Setting Notes

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What follows are Hero system notes for the Serenity Bebop game.


The following conversions are for families of weapons as listed in Space Opera volume 2.

Ranged Weapons

Name OCV Rmod Damage TL Notes STR min
Dart Rifle +1 1 ½ D6^ 6 AP, -1 LR 8
Gyrojet Pistol -1 1 ½ D6 7 +1 LR 5
Gyrojet Rifle +1 1 ½ D6 7 AF 5 7
Gyrojet Carbine +1 1 ½ D6 7 AF 5 7
Holdout Needler -2 1D6+1^ 7 AP, +3 LR, 3
Needler -1 1D6+1^ 7 AP, +2 LR 3
Razor Gun +1 1 ½ D6^ 7 2AP, +2 LR 5
Needle Rifle +2 1 ½ D6^ 7 2AP, -1 LR 8
Tangler 3D6E 7 Entangle, +1 LR 10
Tangle Rifle +1 3D6E 7 Entangle, -1 LR 12
Laser Pistol -1 1 ½ D6 7 AF 3, IPE, +2 LR 5
Laser Carbine +1 2D6 7 AF 5, IPE 8
Laser Rifle +2 2D6 7 AF 5, IPE, -1 LR 8
Laser LMG & 2D6+1 7 AF 10, FP, -2 LR, $ 18#
Laser MMG & 2 1/2 D67 AF 10, FP, -4 LR, $, +1 TL for Pen 20#
Laser HMG & 3D6 7 AF 10, FP, -4 LR, $, +1 TL for Pen 23#
Sonic Disruptor -1 2D6 7 +2 LR 3
Disruptor Carbine 2D6+1 7 AF 5 5
Disruptor Rifle +1 2D6+1 7 AF 5, -1 LR 5
Cone Rifle 10mm +1 2D6 8 AF 5, -1 LR 13
Heavy Cone Rifle 15mm 2D6+1 8 AF 5, AP, -2 LR 15
Infinite Repeater 10mm & 2 ½ D6 8 AF 20, Pen, FP, -3 LR, $ +1 TL for Pen 18#
Infinite Repeater 20mm & 3D6 8 AF 20, Pen, FP, -4 LR, $ +1 TL for Pen 20#
Stat Rifle 15mm & 3D6 8 Pen, -3 LR, +2 TL for Pen 18
Blast Pistol -1 2D6 8 AF 3, CE 1 Hex, +1 LR 10
Blast Carbine +1 2D6 8 AF 5, CE 1 Hex 12
Blast Rifle +1 2D6+1 8 AF 5, CE 2”, -1 LR 13
Blast LMG & 2 ½ D6 8 AF 10, CE 2”, FP, $, -2 LR, +1 TL for Pen 20#
Blast MMG & 3D6 8 AF 10, CE 2”, FP, $, -2 LR, +1 TL for Pen 23#
Blast HMG & 3D6+1 8 AF 10, CE 2”, FP, $, -4 LR, +2 TL for Pen 25#
Energy Disruptor -1 2D6+1 8 +1 LR 3
E.D. Carbine 2 ½ D6 8 AF 5 5
E.D. Rifle +1 2 ½ D6 8 AF 5, -1 LR 5
Stunner -1 9D6N 8 Does no BODY 3
Stun Carbine +1 10D6N 8 Does no BODY 5
Stun Rifle +1 +1 12D6N 8 Does no BODY, -1 LR 5
Fusion Pistol -1 2D6+1 9 AF 3, +1 LR, Penetrating 3
Fusion Rifle +1 2 ½ D6 9 AF 5, -1 LR, Penetrating 5
$ Weapon is autofire only and must fire maximum burst.

  1. Weapon may require harness, see equipment.

^ Weapon may utilize special ammo such as poisons.
IPE: Invisible Power Effects (sight and hearing)
CE: Change environment, smoke. This smoke blocks laser fire.
LR: Lightning Reflexes
FP: Full Phase
AF: Autofire
TL: Tech Level
&: Heavy Weapon. All heavy weapons are +1 STUN multiple

Standard selective fire weapons (those with AF that are not AF only) may fire either 1, 3 or their maximum number of shots as a single action. These are referred to as single shot, burst and autofire.

The Next Generation optional rule: All weapons of TL 7 or greater have a high tech version available, add 1 to TL and multiply the cost by 5. Everything else remains the same.

Melee Weapons

Weapon OCV TL STR min DMG Notes
Monofilament 7 10 1 ½ D6 AP, +2 LR, +1” Stretching
Vibroblade 8 varies@ +1 DC AP, see below
Forceblade 8 13 2D6
Coagulator 7f 10 2D6 AVLD Power Defense
Neuronic Whip 7f 10 9D6N +1 STUN Multiple
Paralysis Rod 7 10 4D6E Entangle, see below
Laser Sword +1 8 10 2D6 +2 LR, &
Light Sword +2 9f 8 2 ½ D6 +4 LR, 2AP, +2 TL for Pen, &

Vibroblades have a STR minimum of 2 higher than the comparable non-vibro weapon. They are powered and affect PD.

