Thomas Decker
Thomas Decker
Val | Char | Cost |
13 | STR | 3 |
13 | DEX | 6 |
13 | CON | 3 |
13 | BODY | 3 |
13 | INT | 3 |
10 | EGO | 0 |
13 | PRE | 3 |
5 | PD | 3 |
6 | ED | 4 |
3 | SPD | 10 |
4 | REC | 0 |
20 | END | 0 |
30 | STUN | 5 |
12m | RUN | 0 |
4m | SWIM | 0 |
4m | LEAP | 0 |
Characteristics Cost: 63
Cost | Power | END |
7 | Efficient Damage Control: Damage Negation (-3 DCs Energy) (15 Active Points); Requires A Systems Ops Tactical Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), OIF (Focus: NX Class Ship; -1/2) | 0 |
12 | Overcharge Phase Cannons: Aid 4d6 (24 Active Points); Requires A System Ops Tactical Roll (Skill roll; Burnout; -1/2), OIF (Focus: NX Class Starship; -1/2) | 2 |
Powers Cost: 19
Cost | Skill |
3 | Acrobatics 12- |
3 | Climbing 12- |
3 | Concealment 12- |
3 | Demolitions 12- |
3 | Disguise 12- |
3 | Fast Draw 12- |
4 | Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 12- |
3 | Interrogation 12- |
3 | KS: Starships 12- |
2 | Language: Klingonaase (basic conversation; literate) |
3 | Lockpicking 12- |
3 | Mechanics 12- |
3 | Navigation (Land, Space) 12- |
3 | Paramedics 12- |
3 | PS: Tactical Officer 12- |
3 | Security Systems 12- |
3 | Stealth 12- |
3 | Streetwise 12- |
4 | Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 12- |
3 | Systems Operation: Tactical 12- |
3 | Tracking 12- |
4 | TF: Riding Animals, Shuttlecraft |
10 | WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Lasers, Phasers |
6 | Weaponsmith (Energy Weapons, Firearms, Muscle-Powered HTH, Phasers, Photon Torpedos) 12- |
Skills Cost: 84
Cost | Perk |
3 | Fringe Benefit: Lieutenant |
Perks Cost: 3
Cost | Talent |
6 | Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) |
Talents Cost: 6
Total Character Cost: 175
Val | Disadvantages |
10 | Social Complication: Heavy Drinker: Infrequently, Major |
10 | Rivalry: Lissan: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) |
5 | Distinctive Features: Tattoos: (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) |
5 | Physical Complication: Colorblind: (Infrequently; Barely Impairing) |
10 | Psychological Complication: Dislikes admitting weaknesses: (Common; Moderate) |
5 | Psychological Complication: Protective of the ship: (Uncommon; Moderate) |
Disadvantage Points: 45
Base Points: 175
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0