What follows is a list of runes for use in The Tiger Eye Cameo of Ibn-al Azrad.
[hide]Master Runes
Master Rune of Adamant
Master Rune of Alaric the Mad
Master Rune of Balance
Master Rune of Breaking
Master Rune of Dismay
Master Rune of Flight
Master Rune of Gromril
Master Rune of Kingship
Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer
Master Rune of Snorri Spangelhelm
Master Rune of Spellbinding
Master Rune of Spite
Master Rune of Steel
Master Rune of Swiftness
Other Runes
The following runes are available to Runesmiths beginning at apprentice. They cost 2 XP each. The numbers following the rune name are difficulty/time
Armor Runes
Rune of Fortitude 9/6 A character wearing armor inscribed with this rune ignores the first wound in each location.
Rune of Iron 7/6 Attacks made against characters wearing armor inscribed with this rune reduce the Strength dice of the attacker by half.
Rune of Resistance 9/7 A character wearing armor inscribed with this rune and who is dealt damage by an attack which ignores armor may attempt a Vigor test at 1 level higher than normal to ignore the wound entirely.
Rune of Shielding 7/5 A character wearing this armor who is hit by a missile weapon in combat reduces the Strength dice to 0.
Rune of Stone 5/3 Armor inscribed by this rune is +1 armor level (hard armors only).
Talismanic Runes
Rune of Fate 7/4 May only be created as a temporary rune. The first attack that would deal the third wound to any location is ignored.
Rune of the Furnace 7/8 Bearer of rune is completely immune to fire.
Rune of Luck 9/7 Bearer gets an extra white chip each day. May not be saved or used for bounty.
Rune of Spellbreaking 5/3 May only be a temporary rune and may only be used by a runesmith. Dispel target spell.
Rune of Spelleating 9/5 As above, except not only is spell dispelled, but it may not be cast again by same caster for 24 hours.
Rune of Warding 5/3 Bearer gains 1 extra die to their Spirit characteristic for the purposes of resisting magic only.
Weapon Runes
Rune of Cleaving 5/4 Weapon is +1 damage.
Rune of Fire 7/5 Weapon may be commanded to burst into flame (+1 damage, illumination) by bearer.
Rune of Fury 9/6 Bearer of this weapon may attack twice in melee once per round.
Rune of Grudges 5/4 At the beginning of any combat bearer may nominate one enemy as the source of the grudge, the bearer may reroll one die each time they attack them.
Rune of Might 7/5 Bearer may roll double their Strength dice and keep highest two against any foe with d12 or greater Vigor.
Rune of Speed 3/3 If the bearer is prepared for combat on the first round they get +2 to their Quickness rolls for its duration.
Rune of Striking 5/3 Attacks with this weapon are +1 to hit (melee only).
Creating runes is a deeply arduous and traditional process. Inscribing and empowering runes are separate processes, and require differing lengths of time for permanent and temporary, as well as standard versus master runes. Please consult the Realms of Sorcery for more information on exact time expenditures.