Chief Danforth

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Rick Danforth is the chief of the Elma police department. He has held the position for a long time...some might say too long. Law enforcement has changed a lot since he was a patrolman, and the elderly administrator has been reluctant to change with the times. He has had his eye on retirement for too long, and some suspect that he thinks he can get away with being a dinosaur in a small-town environment.

Under normal circumstances, his cruise-control approach to law enforcement may work fine for a sleepy little town, but when catastrophe strikes, it has a tendency to rapidly separate men of action from the inert majority.

In a moment of crisis, Chief Danforth was responsible for turning over Mr. Jules Saint to members of the Pershing clan. They made clearly terroristic demands that the former meth cook be turned over or they would "burn Elma to the ground." To save his town, Chief Danforth gave in to this gang.