Hazor Dyan

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Early Life

(2337-2342) Born in 2337 on Bajor to Bas (mother) and Oakil (father)Hazor. Dyan showed an early, age 4, telepathic skill by being *heard* by one of the Vedeks. Being informed of their son's secret ability, his parents used their meager credit to smuggle Dyan off Bajor when he was 5. Their concern was that the Cardassians would learn of his psionic powers and collect him one night to be taken for 'testing'. His older brother, Das, had already been sent to one of the work camps. Das would be reported dead in 2342. He also has another brother, Denor, born 2341, and an older sister, Kila, born 2335.

(2342-2354) Dyan was sent to Vulcan where he would reside the next 12 years. Technically a refuge, the Vulcans gave shelter, education, psionic training, and even spiritual assitance in learning about his own faith. He stayed with Saavok and his family, and they assisted him in gathering texts of the Prophets even though the religion was illogical. Saavok did not attempt to change Dyan into a Vulcan, even though classes at the academies would push Dyan in that direction. Saavok realized that Dyan would not blindly accept the philosophies of logic, but allowed for enlightenment if possible. Saavok's son, Seklek, younger then Dyan by a year, was always in the same classes as Dyan. This allowed additional support in his education. How this was arranged was never disclosed. Although he did receive psionic training, the extent of the training was never disclosed. Subsequently, Hazor has kept his abilities secret.

(2354-Current) Dyan joined starfleet, originally wanting to go into theoretical engineering, but instead became fascinated with Warp engines. His academy career was notated with above average scores, one award for an engineering drone design, one commendation for logical debate, and disciplinary note for being involved romantically with a fellow cadet. Dyan still keeps in touch with both Saavok and Seklek.


Denor joined Starfleet also. He is an ensign following a command training. He is superior in helm and navigation, and has an excellence in space battle tactics.

Kila is still on Bajor, has joined the political democracy, and is focused, among other things, on keeping Bajor out of the Federation. This does cause friction between them. She also was with the resitance during the occupation, and had, unofficially, caused the deaths of both Bajorans and Cardassians during the occupation.


Stardate 40XXX.3


We have been ordered to escort a science vessel, the Oppenheimer, to Minos. Minos is a planet dedicated to the selling and design of weapons. Enterprise-D under Captain Picard's command, visited the planet and found that the inhabitants have been killed. There remained a computer AI salesman that engaged the Enterprise and attempted to sell them weaponry. We have been assigned to aid the mission specialist, Commander Bartok, in retrieval of data in a underground facility. The source of the information was never disclosed. I have been charged with equipment for our team. Trying to guess what we might face...

Beam Down-Day One

Acting Captain Hazor's Log, Stardate 40260.7

Due to the Captain, 1st officer, and security commander being brought up on charges, I have been placed in command. Shifts have been set up to rotate shore leave with the extensive repairs needed from our multiple encounters. The marines and security personnel have been integrated within the work teams per Lt. Hodgkins and Captain Frasier scheduling and my approval. Prime team was exempted from the repair duties and left to Sgt. Major Pierson's discretion.

All staff are rotating 1 day on duty, 1 day shore leave until repairs have been completed. With two exceptions. Mashburn asked for several days off consecutively with the request of aiding Commander Link and his assault. Ensign Urkowski requested 3 consecutive days to address a personal matter.

Morale has been unbalanced since the report of Commander Link's assault.

Personal Log, Stardate 40323.7

The new staff was welcomed today at Starbase 27. A formal dinner was called, supposedly to introduce the new members of our staff, but during the dinner, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev announced that the Federation and the Cardassian Union had arrived at a political agreement to cede certain territories, Bajor being one. The Federation must have gotten something quite valuable in return. I hope the Federation negotiators realize the havoc the Cardassians will impose on the worlds they now "own". I fear that not just Bajor will feel their abuse and terror.

