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Reboot Chat Archive

--Edmiao 16:48, 6 August 2007 (MST) I would really like to link my character as a lost soul found by one of the other characters or their families. does anyone care? Gabe was not interested, Deiter was no comment. Matt, do you know if Ben's character have room for this kind of link with Elrin?

Regarding morals, no one is decisive. With Gemini: I advocated for archeo and everyone else was lukewarm but had no other real strong desires so we went with archeo. and no one but me made an archeo character and thusly our group's disunity. With that caveat, I will say we have well kept scruples regarding everything except the laws regarding taxation. We import books and spices and jewels and all the above "licit goods" and have never dabbled into the "illicit goods". We have been offered some illicit goods in the past and turned down the offer despite serious compensation offered. We've never killed or injured anyone for greed. We have fought officers of the law while trying to evade them when we got busted once and got away. Our favorite category of things to sell is books; we have an extensive network of contacts who want to buy books without the scribe check at customs. We don't necessarily read every book for content, but those who we buy from and sell to we know well and they are not in the market for the heretical or chaos books.

There. Now I've said my bit. My prediction: everyone will agree to it and then go make chaos sorcerers and assassins for hire.

--Matts 17:47, 6 August 2007 (MST)Ben's character definitely has those hooks, though in his absence I can hook you up well enough. I'll email you about that.

Now, as for your goods: I'm happy to set you all up in the way you've described, but what I'm concerned about is this: you've basically stated that under limited-to-no pressure, you basically just want to dodge import duties.

I want you all to think about what happens when the going gets tough, because the going will be tough from the get-go. What if you don't have any work and someone you don't know wants a book smuggled and can't or won't or isn't trustworthy enough to vouchsafe its non-heretical nature? What I want you to think about is *why* your characters do business in the way they do, so, following ed's example, why you don't deal in illicit goods when smuggling's a crime either way.

I really want to define the groups motivations not in absolutes ("we don't do anything really heinous") and more in terms of preference ("we would rather not do anything really heinous").

I am going to make you compromise your character's morals; the only question is to what degree are you willing to fight for them?

-- 18:02, 6 August 2007 (MST)Ben here: Ed, my character doesn't have an opening to have met one of the characters as a child or through his family. In the last 2-5 years, it would certainly be very possible, since my character has a passion for seeking out contacts/allies/followers etc. He'd definitely take in/make use of something as unique as a foundling "not elf": given that he's a mage, he might even have some inkling of what that was, although probably only vaguely. If that works well enough for you, then we can work out the details when I get back. My character has been working as an underground type, possibly even a smuggler the whole time, for the last couple of years (during which he could have "found" Elrin). Just a note on elves in Warhammer: they age super slowly, so it's not like a "teenage" elf would be an "adult" elf within the course of a human lifetime, unless I'm mistaken.

--Dieter the Bold 20:32, 6 August 2007 (MST) Bogoro the Carver would like to politely disagree with Elrin. We have ill-defined scruples, primarily involving not being cruel and staying away from chaos-tainted objects. I'm all for moving the illicit and doing what we have to. We don't kick old ladies down into the mud, we don't knife people just for the hell of it, we don't make peoples' lives worse if we can help it, but we will put forth a little muscle to make things go our way if we have to. And as for Gemini, I wanted S&R, which is why we spent 5 pts. on the tug adapter, but everyone always bitched about jumping around doing that.

--Gdaze 22:51, 6 August 2007 (MST) I'm gonna go with Dieter here. I'm really not looking to play people who have never even killed or injured for greed. Basically I'm smuggling for cash, not so some old man can read some book on ancient gods (some what in character!). And yes I'm okay with drug running and such. Oh, and I'm very interested in smuggling posions and jewels.

As for your hook Ed, your welcome to have met my guy, but he has run for a circus for pretty much the entire first part of his life.

--Matts 22:58, 6 August 2007 (MST)So at the start of the prologue, then, Dementis is just out of the circus, and looking for work in Kreutzhofen?

--Edmiao 08:45, 7 August 2007 (MST) then i'd like to propose this: we have tried to keep it with the less toxic items and have made a good living thereby. However, from time to time the pay has been exceedingly good and/or we were down on our luck and took some really nasty jobs. These went swimingly the first two times. The third time it was a book from an untrustworthy source, but the cashola was stupendous. we ran the item but were ambushed by witch hunters and two of our number were killed and we lost the item and had to refund the payment and maybe the guy still has it out for us. We later ran other items without incident three more times that we deemed very dangerous. However, then next time we were running poisons and Frank accidentally got exposed to some and now he's a vegetable living with his parents who spoon feed him three times a day and wipe his bottom for him when he craps his pants.

