The Tiger Eye Cameo of Ibn-al Azrad
I wont write much about this, because its the campaign Id run again if we ever want to do a fantasy game. user:maiasdaddy played in the preliminary portions of this, and user:BenofZongo was in one session. Its a great campaign.
Its a warm spring day in the town of Nuln. It is finally time for Heinrich Klemperbad to train his apprentice in the art of wizardry. There is just one catch: to learn these spells Zacharie needs to return with the physical components necessary for casting them. An old friend of Heinrich's family, Janna, is willing to help, and a few gold crowns can probably scrape up another willing companion or two.
What are the physical components? Why the head and upper torso of a giant, humanoid creature of course; no less than 10 feet tall.
The southern Empire city of Nuln is a center for Reikland industry, especially artillery, given the presence of the Imperial War College. The Villages that surround it are fine wine country, mining colonies and farming hamlets. By the grace of Sigmar and the emperor himself the forests are relatively safe, with little sign of the incursions of chaos rumored to ravage Kislev and Norsca.
Idle Chatter
Given the uneducated and superstitious nature of common folk combined with the abundance of drink and foreign travelers, stories abound of strange, mythical and heroic deeds of yore. Players are encouraged to check the Rumors and Legends-Tiger Eye page often for inklings they may hear from passing folk, or mercenaries in a bar. I will update this page as necessary, and will not warn players to check it. If you miss them, well, you may have had one too many ales, havent you?
Ideas and Themes
This campaign is conceived with a literary bent. There will be flashbacks, moral dilemmas, tragedy, difficult choices and the opportunity to right age old wrongs. Players will need to be flexible with what their characters do and want. Hopefully everyone will have a chance to grow.
Even though this game was played 1.5 times before, both versions were very different and it is not required that the new iteration match up with either. In fact, the players may throw out the quest opportunity when it presents itself and do something else.
To continue the current trend, we can use the same system as we currently do, with a few minor alterations. Since this game will be taking place in The Warhammer World, I have made a bunch of new skills. There will probably be a few actual mechanical changes as well, and those will be noted here.
Here are the new skills, and their appropriate characteristic.
Brewing: Potions (Knowledge)
Casting: Spells (Spirit)
Charm (Mien)
Evaluate (Knowledge)
Conversation (Mien)
Haggle (Mien)
Row (Strength)
Hypnotism (Mien)
Lip Reading (Cognition)
Navigation (Cognition)
Prepare Poison (Knowledge)
Sailing (Deftness)
Secret Language (Smarts)
Secret Signs (Smarts)
Shadowing (Nimbleness)
Ventriloquism (Mien)
Academic Knowledges
Arts, Astronomy, Chaos, Daemonology, Dark Lore, Engineering, Genealogy/Heraldry, History, Law, Magic,
Necromancy, Philosophy, Runes, Science, Strategy/Tactics, Theology
Trade Skills
Apothecary, Armorer, Artist, Bowyer, Brewer, Calligrapher, Candlemaker, Carpenter,
Cartographer, Cook, Cooper, Embalmer, Farmer, Gem Cutter, Goldsmith, Gunsmith,
Herbalist, Merchant, Miller, Miner, Prospector, Shipwright, Shoemaker, Smith,
Stoneworker, Tailor, Tanner, Weaponsmith
Edges and Hindrances
What follows are some new edges and hindrances, the effects and costs will be listed eventually.
Consume Alcohol 1
Dwarf-Race 3
Elf 3
Readin'/Writin' 2
Off Hand 1
Magic Resistance 1
Chaos Resistance 1
Magical Attunement 3
Channeling 5
Magical Sense 3
Halfling 2
Taint of Chaos 1-5
Magical Ineptitude 2
Some system changes will be notated here. Larger, more sweeping changes, will get their own pages.
Equipment-Tiger Eye
Magic-Tiger Eye
Smaller weapons are less deadly than larger ones. To represent this, weapons deemed small (daggers, sling stones etc) will have their strength damage add limited to no greater than the damage the weapon itself does. Damage adds due to hit location go directly to the weapon damage.
Example: A rogue with Strength 3d6 attacks a foe with a dagger (damage 1d6). First he rolls the weapon damage and gets a 5. He rolls his strength and gets 6, 3 and 1. There is no need for the 6 to explode, for it cannot account for more than 5 damage.
Weapon speed factors are the number of actions it takes to attack with a weapon. During a round when a weapon is not attacking the player may move but not attack with another weapon.
Defensive bonus is the number added to the target number to hit a character. A player may declare a dodge and forfeit an action to roll his dodge level. Doing so adds an additional one to his target number for each success and raise. If a character is being attacked by multiple attackers he must split his defensive bonus evenly among them, truncating any fractions.
Janna A dwarven Runesmiths Apprentice with a tragic past.
Otell Loud-mouthed berserker from Norsca.
Zacharie Noble born wizards apprentice.
Caelyn Elven outrider and bow expert.
Karl Gustav Human Priest.
Character Generation
Each character shall draw 14 cards. All 2's and Jokers must be used. The cards should be separated into three stacks. One containing 10 cards, and 2 containing 2 each. The 10 cards are arranged how the player likes among their characteristics. Each one will generate a score for that characteristic. Of the two remaining stacks, one is discarded while the final one is for skills on table 1. Use table one to generate the die types and add those numbers, this will be starting skill points. Starting skills will be limited to 3 in each.
Human (0) | Dwarf (3) | Elf (3) | Halfling (-2) | |
Cog | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
Kno | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Mien | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
SMA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
SPI | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
DEF | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
NIM | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
STR | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
QUI | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
VIG | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Edges | Night Vision | Night Vision | ||
Magic Resistance | Longevity | |||
Longevity | ||||
Flaws | Lame | |||
Skills | Language | Language | Trade: Cook | |
Trade | Language | |||
Knowledge: Heraldry | ||||
Other | Extra Card | +1 Co Spirit | +1 Co Cognition | |
+2 Co Vigor | +1 Co Deftness |
Characteristic Tables
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
d4 | 2 | 2-3 | 2 | 2-4 |
d6 | 3-8 | 4-9 | 3-7 | 5-10 |
d8 | 9-J | 10-Q | 8-10 | J-A |
d10 | Q-K | K-A | J-Q | Jo |
d12 | A | Jo | K-A | X |
Coordination: Each characteristic has an associated coordination (Co) based on its suit: Clubs 1; Diamonds 2; Hearts 3; Spades 4
Original Characters
Glynt Scrufflebeard
Azarel, 'the fairy elf'
Jakk of Smyth
Aramil, 'puddles', or 'waterboy'