Serenity Bebop
Inevitably I will get sick of GMing, or get burned out, or otherwise need to take a break. In that event we will alternate with a game Matt#2 will run. Though it is still evolving, the important aspects of the universe have been determined. This page is for outlining and discussing that.
The setting is the Terran Union sector as described by Space Opera in the border periphery near the Azuriach Imperium.
Planets of Note
Leonidas II
Fenris X
Helios IV
Kultis V
Races and Peoples
What follows are the racial groups and cultures which are prevalent in and around the Terran Union sector.
This game was inspired primarily by two similar collections of stories. One is Firefly/Serenity, the other Cowboy Bebop.
We are using the Hero system.
Setting Notes
Equipment Lists
Everyman Skills
Deadlands Conversion
A proposed Deadlands conversion for space is located here: Deadspace
Peter Clavius The Ship's engineer.
Alison McGee Special Operations (PDF) deep insertion, dangerous drop, battlefield surgeon.
Aloysius Cibiades The cap'n of this bucket o' bolts.
Ontiveros Dispossessed bounty hunter.
Atat V'ndat Navigator and Galactic traveler.
NPC Crew Members
Stan Benson Engineer.
The Ship
This game begins November 1 with the first installment in: The 300.
Serenity Bebop-Interlude has concluded.
Wrong man, wrong time begins shortly.
A Flashback
The Future
This game may make a resurgence in a Deadlands version with the new group. I am currently working on conversions (yes, I know I am predictable).
Notes To Players
I would prefer if the players get the ship completely outfitted before Saturday. This means determining any disadvantages and limitations, and spending any credits for shipboard equipment. I would also like as much of each characters background as possible before then, preferably by Wednesday.