At this same dinner were delegates from the Affiliation of Outer Free Worlds. We have been ordered to return the delegates to their capitol planet, Baker's World. Their 14 planets and 13 systems are well within the Triangle. I spoke with Ambassador Carnak Archibald. He was sympathetic to Bajor's plight and stated he and Willis, the president of Baker's World, were on the same page regarding the situation of Bajor. I feel that even though they cannot come outright and aid Bajor, they will through other channels. Their proximity to the Cardassian Neutral Zone precludes them from direct aid.

While I was in the dinner putting on my best face, a package arrived to my quarters. It was approximately .375 Liters of a caramel colored alcoholic beverage-not synthahol. It had no markings, bill of shipment, or identifying markers. As of now I will keep it safe. I turn to prayer for solace. May it be kept until I can share it in a joyous way.

Personal Log, Approach to DSR 3

The approach to the research facility is unique. Due to the nebula's high radiation effect on sensors, shields, and communications, the facility tractor beams the ships in. Slow, but safe. As this route will save us weeks in travel, it is very efficient. We are bringing supplies to the station, thus a short stay.

I have Ambassador Archibald and Ambassador Murashita tours of Engineering and the ship in general. Archibald is quite the salesman... He could sell the Federation many improvements. I am not the best person to try to sell gadgets to. Although, I would enjoy tinkering with their Phase Inductive Tri-Linear Trilithium Purifier. That has much potential.

Still no answer to what the alcohol is. It is a grain derivative. But not of Baker's world. More research is needed.

Personal Log, DSR 3

Approaching the station, we lost contact with the personnel on board. As we were arriving to the station, a violent ion storm was going to interfere with transport. As shuttles would be useless, it was determined that a six man team, led by Captain Koyanagi, would transport over and attempt to determine what was happening on the station.

Upon beaming over, I accessed the terminal in the transporter pad. I detected no life signs. 27 souls were stationed on the DSR. When we left the transporter room, we entered into the administration area. I logged into the computer systems and found that there were video recordings. We played back the recordings and discovered that at the precise time the communication stopped, the staff disappeared-not transported, but poof. Gone. Upon further research, I found that of the four contractors on board, only two seemed likely to have been the cause of the event. I stated I believed it was likely Tachyon Micromechanics as the other three contractors were of research of other areas of science. The closest contractor besides the Tachyon group was a Gravitics research group. I was told not to jump to any conclusions.

After a few minutes of discussion, it was determined that we split into teams and head towards different areas of the station. Lt. Joran Maniersi and I started towards the computer core to attempt to delve into what was happening. Before we reached the core, we were alerted to an alien presence on the station. Akoval and Standown were under attack in the cafeteria. We immediately did a return to the area and engaged our own alien. A slug-like creature that could project stunning affects. This was proven regretfully upon Maniersi. Stun setting on our weapons took no effect upon the creatures. After we adjusted out phasers to setting 7, we were able to stop the multiple creatures. After realizing that these creatures did not show on our scans, I remodulated the trinary sensor circuits to use an alternate phase baseline to be able to scan for the creatures. We then discovered there was an additional creature in the recreational area. After retooling a second tricorder, I stated my intentions to head to the core and get force fields back up as it could be needed if more of these creatures arrived.

I made my way to the engineering room to find it in worse stated then I originally feared. Most of the panels were destroyed. I began immediately working on the power control units for the forcefields. One had what appeared to be a Cardasian dagger protruding from it. I removed the dagger and put it in my kit for later analysis. After some time, I am unsure as my attentions were focused on repairs, Akoval moved past the engineering door in a full suit. He stated he was going to look at the hull breach. A few moments later, he reported another creature just past the breach door. I raised the forcefield immediately. A few minutes later, supposedly when Lysander repaired and used the Tachyon device, a Cardassian appeared. He got the drop on me and punched me square in the jaw. I had kept my phaser at a high setting due to the roaming creatures. But the Cardassian did not have as tough of a skin. I reported the Cardasians death to Captain Koyanagi. Strangely, I do not feel regret. I must meditate upon this. The Prophets guide my Pagh.