Metagaming-He wasn't, absolve your GUILT! hahaha) Alright granted this is the only one you've smashed... but the cargo always seems to be under threat of smashing... Anyway, you didn't need to smash it open that second as Orentes has always followed my orders. Save for destorying robots. You could have waited until I was better to have me look into it. We really really can't be doing that to cargo. But it is done, and now we have to solve it. We could even make this work for our advantage.
<<Ed- out of character: we actually called it a night because of the impasse between Orentes and Aedil and no other PCs to mediate>>
<<Gabe - Haha, that'd be great if you both killed each other. We come up the the bridge and find Orentes with his head caved in and Aedil run through by the cleaning robot!!!>>
<<Ed - give it time, the night has not yet begun!>>
--Dieter the Bold 12:48, 20 July 2007 (MDT) Unknown dangerous cargo? I received assurances it was not dangerous to the ship or immediately illegal. What reason to trust pirates? No more reason then they to trust us with both money and precious cargo. Such is business. Seeing as how we wouldn't give pirates a free tour of the entire ship before being allowed to work for them, neither do they give us complete manifests of what they wish us to transport. Again, business. You are correct, Ules, that we stand at a dangerous edge, and I'll do my best to remain controlled and do my part to see us safely through. I think what would behoove us for future endeavors is to establish some SOPs for cargo transport. What cargos will and won't we transport? What do we need to know/see about the cargo before accepting receipt of it? Right now we're all doing as we think best for the ship and crew, and it is quite obvious we all have very different opinions on how that is done. We must standardize ourselves to prevent conflict and issue some General Orders to follow. Long live the Golden Fleece!!
Gloval -- Well thank you for the overly excited cheer Orentes... Hmm some sops might just be what we need. Something to consider and work on after we get done with this mess! <<hushed whisper to Ules>> We better do as he says... he is the King Snake...
Aedil Orentes, you are still a fool to trust the word of a pirate as gospel regarding the legality and safety of sealed packages.
I don't know what a sop is, is that something wet? It seems, though that you are indicating that we formalize some kind of standard proceedure under which we will operate, and that is a very good idea, long overdue.
Gloval -- This message is only to Aedil "Give me one reason why I should not boot you off my crew? You attacked our mechanic and broke his finger. What kind of a body guard are you? You have until we get back from this mission, otherwise, you will have to leave. (Sorry gents, but I gotta be in character)
Aedil -- I address the Captain and the entire crew. First, I do not consider myself a body guard. I am an archaeologist first and foremost and an explorer of the Norse people. I have skills in combat that are sometimes useful.
Let us discuss the primary matter at hand. Orentes brought a bomb, A BOMB! to a meeting of truce. What could possibly be more underhanded and dishonest? I saw him pull out that detinator when the guard opened the box. And we all saw his finger begin to depress the button. In that moment, I felt the presence of Tyr, I felt his light that had guided my path to that very room and I felt the strength which he has given to me all my life. As Orentes began to press that button, I felt the thread of my destiny begin to fray. I felt Tyr's hand leave my side as he stayed the guard from tampering with the bomb and as he stayed Orentes' finger on the trigger. And then the strength of Tyr departed. I feel it still as a piece of the spiritual light that guides my destiny has gone forever from my life. I know this abscence, as it happened once before when Freyja brought me water in the desert on Andromache 3. I was near death at the time and she showed me a fresh spring and then her light left me forevermore. So it is that Tyr's light has faded from my sight. This cannot be undone.
Orentes was a hairs breath from killing us all for what? Because he was too cowardly to enter a peace session without an "ace" up his sleve? Captain, how can you tolerate such cowardly dishonesty and disregard for your life and the life of your crew. The Golden Fleece would have been left without a psychonavigator and without a captain had not Tyr stayed Orentes twitchy finger. Captain Gloval can you honestly say that you did not feel the light of destiny slipping from your grasp in that moment? Ules, did you not feel your thread in the tapestry of fate partially unwind? You will truly need the powers of the Norns to repair it. As I said, I am not afraid to risk my life for worthy cause, but I will not tolerate my brothers gambling with my life for naught, for I have yet much to do in the service of the gods.
As I confronted Orentes about this blatant disregard, he had the nerve to insult me! Such disrespect for life and friendship is INTOLLERABLE! Like a little brother, I had to teach him a lesson. You do not say to a child, "oh, you almost killed all your friends, please try not to do that again". The child must be disciplined. The gods willing, that broken finger will mend poorly and will nag him every time he considers a cowardly or dishonorable act.
