World Freedom Alliance

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In July of 1990, just days before the Coalition forces assembled to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi forces were set to commence their attack, all forces occupying Kuwait committed to withdraw to Baghdad. This withdrawal was accompanied by an explaination by a group calling itself the World Freedom Alliance.

The Message

The message was broadcast on televisions the world over. It claimed that the Saddam Hussein government of Iraq had been toppled in a bloodless coup and imprisoned, and also that it had been replaced with a republican, merit based government. People were allowed full freedoms and from this day forth there would be no more state of Iraq.

The WFA agreed to compensate the people of Kuwait as well as fully withdraw their forces in exchange for admittance to the UN under the new name. This resolution passed easily, though it was cautioned against by the United States.

Resulting Nation

In the years since the liberation of the formerly Iraqi people the nation of WFA has become a bastion of human rights and a champion of freedom. They have consistently aided in relief efforts around the world and have given generously to fund improvements in developing nations.


The harshest critic of the WFA has been the prominent Prime, Crossbow. He has never elucidated his reasons.

Intellectuals have also noted that the WFA seems to be able to respond to disasters much too quickly than should be expected, almost as if they knew of them ahead of time. Of course, given the nature of the world, they may have that capacity. These critics would of course point to the fact that if they did, they have never given any advance warning.