House Sterling

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House Sterling is a minor house serving Hoster Tully, set in Westeros using Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire RPG. Their motto is 'Surrender Naught'.


The Sterlings can call on the aid of House Blackstone as bannermen. The Blackstones have served the Sterlings since the Andal invasion, and during that time their fortunes have been strongly intertwined.


House Sterling holds a tract of land encompassing approximately three leagues, bordered by the Kingsroad in the east and the Green Fork to the west. They control two towers, one near the town of Middleborough and the other joined to the ruins of old Mervyns Keep, near the bank of Green Fork.

The economy is prosperous, being near the Kingsroad and boasting a bustling marketplace. Middleborough is also home to a moderate Sept, serving many of the local lands.


The Sterling military is strong and well-trained, including a garrison force, archers, cavalry and a peasant levy.

Current Personalities

The following are important characters, both PC and NPC which are bound to House Sterling.

First Family

Lord Braddock Sterling
Lady Cynthia Blackstone Sterling
Gordon Sterling, First born son
Willhelm Bryce Sterling

Military Leaders

Ser Blaise Sterling, younger brother of Braddock and high commander of the armed forces
Ser Darys Rivers, Blackstone bastard and Sterling military commander

Other Personalities

Selwyn Trueblood, master of markets
Pierrot Craggan, Septon

Game Details

What follows are the numbers related to game mechanics for our house. They might change as we play.

Defense: 24
Influence: 22
Lands: 40
Law: 20
Population: 27
Power: 38
Wealth: 25