Captain, you are even more incompetent than the rest of us. You must take full responsibility for the actions of your crew; we act under your authority. You claim to run a tight ship, yet you allowed Orentes to bring a bomb to a peace offering! A BOMB! You turn a blind eye to his cowardice and foolhardyness. You allowed him to negotiate a deal that turned out to be catastrophe for the ship. He blindly accepted the cargo uncaring of the obvious danger it posed to the ship and then prevented me from scanning it in the pursuit of the truth. I admit that I was also in error breaking the box open, but Orentes did not lift a finger to stop me either. I broke it open in front of him in his room and he ignored me. What other options did I have to find out what danger Orentes had put us all in? This folly also lies in your lap. You failed to broker a middle ground between us, Captain. That is your duty as ruler. The only thing I have seen you do as a chief lately is to denegrate the crew and destroy our morale. What have you done that makes you worthy of leadership? I think that we all have much to improve upon, and I feel in my heart that together we can help to better each other.
I am no smuggler of illegal goods. I appologize, but when I joined the crew, I was unaware that Captain Gloval wished to run a pirate ship. If this is the destiny you all forsee for the Golden Fleece, then I fear I must leave, for I am no pirate. I believe that the Golden Fleece has a higher calling than piracy and smuggling. But perhaps my faith in kith and ship has clouded my vision. If you feel that our destinies have diverged, then I will leave the ship and find my own way again. In my prayers, I see my thread of life to coincide with the Golden Fleece and all of you, my brothers and sister. But I know I am an outsider and you all think little of my faith and my devotion to honor and righteousness. I have tried to use my influence on this ship to steer it on a path that we can all be proud of, but it seems that some of the crew has little intrest in their own pride and honor. The gods willing, I will provide to the Golden Fleece the light of Honor.
Gloval -- I'm unsure of what you are talking about... We were hired to do a mission, running catalyst. That really isn't anything bad. Then you smashed the box open. I have tolerated your extreme polar views of the world Aedil. But you now say your Gods gave you a "vision" that Orenties would blow us up? That is utter nonsense. Your visions are becoming quite dangerous.
How dare you accuse me of being a pirate. You keep telling me that we shouldn't get revenge on these people, that we should fix what we did wrong, and now you switch yet again!
Berating my crew eh? Hmph. My crew thinks they can run about doing whatever they want. It was about time you all had your eyes opened to how you were acting.
Yes I allowed him to bring a bomb. Because I fealt it was a trap. Nor do I believe in any way that he would do something so insane as blow himself up. You however, engaged in direct combat in a place of PEACE. I saw you break a fellow crew member's finger, I saw Orenties do nothing. You have always had something against him, and if you have that big of a problem with him and are going to be a continued threat to this ship, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave when we get back from this catalyst search.
Aedil -- Captain, with all respect, your memory is faulty. We were hired to do a mission: transport an unknown cargo of unknown risk for a ship that could have easily done the same run themselves. Still their explanation as to why they hired us lacks merit, as their crew appeard on Glacchus within a day of our arrival, so they could have easily run the package. The entire job was suspicious to the extreme and as one who is partially in charge of safeguarding the ship, I did what I could to assess the danger. Would that you had expressed different opinions at the time, but you left the matter up to Orentes and myself.
And what do you mean I switch again? I advocated peaceful solution to the problem, how does that make me a pirate? I say that smuggling unknown goods for pirates makes our entire ship a pirate crew. I was trying to avoid such a destiny, but if that's your plan for the Golden Fleece, I cannot stand in your way. Making peace with pirates does not make one a pirate. Waging war on pirates who are superior in number and experience is simply a fools death. I would never advocate such an end for our crew.
I saw Orentes' finger depress upon that button and nearly kill us all. I saw the guard a hairs breath from pulling out the detonator, which would have killed us all. If you did not see these things, then you are a negligent captain in time of crisis, turning a blind eye to potential death for the entire crew. If you did not feel the hand of fate upon your life in that instant then you have lost touch with your very soul.
I only have two complaints about Orentes: he is a coward and a fool. I would only act against him if he again put the lives of the crew in jeoprardy.
