Forged in Steel
Probably the longest campaign I ever played, though the Champions game Ben did is close. Temporally, we did this for a little over 3 years, but we often took breaks to play other games for a while. We also did short revivals of this chronicle, and currently I have been talking to Matt#2 to get this game going again, hopefully when he moves to Seattle early next year. Because of our current schedule it may or may not be with this group. As usual, we will decide when the time is right.
[hide]The Background
This game is in the original WoD universe set in Chicago about 1990. A few months earlier the prince of the city, Lodin, was killed. Since then Chicago as well as the neighboring city of Gary have been plunged into near anarchy. Power plays for the princeship of Chicago have gotten out of hand, and a group of Archons was sent to quell the breaches of the masquerade. This was only exacerbated when Modius was ousted from Gary as well.
Sounds simple right?
It got even worse when someone hired an Assamite to begin decimating the city's Ventrue. Lodins brood is now a shambles, leaving the primogen a wreck and rumors of Maxwell's return on everyones mind.
Chicago Politics
There are at least 3 contenders for the Princeship of Chicago: Capone, Dusable and Maxwell. The resolution of this immediate issue will be the subject of at least the first arc, or as long as it takes.
There are a few Kindred in Chicago who are candidates for childer in this campaign, at least in the beginning. Once the Chicago prince situation has been handled, players will be allowed to switch to a new character if they wish. The characters may come from the following clans: Ventrue, Brujah, Caitiff, Toreador, Nosferatu or Gangrel. The GM will offer premade characters with bits of background and personalized plotlines, but players are encouraged to offer much input into actual character mechanics and details. Each character will have a solid reason to be allied with Klaus and his brood (the campaign hook).