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The world is a strange place. Rumors and myths do not spring forth fully realized as Athena, they accrete around grains of truth lodged in humanity's tender consciousness. You know the world is not as simple as you once believed. You see some of the strange things that are happening. What can they mean? And to what lengths will you go in order to find out?

Ex0: Institution Hospital

#7's Take
#65's Take


Exposure uses the new World of Darkness system, which uses solely d10s. We will be using the World of Darkness core book with the Armory supplement, and perhaps with other books in the future.


Bradley "Brad" Carmichael: A Licensed Fraud Examiner, Brad is an independent contractor that companies and governments hire to audit and investigate where necessary. Brad (never Bradley), likes his job, because he likes proving himself smarter than other people. Quiet and careful to blend into the background as much as possible, Brad hates getting into confrontations or becoming the center of attention. He prefers to stand back and gloat at all the puppets dancing on their strings. Strings he can pluck and manipulate like an invisible god.

Daniel Armstrong Former Air Force pararescue jumper and technician at a nuclear launch facility, Dan is retired from the Air Force and searching for a post military career among all of his hobbies.


Character generation will take place as a group in the course gameplay. This is an experimental application of my Prelude system of character generation, so we'll see how it goes.

More details: Players will start as blanks: no character traits, no memories. During the one-night chargen session, the actions players choose to take will shape the abilities their character will possess. Players will also "recall" memories for their characters which will improve their chances of success in gameplay. Success on a memory-aided action means that memory is true; failure means it was a false recollection. In this way, players will create their character sheets, and histories for their characters.