Gloval -- Orentes wouldn't have pushed the button, I don't see why you keep thinking that. We have smuggled high powered weapons, but I didn't hear you pipe up about that. And this mission most likely would have gone just fine if it hadn't been for you breaking the box. Perhaps this ship is not what you think, perhaps your place is not on a ship with such "sinful" people. Orentes a coward? What about when he saved the ship from those attackers? Or when he was kidnapped he took out their power and 3 guards? Or what about him brining a bomb and showing the guard that if he fucked around with us, there would be hell to pay? Although really I don't think he would... although the king snake is dangerous. I just say you switch because you say running the package makes us pirates, but not righting the wrong we did as a dilvery service by losing it. It makes no sense. Even when I sought combat with them you seemed very eerie of going into combat, once again because of your Gods' voices. They are becoming troublsome and are not providing anything of usefulness to the crew.
--Edmiao 16:43, 31 July 2007 (MST) You don't know the depths of Orentes' cowardice and deciet. He nearly pushed that button, I saw it in his eyes. Were you asleep, Ivan Gloval? And are you referring to his bravery when he exploded the space port when the ship was attacked by homeless men with sticks? It was only be the will of the gods that we are not banned Gracchus and other space ports permanently. Are you referring to when the kingsnake got himself kidnapped and nearly killed and we had to come rescue him with the Golden Fleece? He wounded some of his attackers, but remained their prisoner. It was we who rescued him in the end. Are you referring to the time when he abandoned one of the crew, myself, in a derelect ship to die of eventual suffocation? You think bringing a bomb to kill us all is bravery? only cowards kill themselves and those never go to Valhalla. A brave man confronts his enemies and fights to the death, he does not plunge the sword into his own heart.
I am not saying that Orentes has to go. I am saying that he needs to be educated. The fact that you are blind to these failings makes me question your right to lead this crew, Ivan.
I do not switch my stance. I have nothing against pirates, they are strong and take from the weak. And they usually obide by a code of honor; a code that might seem strange to the rest of you, but it is honor nevertheless. That does not mean I want to be a pirate. I was against making a run for pirates, but once the debt was promised to them we have an obligation to finish it. I was overruled in the joining of our promise to them, but since we have made that deal we must follow through. I only question whether that was wise of us, and whether we wish to continue in our career of priacy. If so, then you would be wise to hire more men at arms, maybe take pointers from the Helen and start robbing banks? If that is the fate of our proud ship, then I will take my leave of you all.
Are you arguing that the gods voices were wrong about the Helen? The situation was resolved peacefully by their grace. Had we attacked them as you advised, or delayed and allowed them to hunt us down, we would all be dead now. The gods are wise and you would be wise to heed them.
--Dieter the Bold 13:36, 15 August 2007 (MST) Orentes here with an out of the box proposal: Let's sell the 'Fleece.
Now, hear me out on this one. What do we really want a jump-capable ship for? Obviously it cuts travel time way down, but it doesn't seem like we really enjoy being merchants and traders. We don't enjoy getting involved in peoples' games and conspiracies, so what does it matter if it takes us weeks in stead of hours to get somewhere? Right now we're sitting on a powerful item that by it's very nature and our possession of it is dragging us into a whole realm of byzantine conflicts and schemes that we neither care about or want any part of. So, let's remove ourselves from this realm by divesting ourselves of the item that's putting us in this position.
Here's how I see things happening: We finish this job for Hardwire and keep our jump-console intact. We then, very carefully, telling no one outside the crew about our plans, contact either a megacorp or Hara and ask them for a meeting. We go to the meeting and explain we've decided that a jumpship is simply too much hassle for what we want to do. So, we'd like to sell it to them. All we want in return is another ship, pimped out to the gills, and maybe a few other items for our stores and a little cash. I realize neither side is going to want to part with money if they think they can just take the ship from us, but the rare chance at a confirmed jumpship will hopefully be all the incentive they need to strike a pretty sweet bargain.
Granted it's a dangerous route, but personally, at the moment, I don't see any routes that are particularly safe. And I don't see that ever changing in the future. We trade the 'Fleece in for a larger ship with top of the line armor, weapons and systems. Add in some great internal facilities like lab space and we can have ourselves a long-ranging ship good for archeological research, ship repair, or whatever else we feel like. Our main problem is a lack of focus, both in opinions and goals. By trading the 'Fleece, we get a chance to redifine ourselves and create a new focus. It's risky, but I think it's an option worth considering.
Aedil that is the most cowardly thing I have ever heard pass from your lips, which is saying a lot. To turn you back on the Golden Fleece voluntarily is to shirk your destiny and your place in history. Only a fool would sell their soul to Hel.
Ules - I don't like this idea, namely because I basically get sold with the ship, right?
