The 300

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Its as warm as it gets on the ice age planet, Leonidas II. The crew of the Sandpiper have been docked here for just over three weeks after their last mission left them nearby and in need of repair. Now that the ship is nearing spaceworthiness, they need to figure out their next move.

While waiting for repairs to be completed on their ship, the crew meets Samuel Carter, a local businessman on Leonidas. He inquires with the players about their availability for a little covert commerce. After some discussion, they agree that they are willing to listen.

A few hours later Mr Carter returns with an offer. He has 300 cases he would like delivered to Fenris X in the Azuriach Imperium, no questions asked. The players agree, provided they are told how illegal the items they carry are. Mr Carter assures them that these cases would not be illegal in most of the known universe. Reassured, a deal is reached.

Menkaar V

The cases are being held in a warehouse on Menkaar V, so the players make their way there to collect them. During the journey they discuss their options. Everyone knows the Azuriachs are not friendly to unlicensed commerce, yet corruption could be an opportunity they can exploit. In their view it would be unbelievable for them to have empty holds (if they 300 cases are hidden), so the only option is to acquire a secondary cargo as a cover.

Yet, the situation remains dicey. What kind of cargo makes the most sense? If the items are too mundane they may not provide the necessary cover, yet if they are too illicit, they may trigger legal ramifications the crew are not interested in exploring. Given their past, a diversionary cargo of adult entertainment is chosen.

After some research into the local planetary commerce the crew decides a tertiary load of fine meats would lend itself to a potentially very profitable and fully legitimate third cargo.


Immediately upon their landing the crew begins arranging their cargoes. They meet with the man who will deliver the 300, as well as make initial contact with someone about porn. Kitty hits the streets to see if anyone might be able to provide false merchant licenses for the Imperium, while Peter gets to work converting the cargo space to refrigerated units. The captain arranges a delivery of porn for the next day, and Kitty finds information about a gentleman who may be able to produce the items necessary.

Imperial Vacations

Kitty tells the rest of the crew that this man, Vinny, that she met had vacationed illegally in the Imperium with his family last year on forged papers. He has offered to provide the necessary documentation for $5000. Its a relatively large sum, but considering what it could mean to them, a meeting for tomorrow at 9am is planned.

The next morning the crew takes separate vehicles to the rendezvous. Peter rides his motorcycle, while Kitty and Al take a cab. Peter is a little tardy, so Kitty and Al walk in alone.

At this time of the morning the bar is relatively unpopulated. Kitty speaks to the Hiss'Ist behind the bar, who points them to the back corner, where Vinny and a very large, bald gentleman are sitting alone. They coolly make their way over and take seats facing him.

Meanwhile, outside, Peter spies a suspicious blue van pulling up across the street. He parks his bike and bides his time outside. Three men slip out, all armed and moving towards the door. Thinking quickly, Peter phones Al inside.

'Something is going down'

Al turns and looks at the door just as the three men burst inside. They immediately take up positions of cover while one lets loose with a laser burst, and the last man moves into firing position. Because of her training Kitty is able to keep her wits even without forewarning, and the bodyguard also seems ready, but Vinny is not so lucky. He is thoroughly stunned by this development.

'God damn you Vinny!' Shouts the last man.

The bodyguard draws his gyrojet pistol as he turns his table on its side and lets loose a shot that lands a few inches above the gunners head. Al has taken cover near a neighboring table, while Kitty has also turned her table into a shield. But the last man, has something in store for them all.

He takes careful aim and uncorks a burst of blaster fire right into Vinny's chest, dropping him instantly. The mood in the bar instantly shifts.

Responding on pure instinct Kitty moves the table in front of Vinny and immediately begins providing medical attention to stabilize the fallen mobster. Just like the old days, she thinks as a flurry of gyrojets fly over her head from the first armed intruder.

'No more kid gloves Louie' Shouts the bodyguard as he springs into action. With a deftness that belies his tremendous girth he leaps over the table, produces a grenade, and lobs it between the laser toting antagonist and Vinny. It explodes into a thick anti-laser smoke as he takes up position between the gyrojet armed man and his boss. Al continues to scramble under tables to close the distance between himself and the armed men.