BOOM-One shots
Here are the possible one shot ideas we can have ready at a moments notice.
Space Opera Against the Kyr flavor
Cyberpunk-Hero I have an idea for a cyberpunk game using the hero system. The characters are pregen, but a little customization would be fine.
MoC System Tests We could try the system out, though it hasnt really been updated since we played before.
Exemplars We could try out some supers ideas, these may or may not end up in the world continuum.
The Jin Dynasty Prleude to Ed's concept game - single mission based
To vote for an idea, create the page or modify here.
-- 15:17, 1 December 2006 (MST)Ben votes for either MoC test (it was a fun system, but I do think playtesting it some more would be good) or Exemplars because he just saw X-men: last stand again (don't say it was a bad movie, or some permutation/superlative of bad, cause I don't want to hear your filthy lies)
-- 15:21, 1 December 2006 (MST)X3 certainly was not a bad movie, I loved it. One of my top 5 supers flicks.