Ules - Also, Aedil, cool it with the orentes hate, would you? He's made mistakes. So have you. Let's bring the rhetoric down a notch and try to be civil?
--Dieter the Bold 14:31, 15 August 2007 (MST) I realize it's not the most ideal situation for you, Ules, but I have no intention of considering you a part of the ship to be sold. You're a valuable member of the crew, perhaps the most level-headed we have, and you're a navigator and sensor expert bar none. Who knows how many psychonavigators there are out there, since you have to put them together with a jumpship, and it's not common for one of those to have an open position, but I don't see how that would stop any purchasers of the 'Fleece. If you wanted to go, you're of course free to make that choice, but I'd certainly want you on whatever new ship we had.
Gloval -- If that were the case, perhaps instead of giving up the ship we just give up jumping? Let everyone know our system has been hoplessly damaged and beyound all forms of known repair. Also, was there any idea that we start working for Aedil's hacker friend? He is quite powerful and no need to be pirates' play things if we can work under a pre-sundering mega-corp.
And my word Ules... we went through all that trouble of getting you out of slavery I'm certainly not going to throw you back in!
Aedil Ules, you are right that I am not very adept at making my points of view "nice". On Troy, we speak our minds clearly and do not hide behind veneers of civility. I'm not on Troy anymore and will try to be less blunt with my opinions. I pose this question: "Would you cut off your right arm in trade for a quiet life, or would you embrace your destiny with both hands and not let go?" Regarding Ules position, I believe that he is intimately tied to this ship and that to separate the two would be a crime against nature.
Gloval -- ... What are you talking about Aedil... as we get more and more in trouble your insanity seems to increase.... Anyway, what about working for the hacker instead of maybe going against him?
Aedil I no longer trust Root, based on what we leaned about him this morning. I think his motives may run counter to our best interest.
Gloval -- So far Root has done much for us though. Even if he has been using us, at least he knew that if he gave us any secrets we clearly wouldn't be good at keeping them. Our best interests are staying alive, and alling ourselves with this Root person might just do that. He may have set us up, but I doubt that. Aedil... you hear one thing from Root and believe it... then we hear something else... from pirates, and suddenly you forget everything Root has done for us. I would personally like to side with Root, as long as he comes a bit more clean with us. Also if he is the one who made the firewall on our computer he would be of even more use to us.
As for selling the ship and buying one with weapons... I am against it. For one, do you know how much weapons are going to cost now? With a war going on? I would much rather be a jump ship that gets contracted to run supplies of course we can't even do that anymore. Personally I don't give a shit if this guy came out of retirement to make something for these pirates. He doesn't care about our sitution I hardly care about his. Funny as he tries to appear as a marter of sorts while his employers hold us captive.
--Edmiao 11:39, 16 August 2007 (MST) Here are the reasons that I am suspicious of Root. On Casandra we found catalyst. Root identified it for us by my description and told us that holding it would be dangerous. However, now we lean that all jump ships stockpile catalyst. Immediately at our next stop, I was approached by a buyer, who turned out to be, I think her name was Tin Can, from the Helen. Since only Root knew that we had catalyst I trusted that he had sent a trustworthy purchaser to us, and I sold it to her for $100k. We now find that it is worth far more than that. Next, the Helen again contacts us to transport this same catalyst, which gets their contact on Glacchus killed by a super elite hit squad. I will speculate that it may have been Root's primary objective to expose this guy on Glacchus, what was his name, something -wire. Now we find out that Root is in command of Fenris, the elite black ops squad for cerebrus. I think Root used us to out this -wire fellow so he could assassinate him. This is somewhat distasteful if true, and I suggest caution in further dealings with Root.
Gloval -- Oh I agree with you on the caution part. But some parts of this plan seem so speific... like how would Root know the Helen would come to us? I think we should not dismiss the Helen either... Perhaps they do have a mole? Just because they all seem chummy is no reason someone isn't secretly working for Hara or Root. Something I'm unsure of is WHY Root would want someone who works on Cataylyst killed... that part makes no sense.
I say we give Root some choice information... basically coming out and saying "Alright Root, we are tired of being play pieces, how can we move up the food chain?" Something like that. Find out why he is doing what he is doing. I'm not about to be the Helen's little jump toy and be the laughing stock of every other jump ship in the system.
Aedil Yes, you are right. I wonder if the Helen coming to us was a strange coincidence of fate or as you say, they may have a traitor on board. I also do not understand why he would want this Livewire killed. I agree, it deserves further thought.