And Ben, that sounds good, we'll have met in the last few years. Elrin is like 50 years old, which is young for a "not elf". we'll work out the details when you return. enjoy your trip!

And Deiter, with the SnR bit, clearly further example of disunity and lack of focus. i wanted archeo, you wanted SnR, matt wanted criminal empire or something.

--Gdaze-- Sure can be, my character is interested in learning many new skills and meeting new people. I'll email you his history when I get home tonight and perhaps that can give you something to work with. His overall goal is pretty simple, he wants money, mo'money money, MO!

How common are not-elfs and not-dwarfs?

--Dieter the Bold 09:28, 7 August 2007 (MST) I'm down with Ed's version, except with less of an avoidance of illicit goods. I'm thinking more we've taken whatever we thought was worth the cost/risk. Maybe we've gotten burned a time or two, maybe we've gotten lucky so far. It's not too important on that count, but I don't want to start out as a shrinking violet. Avoiding jobs 'cause of past (prologue) mistakes. Borogro is more than happy to take licit goods that are simply avoiding tariffs so long as it's worth it, and not just shipping fish. His goals aren't money in itself, he wants comfort and power for himself and his friends. Not power over life and death kinda' thing, just freedom from fear, hunger, pain, etc.

--Matts 10:08, 7 August 2007 (MST)Not-elves and not-dwarves are uncommon enough that those who meet them figure they're probably just physically odd humans, unless they hear of their history or people. However, even amongst the non-human races, their concept of history, of their own people, isn't defined by them being "not human" or "elf" or whatever; it's defined by the aspects of life important to those people. A 'not-elf' would probably describe himself as a "Person of the Forest", while a 'not-dwarf' would describe themself as one of 'they who guard the deep places' or something similarly obtuse.

--Gdaze 11:38, 7 August 2007 (MST) I'mz a with-a Dieter. I don't really care too much about what the goods are, gotta take work as it shows up. Freemdom from fear, hunger and pain CAN come from money, ya know doc? Fenced jewels I'm totally down with by the way. I'd perfer not to do slaves just because they are annoying to keep. Livestock too, although my character COULD be really good at dealing with live stock. Yay we just had a power surge and my computer restarted.

Matt, can I say there was a non-dwarf in my circus group? Anyone else wanna come from the Floating World (circus)?

--Matts 12:12, 7 August 2007 (MST)Sure, there can have been a not-dwarf in your circus group - the amazing shortsman or whatever.

--Edmiao 12:59, 7 August 2007 (MST) all sound fine by me. Elrin will actually have a fairly warped sense of morality. as you will see

--Edmiao 16:06, 7 August 2007 (MST) with all the closed borders and chaos, smuggling business was probably pretty good over the last 3-4 years, yes?

--Dieter the Bold 16:10, 7 August 2007 (MST) Now that we've established general morality outlines, lets brainstorm some limits/trends/thoughts for Matt to work with and get a good group goal. I'm fine if we do money, or power, or something like that, so long as we're all very clear on what each of us is thinking in that regard. I could totally see everyone still running in 10,000 different directions pursuing money and power and getting us into the same trouble as Gemini.

--Gdaze -- Yo Matt, what is your email account you can use at work?

--Matts 09:38, 8 August 2007 (MST)Email me at

As for smuggling, yes it's been pretty good - people were willing to pay extremely high prices for "uncontaminated" food, and there were certainly foreign interests willing to part desperate Reiklanders with their money.

There was also a near-universal lack of necessities such as medicine, tools, etc, and for those willing to brave the closed borders, much good (and some money) was had running the Tilean passes.

--Gdaze -- Hmm, shall we be smugglers from and into Britonia?

--Matts 10:05, 8 August 2007 (MST)Wissenland, where the prologue's starting, has overland routes to Tilea and the Border Princes region; Brettonian smuggling would be done more in Reikland or middenland, either through Axe Bite Pass or the Grey Mountains Pass, or up around the mountains through Courrone, which is the most likely route since significant rebel military elements are blockading the passes.

In any case, you can have done smuggling in and out of Brettonia, but most of the stuff I've got lined up relates to Wissenland smuggling.

--Edmiao 10:50, 8 August 2007 (MST) I say we stick to one locale, wissenland sounds fine by me. smugglers rely on their knowledge of where to get things, safe secret transport routes and who to sell to. this mean a kind of general in depth knowledge of a smaller area. going out of your knowledge zone would be very risky because of the unknown patrol routes, etc.

--Gdaze-- Coo' coo', didn't know we started in Wissenland, or rather forgot. Holy crap I just fucked up on the job really bad.... Well the other day I did anyway.

MATT.... check your email.

--Edmiao 17:43, 8 August 2007 (MST) what did you do, pay somebody who was dead?