The Paralysis Rod fades at the rate of 1D6 per post segment 12.
Light Swords may not be used untrained.

Any weapon marked ‘f’ is considered forerunner tech. The listed TL is for armor comparison purposes only.

Forceblades, Laser Swords and Light Swords affect ED. They have a variable length from .5 meters and 2 meters, and can be adjusted with a thumb switch. At maximum length they have 1” stretching.

Paralysis Rods' entangle fades 1D6 every 12 segments, to a minimum of 1D6.

Laser Swords and Light Swords do not add STR to damage. Light Sword cannot be used untrained, Laser Sword has a maximum OCV of 2 untrained. Light Sword is Penetrating, Laser Sword is Penetrating versus armor 2 TL lower. Hardened cannot stop this advantage unless the armor is of a higher TL.

Weapon Groups

Weapon groups will be divided as follows: a single weapon (eg Blast Pistol) 1pt, a small arms group (eg Blast Small Arms) 2 pts, or a full weapon type (all Blasters), 3 pts. Melee weapons are separate groups. Vibroblade requires the appropriate blade skill as well. New weapon groups can be added at a cost of one point each.


LBA (LBA protection is -2 on locations 5, 6, 17 and 18)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TL 5 5 6 7 8 8 9
PD 5 6 7 8 8 8 FC 8 FC
ED 5 6 7 8 8 8 FC 8 FC
LR -2 -1 -1

CBA Combination (-3 LOW, Hardened vs Lower Tech)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TL 7 7 8 8 8 9 10
PD 8 8 9 9 10 10 11
ED 8 9 9 10 10 11 11
LR -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2

CBA Exoskeleton (-5 LOW, Hardened vs Lower Tech)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TL 7 7 8 8 8 9 10
PD 9 9 10 11 11 11 12
ED 9 10 10 11 11 12 12

FC: Full coverage, all locations.
IH: Integrated harness at no DEX penalty.

House Rules for Weapons and Armor

When a hit is scored, compare the TL of the weapon to the armor. If the weapon is higher, the armor is considered Ablative; if it is two higher it is considered STUN and BODY Ablative. If the armor is higher the attack is considered Reduced Penetration. If the armor is two higher, double the defense for determining STUN reduction only in addition to the former adjustment.


Space Opera doesn’t cover grenades very well. In most cases, hand grenades are relatively useless against heavily armored foes. Because of their fragmentation properties and the frequency of characters to be wearing armor which may have varying coverage, roll D3 and determine that many hit locations, apply the damage only once, but allow the thrower to determine which of these locations is hit. This only applies to appropriate types, such as HE.

Grenade Types

HE (fragmentation) Grenade: 2 ½ D6 KA EX, 2xKB TL 6

Plasma Grenade: 2D6 KA AE Hex TL 8, hits 1-3 locations (1-3, 1; 4-5, 2; 6, 3)

Flash-Bang: 7D6 Flash (sight, hearing) AE TL 6

Tangler Grenade: 2D6E AE, Sticky TL 7

Stun Grenade: 8D6 EX, 2xKB TL7, acts as HE

Other Equipment

Thought Mask: 10 pts Mental Defense, OIF, Independent.

Thought Screen: 20 pts Mental Defense, OIF, Independent.

Jump Belt: 10” Superleap, OIF, 0 END, Independent.

Contragrav Harness (all are OIF, Indepependent, 0 END, Turn Mode)

AAA 30” Flight AA 25” Flight A 23” Flight B 21” Flight C 18” Flight

Sneaksuit: Invisibility sight, hearing, OIF, Independent, Bright Fringe

Starship Procedures

To crew a ship the appropriate professional skill should be purchased. This is not required, however, but it does allow a character to understand all of the nuances of being a part of a starship crew.

To pilot a ship the Transport Familiarity is required. This allows basic piloting knowledge, and grants the System Ops: Helm skill at 8- for free. Most characters will want a much greater knowledge than this, however.

Starship operating procedure is divided into five sections, each with its own Systems Op skill. Tactics is also required to captain a ship in a competent manner. Each skill operates a specific system, and more detail is listed in the Starship Combat section. Systems Ops: Helm, 3 pts, INT. This skill is necessary to operate the helm of any starship. When a standard piloting roll is required, this is the appropriate skill.

Systems Ops: Sensors, 3 pts, INT. This skill is necessary to operate and maintain the sensor arrays of starships.

Systems Ops: Weapons, 3 pts, DEX. This skill encompasses the WF: Starship Weaponry and also allows maintenance and basic weapon system troubleshooting.

System Ops: Engineering, 3 pts, INT. This skill is used to maintain and repair ships engines. There are two types, FTL and TISA. They are separate skills.

Systems Ops: Communications, 3 pts, INT. This skill allows the operation and maintenance of communication systems.

Other useful skills: Navigation: Space, Tactics.